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Component Diagram and Notations in Visio
This section lists UML Component Diagram notations supported in MS Visio 2010.
2022-10-06, 151🔥, 0💬

Archived: JDK 1.6 Documentation Installation
This section describes how to install JDK Documentation on your own machine.
2022-10-06, 144🔥, 0💬

SOAP::Transport::HTTP - SOAP Server with HTTP Protocol
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the SOAP::Transport::HTTP module to create a SOAP server with the HTTP protocol.
2022-10-06, 161🔥, 0💬

LWP-UserAgent-POST-Redirect.pl - Posting with Redirects
This section provides a tutorial example on how to send a POST request to a Web server with form input data, follow HTTP redirects, and dump all request and response messages .
2022-10-06, 103🔥, 0💬

"keytool" - Command Line Tool
This section describes the 'keytool' command tool provided in JDK. 'keytool' can be used to generate and manage private keys and certificates stored in 'keystore' files.
2022-10-06, 146🔥, 0💬

About This UML Tutorial Book
This section provides some detailed information about this book - UML Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples.
2022-10-06, 127🔥, 0💬

UML Class Diagram and Notations
This chapter provides tutorial examples on UML class diagram and notations. Topics include introduction to UML class diagram; graphical notations to describe class, association, association end, association navigability, aggregation, composition, generalization, realization, dependency, etc.
2022-10-06, 134🔥, 0💬

This section provides a tutorial example on how to override the constant DEFAULT_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE in the SOAP::Lite module to use 'application/soap+xml' for SOAP 1.2.
2022-10-06, 126🔥, 0💬

BOM olmadan UTF-8 ve UTF-8 arasındaki fark nedir?
'SslContextTest.java - javax.net.ssl.SSLContext Class Test' tutorial was cited in a helplib.com forum post in 2017.
2022-10-06, 158🔥, 0💬

DirTree.pl - Displaying the Directory Tree
This section provides a tutorial example, DirTree.pl, using a recursive method to read directories to print out a directory tree.
2022-10-06, 109🔥, 0💬

Converting GB2312 to UTF-8
'Herong's Tutorial Notes on GB2312 Character Set' tutorial book was cited in a Sun Java forum article in 2005.
2022-10-06, 106🔥, 0💬

Reference Citations in 2004
This is a collection of reference citations to Herong's tutorials on the Internet in 2004.
2022-10-06, 108🔥, 0💬

Using HttpURLConnection to Call SOAP 1.2
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the java.net.HttpURLConnection class to call SOAP 1.2 Web services.
2022-10-06, 180🔥, 0💬

Calling NumberToWords SOAP 1.1 Web Service
This section provides a tutorial example on how to run HttpURLConnection11.java to call the NumberToWords SOAP 1.1 Web service provided by dataaccess.com.
2022-10-06, 121🔥, 0💬

Visiting an "https" Web Site with Firefox
This section describes how Firefox shows a lock icon when you visit an 'https' Web site to provide you more security related information.
2022-10-06, 143🔥, 0💬

Message Styles Supported in SOAP::Lite
This section describes message types supported in SOAP::Lite: rpc/encoded, rpc/literal, document/encoded, and document/literal.
2022-10-06, 120🔥, 0💬

Efficient RSA Encryption and Decryption Operations
This section describes an efficient way of carrying out RSA encryption and decryption operations provided by authors of RSA algorithm.
2022-10-06, 144🔥, 0💬

Generating HTML Document with CGI.pm
This section provides a tutorial example on how to generate a HTML document with methods provided in CGI.pm module.
2022-10-06, 101🔥, 0💬

javax.crypto.SecretKey - The Secret Key Interface
This section provides a quick introduction of secret key and symmetric encryption algorithm. The secret key interface, javax.crypto.SecretKey, is also described.
2022-10-06, 129🔥, 0💬

Request-Response Message Exchange Pattern
This section describes the SOAP Request-Response Message Exchange Pattern, its properties and processing rules.
2022-10-06, 123🔥, 0💬

What Is a Certificate?
This section describes what is a certificate - A digitally signed statement from the issuer saying that the public key of the subject has some specific values.
2022-10-06, 120🔥, 0💬

Using SOAP Encoding in SOAP Messages
This section describes an example on how SOAP Encoding can be used in SOAP messages.
2022-10-06, 129🔥, 0💬

""keytool" Importing Maria's Certificate Signed by CA
This section provides a tutorial example on how to import a certificate signed by a CA using 'OpenSSL' into a 'keystore' file using 'keytool'
2022-10-06, 127🔥, 0💬

Example of DSA Key Parameters and Properties
This section provides 2 DsaKeyChecker.java output examples to show DSA key parameters and properties.
2022-10-06, 178🔥, 0💬

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