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1964 - Ma Ling Er Xiang Lai ... (马铃儿响来玉鸟儿唱) - Bird Singing Along With Horse Bell Ringing
Ma Ling Er Xiang Lai Yu Niao Er Chang (马铃儿响来玉鸟儿唱) - Bird Singing Along With Horse Bell Ringing, lyrics by Ge Yan (葛炎), Liu Qiong (刘琼), music by Luo zongxian (罗宗贤), Ge Yan (葛炎), produced in 1964.
2020-12-01, 502🔥, 4💬

💬 2020-12-01 Herong: raoyc, thanks for the link. But Lucas is looking an English version...

💬 2020-11-29 raoyc: @Lucas visit https://haokan.baidu.com/v?vid=17203 633039526567141&pd=bjh&fr=bj hauthor&type=video

💬 2020-11-22 Herong: Lucas, that's a huge challenge for me. Hope someone else reading this comment can help you out.

💬 2020-11-12 Lucas Tazikly: Hi, herong! I'm trying to learning to play this song on the piano and sing it in English, so can you please translate Ma LIng Er...

Inserting CLOB Values with SQL INSERT Statements
This section describes how to insert CLOB values as string literals using SQL INSERT statements.
2020-11-30, 1431🔥, 1💬

SSL Socket Communication Test
This section describes how to perform a SSL socket communication test with a SSL server socket test program, a SSL client socket test program, a pair of private key and public key, and a self-sign certificate of the public key.
2020-11-14, 323🔥, 1💬

Perl Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This Perl tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Perl language himself. Topics include introduction of ActivePerl; data types, variables and expressions; scalars, arrays, hash maps, and references; input/output and file systems; DBM files ...
2020-11-12, 9104🔥, 6💬

💬 2020-11-12 Rajat: Hi Herong sir, I am getting error while doing $mech->post for a request every time.Error looks like this `read timeout at /usr/s...

💬 2017-10-23 guru: That's an issue with the Perl script, not with running the script itself, and it deserves another question (not here, on Stack O...

💬 2017-10-06 drhvr: mysql I added root as user and password.in singlequotes. It works great

💬 2014-03-17 Steven Klotz: Hi Herong, I found this web site while looking for PERL examples. Your knowledge and the amount of work you done (docu, tutorial...

💬 2010-11-22 Herong: Kim, Yes, you can prompt the user for a path name, open directory with opendir(), loop through each files, use the -s operator t...

(More comments ...)

1993 - Tao Sheng Yi Jiu (涛声依旧) - Wave Still
Tao Sheng Yi Jiu (涛声依旧) - Wave Still, Lyrics by Chen Xiaoqi (陈小奇), Music by Chen Xiaoqi (陈小奇), Performed by Mao Ning (毛宁) at The CCTV New Year's Gala in 1993.
2020-11-11, 589🔥, 4💬

💬 2020-11-11 Herong: Zander, Try to create a Word document with the PowerPoint link first. Then convert the Word document to PDF form.

💬 2020-11-11 Herong: Harry, All songs listed here are publicly available. You can just follow links to listen to them.

💬 2020-11-09 Zander: Good day! Can I ask how do you put a PowerPoint link in a pdf form

💬 2020-11-09 Harry S: Can I ask if i can download 33 songs in this website

1964 - Wo Wei Zu Guo Xian Shi You (我为祖国献石油) - Dedicate The Oil To My Motherland
Wo Wei Zu Guo Xian Shi You (我为祖国献石油) - Dedicate The Oil To My Motherland, lyrics by Xie Zhuguo (薛柱国), music by Qin Yongcheng (秦咏诚), produced in 1964.
2020-11-11, 775🔥, 5💬

💬 2020-11-11 Herong: 可以试试这个方法: 百度视频如何下载

💬 2020-11-08 杨万强: 你好,我想问怎么样下载百度视频,因为是我朋友的生日。我想下载周华健的朋友 .我在哪里可以找到?

💬 2020-11-08 杨万强: 你好 Herong, 我想问你们怎么样下载百度的视频在我的会声会影相册,因为是我战友的生日。

💬 2020-10-14 Herong: 可以,没问题。

💬 2020-10-12 王林各: 我为祖国献石油可以放在战友相册吗?

Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format.
2020-11-11, 3602🔥, 16💬

💬 2020-11-11 Herong: Erik, Links are fixed now. Thanks.

💬 2020-10-29 Erik: Your Amazon link is wrong...

💬 2019-05-10 Raed: nice to gut Ducument about JDBC thanks alot.

💬 2018-04-21 Herong: Tony, you are welcome!

💬 2018-04-20 Tony Ekpo: I appreciate your work because it has help me so much connecting to the database, more grace n ur work.

(More comments ...)

