Flash Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples


Copyright © 2019 Dr. Herong Yang. All rights reserved.

Flash Tutorials This free book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Flash. Topics include: Introduction of Flash; Adobe Flash Player Plugin/ActiveX for Web Browsers; Using 'object' and 'embed' elements in HTML documents; Using 'mp3player' to play MP3 files; Using 'SWFObject' to embed SWF applications; Using SWF dumper - swfdump command; Converting PDF/JPEG to SWF files; Writing SWFC script files; Using ActionScript compiler; Using Flex SDK and compiler; Using Flash Player Projector; SWF file structure and tags; Flash Player action instructions; Flash Player timeline and frame rate; Using FFmpeg to manage stream audio/videos. Updated in 2019 (Version v3.03) with minor updates.

Table of Contents

About This Book

Introduction of Adobe Flash

What Is Flash?

Using Flash to Provide Interactivity

Using Flash to Provide Multimedia

Flash Player Security Issues

Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Firefox

Missing Adobe Flash Player Plugin on Firefox 51

Adobe Flash Player 25 Installation with Adobe Installer

Verifying Adobe Flash Player Installation for Firefox 51

Removing Adobe Flash Player from Firefox 51

Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Chrome

Missing Adobe Flash Player on Chrome 35

Enabling Pepper Flash in Chrome 35

Installing Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Chrome

Enabling Adobe Flash Player Plugin

Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Safari

Missing Adobe Flash Player on Safari 5

Installing Adobe Flash Player 13 for Safari 5

Verifying Adobe Flash Player Installation for Safari 5

Adobe Flash Player ActiveX for IE

Missing Adobe Flash Player ActiveX on IE 10

Installing Adobe Flash Player 13 for IE 10

Verifying Adobe Flash Player Installation for IE 10

Removing Adobe Flash Player from IE 10

Using "object" Elements for Flash Files

What Is "object" Element?

Displaying Images as "object" Elements - Example

Displaying Images as "object" Elements on Firefox 26

Displaying Images as "object" Elements on IE 10

Playing Flash as "object[@data]" - Example

Playing Flash as "object[@data]" on Firefox 26

Playing Flash as "object[@data]" on IE 10

Playing Flash as "object[@classid]"

Playing Flash as "object[@classid]" - Example

Playing Flash as "object[@classid]" on Firefox 26

Playing Flash as "object[@classid]" on IE 10

Playing Flash with Nested "object" Elements

Playing Flash with a Single "object" Element

Using "embed" Elements for Flash Files

What Is "embed" Element?

Displaying Images as "embed" Elements - Example

Displaying Images as "embed" Elements on Firefox 26

Displaying Images as "embed" Elements on IE 10

Playing Flash as "embed" Elements - Example

Playing Flash as "embed" elements on Firefox 26

Playing Flash as "embed" Elements on IE 10

Playing Flash with Nested "object.embed" Elements

"mp3player" - MP3 Music Player

Downloading and Testing "mp3player"

Integrating "mp3player" in Web Pages

"mp3player" Configuration Parameters

"mp3player" Controlled by JavaScript Code

"object" Element with Flash Parameters

"object" Element with Flash Parameters - Firefox 3

"object" Element with Flash Parameters - IE 8

"embed" Element with Flash Parameters

SWFObject - Hidding "object" behind JavaScript

What Is SWFObject?

Calling swfobject.embedSWF() Function

embedSWF() Function and Arguments

Calling embedSWF() with "flashvars"

What is SWFObject HTML Code Generator?

Generating SWFObject HTML Code

Flash Player Projector

Downloading and Running Flash Player Projector

Converting SWF Files to Executable Files

SWFTools - SWF File Manipulation Tools

What Is SWFTools?

