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java.security.KeyFactory - Reading Encoded Keys
This section describes the java.security.KeyFactory class, which allows you to convert key spec objects back to key objects. Full process of reading and converting encoded key files back to key objects are also provided.
2019-03-23, 857🔥, 2💬

XMLin() and XMLout() Methods
This section describes two key methods in the XML::Simple module, XMLin() and XMLout(), to convert XML text string into a hash structure representing the XML structure and to convert the hash back to a string.
2019-03-12, 1427🔥, 1💬

2600: Miscellaneous Symbols
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Miscellaneous Symbols', which contains 160 code points to represent more miscellaneous symbols.
2019-03-02, 100🔥, 2💬

Removing IE Addon "Groove GFS Browser Helper"
This section provides a tutorial example on how to disable and remove 'Groove GFS Browser Helper' addon from Internet Explorer.
2019-03-02, 4105🔥, 4💬

Example Vector of AES Encryption
An example vector of AES-128 encryption is presented. Round keys and state values of all 11 rounds are included to help users to verify their AES implementation.
2019-02-24, 1286🔥, 1💬

"keytool" Exporting Certificates in DER and PEM
This section provides a tutorial example on how to export certificates in DER and PEM format using the 'keytool -exportcert' command.
2019-02-20, 52745🔥, 5💬

Cryptography Terminology
This section provides descriptions on some commonly used cryptography terminologies
2019-02-18, 3326🔥, 2💬

AES Key Schedule Example
An example of the AES key schedule is provided to illustrate how 11 round keys get calculate from a given 128-bit cipher key.
2019-02-18, 5056🔥, 1💬

"adb install" and "adb uninstall" Commands
This section describes 'adb install' and 'adb uninstall' commands that allows you to install an application APK package and uninstall it on the connected emulator or device.
2019-02-12, 7498🔥, 4💬

c:out Action Tag
This section describes the c:out action tag in the JSTL Core library. c:out allows you to generate a dynamic data using an EL (Expression Language) expression in JSP pages.
2019-01-30, 201🔥, 1💬

Discontinued: GetGeoIP - Get Country by IP Address
This chapter provides a quick introduction of the free Web service, GetGeoIP, returning the country information with a given IP address. Topics include usage description of GetGeoIP; request message sample; response message sample.
2019-01-29, 577🔥, 1💬

1953 - Bai Niao Chao Feng (百鸟朝凤) - Hundreds Birds Worshipping The Phoenix
Bai Niao Chao Feng (百鸟朝凤) - Hundreds Birds Worshipping The Phoenix, Suona (唢呐) Solo, composed by Ren Tongxiang from folk tunes (任同祥). Originally performed by Ren Tongxiang (任同祥).
2019-01-28, 1525🔥, 2💬

Validating ds:Signature with X.509 Certificate
This section provides a tutorial example on how the SOAP message receiver should validate the digital signatures included in the ds:Signature elements. Digital signatures should be decrypted using public keys included in X.509 certificates passed in the wsse:BinarySecurityToken element.
2019-01-21, 2903🔥, 5💬

Viewing Data CD Track Layout
This section provides a tutorial on how to view the track and file system layout of a Data CD with IsoBuster.
2019-01-21, 591🔥, 2💬

Chinese Web Sites Using PHP
This PHP tutorial book is a collection of tutorial notes and sample codes on building Chinese Web sites with PHP scripts and MySQL Server. The concepts presented can also be applied to other server side scripting languages and database servers. Topics include installing PHP, Apache Web Server and My...
2019-01-21, 5144🔥, 6💬

PDF打印版: 中国经典音乐
Information on how to obtain the PDF version of this book for printing.
2019-01-21, 1956🔥, 2💬

Relativity of Simultaneity in Minkowski Diagram
This section provides a demonstration of the relativity of simultaneity phenomenon using a Minkowski diagram.
2019-01-17, 966🔥, 1💬

Creating Tables with AUTO_INCREMENT Columns
This section describes how to create a table with an AUTO_INCREMENT column.
2019-01-03, 100🔥, 4💬

Lock Types and Lock Levels
This section describes 2 types of locks: Read Lock (Shared Lock) and Write Lock (Exclusive Lock), and 3 levels of locks: Table Lock, Row Lock, and Column Lock.
2019-01-02, 6308🔥, 2💬

Java GC Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This book is a collection of tutorial notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning JVM GC (Garbage Collection) processes. Topics include Java Garbage Collectors, STW (Stop-The-World), Serial Collector, Parallel Collector, Concurrent Collector, G1 Collector, GC Algorithms, Gener...
2019-01-01, 5604🔥, 1💬

"async" Function Example
A tutorial example is provided on how to write an 'async' function with Task&lt;T&gt; return type. An 'async' function needs an 'await' expression to trigger a child thread to split executions.
2018-12-08, 292🔥, 3💬

Using SHA1 Message Digest in Java
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use SHA1 message digest algorithm in Java. The JDK JCE package offers the SHA1 algorithm through a generic message digest class, javax.security.MessageDigest.
2018-12-04, 26316🔥, 11💬

Displaying Chinese Characters in Frame Title
This section provides a tutorial example on how to display Chinese characters in the title bar of a frame window with a given Chinese font.
2018-11-22, 1468🔥, 2💬

"Property Let/Set/Get" Procedures
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use 'Property Let/Set/Get' procedure to define public properties.
2018-11-22, 28273🔥, 8💬

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