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Playing Movie with FFmpeg "ffplay" Command
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the FFmpeg 'ffplay' command to play movie file stored in MPEG4 (*.mp4) format. 2022-07-13, ≈14🔥, 2💬
Installing Adobe Flash Player 13 for IE 10
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install Adobe Flash Player 13 ActiveX for IE 10 on Windows XP. 2022-05-17, ∼1053🔥, 1💬
Downloading and Installing Flex SDK 4.1
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install Adobe Flex SDK 4.1 on Windows system. 2021-01-13, ∼3315🔥, 15💬
💬 2020-06-30 liuzongcai: m=t think you
💬 2020-03-30 tonyzhangshi: thank you!
embedSWF() Function and Arguments
This section describes the embedWF() function provided in SWFObject 2 and its 5 required arguments and 5 optional arguments. 2020-06-15, ∼459🔥, 1💬
SWF File Example - Dump Output
This section provides a tutorial example on how to dump the file structure and list of tags of SWF file using the 'swfdump' command from 'SWFTools'. 2018-09-12, ∼647🔥, 1💬
SWF File Example - rectangle.swf
This section provides a tutorial example of SWF files, rectangle.swf, showing a rectangle with 5 tags. 2018-08-21, ∼719🔥, 1💬
Installing FFmpeg to Manipulate Video SWF Files
This section introduces the FFmpeg package that can be used to manipulate video stream SWF files, and other multimedia data. 2017-04-01, ∼1619🔥, 3💬
💬 2017-03-29 lisenhuayys: why? swf: could not find codec parameters
Installing Adobe Flash Player 13 for Safari 5
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install Adobe Flash Player 13 Plugin for Safari 5 on Windows XP. 2016-09-27, ∼563🔥, 1💬
Installing Adobe Flash Player 13 for Firefox 26
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install Adobe Flash Player 13 Plugin for Firefox 26 on Windows XP. 2016-01-31, ∼735🔥, 0💬
Using Flash to Provide Interactivity
This section provides a flash game example called Flash Tetris Game. It shows how Flash can be used to provide interactivity to Web pages. 2015-11-24, ∼1815🔥, 1💬
💬 2015-10-09 Herong: Eduardo, what texts are you referring to?
💬 2015-10-08 Eduardo: when I convert a swf file does not show the texts
Video/Audio Stream Concatenation Order
This section provides a tutorial example of concatenation error message when using the 'concat' ffmpeg filter with incorrect video and audio stream order. 2015-08-23, ∼1487🔥, 2💬
∑:19 Sort:Rank
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This section describes a tutorial on how to play VCD with Windows Media Player.
This section describes a tutorial example on how to create an error handler to be used by the valida...
This section describes the built-in primitive datatype, 'boolean' that represents 2 Boolean values o...
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on the SHA1 message digest algorithm. Topics ...
This section provides a tutorial example on how to override the paint() method in the javax.swing.JF...