Downloading and installing SWFTools

SWFDump - SWF File Dump Tool

"swfdump" - Dump SWF File Header

"swfdump -E" - Generate HTML Code

JPEG2SWF - JPEG to SWF File Conversion Tool

"jpeg2swf *.jpg" - Create a Slide Show

PDF2SWF - PDF to SWF File Conversion Tool

"pdf2swf" - Convert PDF to SWF

"master and slave" - Viewer and Page Frames

SWFCombine - SWF File Merging Tool

"swfcombine masterfile viewpoint=slavefile"

"swfcombine -a" - Concatenate SWF Files

"swfcombine -d" - Change Frame Rate and Size

SWFC Script to Generate Flash SWF Files

What Is SWFC Script?

circle.sc - First SWFC Script Example

Frame.sc - Managing Animation Frames

Sound.sc - Adding Sound to Animation

Text.sc - Add Text to Animation

ActionScript Embedded in SWFC Script

Using ActionScript in SWFC Scripts

Space Explorer v.1 - Space Car Running

Space Explorer v.2 - Space Car Wondering

Space Explorer v.3 - Space Car Bouncing

Space Explorer v.4 - Space Car Stabilized

AS3Compile - ActionScript 3 Compiler

What Is AS3Compile?

smiley.as - First ActionScript 3 Example

MyMovieClip.as - Adding Graphics and Text

ShowSystem.as - Showing System Properties

Adobe Flex SDK 4

Downloading and Installing Flex SDK 4.1

"mxmlc" - Adobe Flex Compiler

Spark Component Architecture

MXML Example Using Spark Components

Compiling ActionScript 3 Scripts with 'mxmlc'

SWF Disassembler in Flex SDK

Dumping Simple SWF Files

Dumping SWF Files Containing ActionScript 3 Statements

Dumping SWF Files Generated from ActionScript 3 Classes

Dumping SWF Files Generated from MXML Applications

SWF File Structure and Tags

What Is SWF?

SWF File Structure

SWF File Example - rectangle.swf

SWF File Example - Dump Output

SWF File Definition and Control Tags

SWF File Processing Rules

Flash Player Lifecycle - Timeline and Frame Rate

SWF Tag Process Flow - SHOWFRAME Synchronization

SWF Player Lifecycle Example

Showing SWF Tag Details - "swfdump --full"

Flash Player Supports Dynamic Actions

Action Instruction Example - "GotoFrame"

Creating Display Objects with Action Instructions

More Action Instructions and Less SWF Tags

SWF Files for Video and Audio Streams

Video and Audio Stream SWF File Structure

Installing FFmpeg to Manipulate Video SWF Files

Playing Movie with FFmpeg "ffplay" Command

See File Properties with FFmpeg "ffprobe" Command

Convert File Format with "ffmpeg" Command

Issue with "ffplay" on SWF Output File

"ffplay" Interactive Commands

Break Long Video into Parts with "ffmpeg"

Concatenate Video Files with "ffmpeg"

Video/Audio Stream Concatenation Order

Split Audio Stream Out of SWF File

Split Video Stream Out of SWF File

Merge Video and Audio Streams to SWF File

Reduce Video Stream Resolution

Reduce Video Frame Rate

Outdated Tutorials

Outdated: Missing Adobe Flash Player Plugin on Firefox 26

Outdated: Installing Adobe Flash Player 13 for Firefox 26

Outdated: Adobe Flash Player 13 Installation with Adobe DLM

Outdated: Verifying Adobe Flash Player 10 Installation for Firefox 3

Outdated: Adobe Flash Player 10 Installation with Adobe DLM

Outdated: Missing Adobe Flash Player ActiveX on IE 8

Outdated: Verifying Adobe Flash Player Installation for IE 8

Outdated: Displaying Images as "object" Elements on Firefox 3

Outdated: Displaying Images as "object" Elements on IE 8

Outdated: Playing Flash as "object[@data]" on IE 8

Outdated: Displaying Images as "embed" Elements on Firefox 3

Outdated: Displaying Images as "embed" Elements on IE 8

Outdated: Playing Flash as "embed" Elements on IE 8

Outdated: Downloading and Running Flash Player Projector 10


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Keywords: Flash, Player, SWF, Web, Adobe