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💬 2024-04-23 ☺: meaningful comments. Thanks! ☺
💬 2022-12-02 Victor: meaningful comments.
Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format. 2024-03-13, ∼9145🔥, 37💬
💬 2018-10-20 Herong: bachi, thanks for sharing your comment.
💬 2018-10-13 bachi: I like how you composed your content. I like how you explain the DES algorithm
What Is PKCS5Padding?
This section describes what is PKCS5Padding - a schema to pad cleartext to be multiples of 8-byte blocks. 2024-01-31, ≈50🔥, 38💬
💬 2023-04-12 {"partnerReferenceNo": "APP12345: ok
💬 2023-01-18 Servant of Elon Musk's Regent: You are the chosen one!
💬 2022-11-17 Elon Musk's Regent: mommy
💬 2022-11-14 Elon Musk: Giving away twitter to the first person to reply and call me mommy
What is ECB (Electronic CodeBook) Operation Mode?
This section describes what is ECB (Electronic CodeBook) Operation Mode - each plaintext block is encrypted independently without any input from other blocks. 2024-01-29, ∼5786🔥, 5💬
💬 2020-10-18 Herong: donjo, there is no real applications that use the ECB mode.
💬 2020-10-16 donjo dumdum: What is application of ECB mode operation
Viewing Components of Certificate Signing Request
This section provides a tutorial example on how to view different components of a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) for your public key with OpenSSL. 2023-12-17, ∼862🔥, 5💬
Encrypting RSA Keys
This section provides a tutorial example on how to store RSA keys encrypted with password protection. 2023-12-12, ∼475🔥, 1💬
Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format. 2023-12-06, ∼569🔥, 2💬
Illustration of DSA Algorithm: p,q=23,11
This section provides a tutorial example to illustrate how DSA digital signature algorithm works with small prime modulus p=23 and prime divisor q=11. 2023-11-19, ∼6281🔥, 10💬
What Is ECDH Key Exchange
This section introduces what is ECDH Key Exchange - a protocol that uses the Elliptic Curve group property to establish a shared secret key without sending it directly to each other. 2023-11-09, ∼3240🔥, 3💬
"secp256r1" - For 256-Bit ECC Keys
This section describes 'secp256r1' elliptic curve domain parameters for generating 256-Bit ECC Keys as specified by secg.org. 2023-10-20, ∼4389🔥, 1💬
RSA Public Key Encryption Algorithm
This section describes the RSA public key encryption algorithm. Generating public and private keys used in RSA encryption requires two large prime numbers. 2023-10-16, ∼332🔥, 2💬
💬 2023-10-16 subbarao: thanks for giving wonderful knowledge
EC Key in PEM File Format
This section provides a tutorial example on the EC key PEM file format. EC domain parameters are stored together with the private key. 2023-09-17, ∼4048🔥, 1💬
Generate secp256k1 Keys with OpenSSL
This section provides a tutorial example on how to generate EC (Elliptic Curve) private and public key pairs using secp256k1 domain parameters. 2023-08-10, ∼3811🔥, 3💬
💬 2023-06-23 rafa: Hello my love
💬 2018-12-13 syed zia ur rehman: i realy like your link
💬 2017-10-09 aa: thanks, but where i can find DES decryption
💬 2021-12-24 Muhammad Ghulam Ghouse: Appreciated
💬 2021-11-15 123: AD E0 B8 1E BF B4 41 27 5D 52 11 98 30 AE F1 E5
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