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💬 2021-12-22 李潘乔: 《牡丹之歌》可以加吗?我觉得是经典歌曲的,因为在1980年的电影《红牡丹 》是这首歌的插曲。
💬 2021-11-12 Herong: 《回娘家》可以考虑收入。《新货郎》不错,但不够经典。《北国之春》有着优美 的旋律、动人的意境。但这是一首日本歌曲,应该收入世界经典之...
💬 2021-11-03 李旁交: 加这歌曲:《新货郎》《回娘家》《北国之春》谢谢!
💬 2020-01-21 Herong: Michio, we will try to find some Websites that can help you...
1955 - Rang Wo Men Dang Qi Shuang Jiang (让我们荡起双桨) - Let Us Sway Twin Oars
Rang Wo Men Dang Qi Shuang Jiang (让我们荡起双桨) - Let Us Sway Twin Oars, Lyrics by Qiao Yu (乔羽), Music by Liu Chi (刘炽), Produced in 1955. 2021-11-05, ∼1562🔥, 1💬
1953 - Mu Ge (??) - Pastoral Song
Mu Ge (??) - Pastoral Song, Music by Han Sha Kun (???), Produced in 1953. 2021-09-14, ∼1949🔥, 2💬
💬 2021-09-13 Rebekah: Is this violin music and piano accompaniment available for purchase?
💬 2020-11-09 Zander: Good day! Can I ask how do you put a PowerPoint link in a pdf form
💬 2020-11-09 Harry S: Can I ask if i can download 33 songs in this website
💬 2020-11-11 Herong: 可以试试这个方法: 百度视频如何下载
💬 2020-11-08 杨万强: 你好,我想问怎么样下载百度视频,因为是我朋友的生日。我想下载周华健的朋友 .我在哪里可以找到?
💬 2020-11-08 杨万强: 你好 Herong, 我想问你们怎么样下载百度的视频在我的会声会影相册,因为是我战友的生日。
1962 - Ma Er A Ni Man Xie Zou (é©¬å„¿å•Šï¼Œä½ æ…¢äº›èµ°) - Run Slower, My Pony
Ma Er A Ni Man Xie Zou (马儿啊,你慢些走) - Run Slower, My Pony, lyrics by Li Jianyao (李鉴尧), Music by Sheng Mao (生茂), in 1962. 2020-10-23, ∼865🔥, 2💬
💬 2020-10-23 Herong: long, you want to make a USB drive with this song recorded on it?
1980 - Wo Ai Ni Zhong Quo (æˆ‘çˆ±ä½ ä¸å›½) - I Love You, China
Wo Ai Ni Zhong Quo (我爱你中国) - I Love You, China, lyrics by Qu Zong (瞿宗), music by Zheng Qiu Feng (郑秋枫), produced in 1980. 2019-12-18, ∼1839🔥, 1💬
1979 - Gan Lan Shu (æ©„æ¦„æ ‘) - Olive Tree
Gan Lan Shu (橄榄树) - Olive Tree, Lyrics by San Mao (三毛), Music by Li Taixiang (李泰祥), Performed originally by Chyi Yu (齐豫) in 1979. 2019-07-28, ∼1534🔥, 2💬
💬 2019-07-28 Herong: Yucheng, try http://www.gepuwang.net/jianpu/68465 .html.
💬 2019-07-26 lu yucheng: where could i buy or find this music score ?Thanks
PDF打å°ç‰ˆ: ä¸å›½ç»å…¸éŸ³ä¹
Information on how to obtain the PDF version of this book for printing. 2019-01-21, ∼2027🔥, 2💬
💬 2019-01-12 Herong: Erik, I do not have sheet music in the book.
💬 2019-01-06 Erik: Is the sheet music in the book for piano? Thank you.
552 BC - Yang Chun Bai Xue (阳春白雪) - White Snow in Early Spring
Yang Chun Bai Xue (阳春白雪) - White Snow in Early Spring, lute music (琵琶曲), was composed by Shi Kuang (师旷), 572 BC - 532 BC. 2017-03-14, ∼2734🔥, 1💬
💬 2017-03-14 Gilberto Loia: Músicas Belas. Sou Fascinado e Adoro Ouvi-las.
1994 - Qing Zang Gao Yuan (é’è—高原) - Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Qing Zang Gao Yuan (青藏高原) - Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, lyrics by Zhang Qian Yi (张千一), music by Zhang Qian Yi (张千一), produced in 1994. 2016-03-05, ∼2376🔥, 1💬
💬 2016-03-02 Leo King: Such a beautiful voice and a touching song!
1935 - Yu Zhou Chang Wan (渔舟唱晚) -- Fishman Sung in Evening
Yu Zhou Chang Wan (渔舟唱晚) - Fishman Sung in Evening, Guzheng (古筝) Solo, Composed by Lou Shu-hua (娄树华) in mid 1930s. 2016-02-25, ∼2571🔥, 1💬
∑:18 Sort:Rank
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