1D100: Musical Symbols
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Musical Symbols', which contains 256 code points to represent Musical Symbols alphabets used in the Musical Symbols language.
2020-11-06, 100🔥, 1💬

GB2312编码自学教程 - PDF打印版
本章介绍了如何索取 PDF 打印版。
2020-11-02, 868🔥, 1💬

💬 2020-11-02 hello: hello

Archived: Downloading/Installing JDK 1.7.0 on Windows
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install JDK 1.7.0 (Java SE 7) on a Windows XP system. A simple Java program was entered, compiled, and executed with the new JDK installation.
2020-11-01, 4163🔥, 4💬

💬 2020-11-01 Sivile: This is good

💬 2019-05-13 Myo Nyein: thanks

💬 2016-03-10 sudha: thanks

💬 2015-09-22 ram: no

Unicode Standard Releases
This section provides a list of major releases of the Unicode standard and their publishing dates.
2020-10-26, 248🔥, 1💬

1962 - Ma Er A Ni Man Xie Zou (马儿啊,你慢些走) - Run Slower, My Pony
Ma Er A Ni Man Xie Zou (马儿啊,你慢些走) - Run Slower, My Pony, lyrics by Li Jianyao (李鉴尧), Music by Sheng Mao (生茂), in 1962.
2020-10-23, 647🔥, 2💬

💬 2020-10-23 Herong: long, you want to make a USB drive with this song recorded on it?

💬 2020-10-18 long shaogao: How to make a USB drive

1951 - Cao Yuan Shang Sheng Qi ... (草原上升起不落的太阳) - The Never-Setting Sun Rises Over the Prairie
Cao Yuan Shang Sheng Qi Bu Luo De Tai Yang (草原上升起不落的太阳) - The Never-setting Sun Rises Over the Prairie, lyrics by Mei Li Qi Ge (美丽其格), music by Mei Li Qi Ge (美丽其格), originally performed by Original Performer: Wu Yanze (吴雁泽) in 1951.
2020-10-18, 834🔥, 3💬

💬 2020-10-18 Herong: 全民K歌里面的歌曲是不可以下载的。

💬 2020-10-15 黄光南: 怎样放全民K歌在相册在iMovie?

💬 2020-10-15 黄光南: 怎么样放我的全民K歌在我的相册?

What Is SWF?
This section describes what is a SWF (Shockwave File) - file format for Flash program files which can be executed by Adobe Flash Player to deliver multimedia information and interactivity in Web pages.
2020-10-18, 525🔥, 1💬

💬 2020-10-18 jack miller: SWF is an Adobe Flash file format used for multimedia, vector graphics it is small web format SWF is used for adobe flash player...

What Is an Unnamed Package?
This section describes what is an unnamed package - a package of compilation units with no package name. The main question is how to refer to a compilation unit in an unnamed package.
2020-10-15, 1372🔥, 2💬

💬 2020-10-12 Herong: Jason, how do we know the unnamed package is yours?

💬 2020-10-09 Jason Patrick: Unnamed package? 67 days in transit? How can I get my package from Canada Post?

Installing and Running Derby (Java DB)
This chapter provides tutorial notes on downloading, installing and setting up Derby (Java DB) server. Topics include downloading and installing Java DB 10.5.3; verifying Java DB execution environment; running Java DB in Network Server mode; using 'ij' to create database and tables.
2020-10-08, 3477🔥, 4💬

💬 2020-10-08 Raji: Nice

💬 2015-08-09 a: g

Running WinRAR in a Command Line Window
This section provides a tutorial example on how to run WinRAR in a command line window.
2020-10-08, 7280🔥, 2💬

💬 2020-10-08 Herong: CJ, by default the root folder will not be included in the archive. Try the "winrar a -afzip -r root.zip \*.*" command.

💬 2020-10-01 CJ: Hi, how can I zip the files inside the root folder without adding the root folder into archive? Thank You

Example Java Class Converted from a JSP Page
This section provides a tutorial example Java class converted by Tomcat from the JSP page, Hello_Scripting.jsp. Scripting elements included in the JSP page are converted correctly.
2020-09-27, 5779🔥, 3💬

💬 2020-09-27 Guru: Nice

💬 2019-02-07 Balaji: Good

💬 2016-01-14 abc: hello

1979 - The Tcsh (TENEX C Shell) Developed by Ken Greer
This chapter provides some history of Tcsh developed by Ken Greer in 1979 for Unix systems by extending the C shell with file name completion and command line editing.
2020-09-25, 387🔥, 1💬

💬 2020-09-25 I: Nice

Inserting CLOB Values with SQL INSERT Statements
This section describes how to insert CLOB values as string literals using SQL INSERT statements.
2020-09-15, 100🔥, 2💬

What Is SOAP Encoding
This section provides a quick description of SOAP Encoding and samples of serializing simple and compound value nodes.
2020-09-09, 2910🔥, 1💬

💬 2020-09-09 byju: thanks for the tutorial..!

HelloServerWsdl2.php - SOAP 1.1/1.2 Server in WSDL Mode
This section describes a tutorial example of a complete SOAP application with both server and client programs that supports both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 with a single WSDL file.
2020-09-07, 316🔥, 1💬

Year 2091 Chinese Calendar - Year of the Boar
2020-08-31, 310🔥, 2💬

💬 2020-08-31 Tutto: 2091 is an surprise year.

💬 2020-08-13 Cipise: I am a youth who loves fantasy. I have many wonderful fantasy and ideals. In the first grade, I aspire to be a general; in the t...

Year 2009 Chinese Calendar - Year of the Ox
2020-08-12, 261🔥, 1💬

💬 2020-08-12 Kittus: Hi , I am born on 25th dec 2009 . Ox year . After a long way of full experience of gain and loss now I am heading to the old sch...

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