Flash Player Supports Dynamic Actions

This section describes dynamic actions associated Flash Player frames that are used to modify the frame display and/or change the show frame timeline.

Flash Player can also allow you to dynamic actions inside DOACTION tags in SWF files. Actions are executed by Flash Player using a concept called Action List.

Action List - A set of predefined actions associated with each Show Frame event. When a Show Frame event is trigger, all actions in its associated action list will be executed after the display list is rendered.

There are two main types of actions supported by the Flash Player:

If actions are used, the Flash Player's processing lifecycle become not so simple:

1. Set up the frame rate given in the SWF file. For example, frame rate = 24 fps.

2. Prepare a display list with items to be rendered.

3. Show the initial frame by rendering all items in the display list, including showing graphics and/or playing sounds. Then execute all actions in the action list of the current frame. This could leads to abandon the current frame and jump forward or backward to a different frame in the timeline.

4. Wait for the next show-frame time, which the previous Show Frame time plus the frame rate interval time. For example, if frame rate is 24 fps, the wait time is about 1/24 seconds (about 0.04 seconds).

5. While waiting, update the display list by removing existing items and adding new items

6. At next Show Frame time, render all items in the display list. Then execute all actions in the action list of the current frame. This could leads to abandon the current frame and jump forward or backward to a different frame in the timeline.

7. Continue with step 4.

The picture below illustrates the Flash Player's processing timeline that could be altered by a GotoFrame action:

Flash Player Process TimeLine Altered
Flash Player Process TimeLine Altered

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of Adobe Flash

 Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Firefox

 Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Chrome

 Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Safari

 Adobe Flash Player ActiveX for IE

 Using "object" Elements for Flash Files

 Using "embed" Elements for Flash Files

 "mp3player" - MP3 Music Player

 SWFObject - Hidding "object" behind JavaScript

 Flash Player Projector

 SWFTools - SWF File Manipulation Tools

 SWFC Script to Generate Flash SWF Files

 ActionScript Embedded in SWFC Script

 AS3Compile - ActionScript 3 Compiler

 Adobe Flex SDK 4

 SWF File Structure and Tags

SWF File Processing Rules

 Flash Player Lifecycle - Timeline and Frame Rate

 SWF Tag Process Flow - SHOWFRAME Synchronization

 SWF Player Lifecycle Example

 Showing SWF Tag Details - "swfdump --full"

Flash Player Supports Dynamic Actions

 Action Instruction Example - "GotoFrame"

 Creating Display Objects with Action Instructions

 More Action Instructions and Less SWF Tags

 SWF Files for Video and Audio Streams

 Outdated Tutorials


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB