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'DOM (Document Object Model) - API for XML Files' tutorial was used the SOAPUtil.java code at University of Illinois in 2008.
2022-10-07, 105🔥, 0💬

Using SHA1 Message Digest in PHP
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use SHA1 message digest algorithm in PHP. The PHP engine has a built-in function sha1().
2022-10-07, 128🔥, 0💬

PHP SOAP Extension Client Programs
This chapter provides notes and tutorials on PHP SOAP Extension client functions and client testing programs.
2022-10-07, 135🔥, 0💬

JSTL break ? possible
'Tags Working Together' tutorial was cited in an Experts Exchange forum article in 2005.
2022-10-07, 118🔥, 0💬

SOAP::Lite - SOAP Server-Client Communication Module
This chapter provides tutorial examples and notes on the SOAP::Lite module. Topics include SOAP introduction; features of SOAP::Lite module; SOAP server example with SOAP::Transport::TCP; SOAP client example; SOAP::Lite tracing functions.
2022-10-07, 100🔥, 0💬

DsaSignatureVerifier.java - Verifying DSA Digital Signature
This section provides tutorial example on how to verifying a digital signature for a message file with the DSA public key using the SHA1withDSA algorithm.
2022-10-07, 139🔥, 0💬

DiffieHellman Private Key and Public Key Pair Sample
This section provides a tutorial example on how to run JcaKeyPair.java to generate a DiffieHellman private key and public key pair sample. Keys are stored PKCS#8 and X.509 encoding formats.
2022-10-07, 139🔥, 0💬

How can I use a pfx keystore with stoneware?
'Migrating Keys from keystore to OpenSSL Key Files' tutorial was cited in a Stoneware Knowledge Base article published in 2010.
2022-10-07, 113🔥, 0💬

post() Method not Following Redirect Location
This section provides a tutorial example showing that the LWP::UserAgent post() method does not follow the redirect 'Location:' header line in the HTTP response header.
2022-10-07, 100🔥, 0💬

Full Version in PDF/EPUB
This section provides information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, ePUB, or other formats.
2022-10-07, 341🔥, 2💬

[Tutorial] - Play HD Videos with ffplay
'ffplay - Interactive Commands' tutorial was cited on the ubuntu-mate.community Website in 2016.
2022-10-07, 106🔥, 0💬

X.509 Certificate Standard
This section describes the X.509 certificate standard - An international standard that defines what should be included in a digital certificate.
2022-10-07, 140🔥, 0💬

Calling WSDL Operation Directly
This section provides a tutorial example on how to call an operation defined in a WSDL document as an object function on the SoapClient object created from the WSDL document.
2022-10-07, 129🔥, 0💬

Installing Perl Dev Kit (PDK)
This section provides a tutorial example of installing Perl Dev Kit from ActiveStat, which contains a tool, perlapp, to convert Perl program into a standalone application.
2022-10-07, 102🔥, 0💬

What Is HTTP::Cookies?
This section describes what is HTTP::Cookies - a Perl class that helps you to extra cookies from HTTP::Response objects, store them and attach them to HTTP::Request objects.
2022-10-07, 100🔥, 0💬

Sequence Diagram - Lifeline Notation
This section describes the Lifeline Notation used in a UML Sequence Diagram. A Lifeline Notation presents an object that participate message interchanges with other objects.
2022-10-07, 140🔥, 0💬

What Is "keystore"?
This section describes what is a 'keystore' file - A database file introduced in JDK (Java Development Kit) to store your own private keys and public key certificates you received from other people.
2022-10-07, 133🔥, 0💬

'PKI CA Administration - Issuing Certificates' tutorial was cited in a qastack.cn Java book in 2020.
2022-10-07, 117🔥, 0💬

Installing Certificate Permanently in IE
This section provides a tutorial example on how to install the certificate provided by an 'https' Web site in IE. The certificate can be installed into a certificate store automatically selected by IE.
2022-10-07, 122🔥, 0💬

SOAP Fault Message Structure
This section provides a description of the SOAP fault message structure and a sample message.
2022-10-07, 313🔥, 0💬

WS-Security X.509 Certificate Token
This chapter provides tutorial examples and notes on WS-Security X.509 Certificate Token. Topics include introduction of WS-Security X.509 Certificate Token specification; XML signature and encryption specifications; private-public key pair and self-signed certificates; Using X.509 certificate token...
2022-10-07, 174🔥, 0💬

Oracle BLOB (Binary Large Object) - BLOB
This chapter provides tutorial notes on BLOB (Binary Large Object) data types, BLOB, with Oracle JDBC Driver. Topics include creating tables to store BLOB values in Oracle server; inserting BLOB values with direct SQL INSERT statements, or PreparedStatement with setBytes(), setBinaryStream() or setB...
2022-10-07, 112🔥, 0💬

Downloading and Installing JDK on Linux
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install JDK on Linux systems. The best way to install JDK on CentOS system is to the 'yum' package management tool.
2022-10-07, 129🔥, 0💬

Viewing Certificate Details
This section provides a tutorial example on how to view certificate details when visiting an 'https' Web site in IE.
2022-10-07, 124🔥, 0💬

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