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Table Row Borders and Column Borders
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create tables with row borders and column borders. Border attributes can be specified at table-row and table-column formatting objects.
2020-02-26, 8195🔥, 1💬

setAccelerator() - Setting Keyboard Accelerators on Menu Items
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use setAccelerator() method to associate accelerators to menu items. Accelerators allows user to interact with menu items using keys on keyboard.
2020-02-25, 1421🔥, 1💬

Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format.
2020-02-25, 3869🔥, 9💬

List of Supported Character Encodings in Java
This section provides a list of supported character encodings supported in Java. The list is generated using the availableCharsets() static method in the java.nio.charset.Charset class.
2020-02-25, 26497🔥, 3💬

Using HttpURLConnection to Call SOAP 1.1
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the java.net.HttpURLConnection class to call a SOAP 1.1 Web service.
2020-02-23, 1537🔥, 2💬

What Is a Digital Signature?
This section describes what is a digital signature and what is the process of generating and verifying digital signature from a message.
2020-02-23, 4234🔥, 4💬

Complex Element vs. Simple Element
This section describes what is a complex element and how to declare different types of complex elements.
2020-02-11, 5392🔥, 1💬

DESSubkeysTest.java - DES Key Schedule Algorithm Illustration
This section provides a tutorial Java program, DESSubkeysTest.java, to illustrate how DES key schedule algorithm works.
2020-02-10, 1575🔥, 3💬

Two Types of "import" Statements
This section describes two types of 'import' statements: Single Type Import and On-Demand Type Import. 4 sample Java source files are provided to test 'import' statements.
2020-02-06, 2869🔥, 2💬

FOP Installation Verification on Windows
This section provides a tutorial on how to verify Apache™ FOP by running a FOP built-in example in an AWT preview window on Windows systems.
2020-01-28, 1637🔥, 2💬

XMLPad Crash When Validating Non-Conforming XML Documents
This section describes a failed test of validating a non-conforming XML document with the assigned XML Schema file (XSD), XMLPad Crashed.
2020-01-28, 750🔥, 2💬

HttpsHello.java - HTTPS Server Test Program
This section provides a tutorial example on how to write a HTTPS server test program, HttpsHello.java. It writes back a simple Web page using the HTTPS protocol.
2020-01-28, 14392🔥, 25💬

"geth --light" - Ethereum Node Light Mode
This section describes 'geth --light' - Ethereum node in light mode
2020-01-28, 6279🔥, 2💬

Where Is TOC Located on a CD
This section provides basic information on physical location of TOC (Table Of Contents) CDs.
2020-01-28, 12024🔥, 3💬

Removing IE Addon "Java Plug in SSV Helper"
This section provides a tutorial example on how to disable and remove 'Java-Plug-in-SSV-Helper' addon from Internet Explorer.
2020-01-21, 2008🔥, 1💬

The "decimal" Data Type
This section describes the 'decimal' data type for floating-point values. 'decimal' uses a 128-bit storage size.
2020-01-21, 323🔥, 1💬

main() Method - Java Execution Entry Point
This section describes the Java program entry point, the main() method of the starting class. Command line arguments are passed as an string array parameter to the main() method.
2020-01-21, 2354🔥, 1💬

JDBC Driver Types
This section provides some quick information about different types of JDBC drivers.
2020-01-14, 1738🔥, 2💬

What Is JVM Specification
This section describes what is JVM Specification.
2020-01-11, 603🔥, 1💬

Creating SOAP Project with WSDL
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create SOAP project automatically by loading a WSDL document URL.
2020-01-02, 658🔥, 1💬

"soap:body" - Binding for SOAP Body
This section describes 'soap:body', a SOAP extension element that specifies how the SOAP Body should be constructed in the SOAP message for an operation input and output. 'literal' means no encoding.
2019-12-23, 6044🔥, 2💬

1981 - Zai Na Tao Hua Sheng Kai ... (在那桃花盛开的地方) - The Place Where the Peach Blossoms
Zai Na Tao Hua Sheng Kai De Di Fang (在那桃花盛开的地方) - The Place Where the Peach Blossoms, Lyrics by Wu Dawei (邬大为) and Wei Baogui (魏宝贵), Tie Yuan (铁源), Produced in 1981.
2019-12-20, 911🔥, 1💬

Xsd11SchemaValidator.java for XSD 1.1 Validation
This section provides a tutorial example on calling SchemaFactory.newInstance() with 'http://www.w3.org/XML/XMLSche ma/v1.1'for XSD 1.1 validation.
2019-12-19, 2004🔥, 3💬

mcrypt Library for PHP
This section describes the mcrypt library - encryption extension for PHP. mcrypt supports DES and many other encryption algorithms.
2019-12-19, 314🔥, 1💬

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