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Lucky Wedding Dates: 2020 - Year of the Rat
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2020? Lucky Wedding Dates: 2020 - Year of the Rat   ⇒ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2021 - Year of the Ox ⇐ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2020 to 2031 ⇑ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2020 to 2031 ⇑⇑ Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
2021-09-07, 1633🔥, 0💬

Valentine's Day - 7th Day of 7th Lunar Month
When is the Chinese Valentine's Day? How is it celebrated? What are the traditions? The Chinese Valentine's Day (七夕节, 织女节) is on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month in the Chinese calendar. Raise your head in evening on this day and gaze at the stars, you will find something romantic going on in th...
2021-08-26, 7953🔥, 0💬

Mid Autumn (Mooncake Festival) - 15th Day of 8th Lunar Month
When is the Chinese Mid Autumn Festival? How is it celebrated? What are the traditions? Mooncake Festival ('Zhong Qiu Jie' 中秋节) The mooncake festival (Zhong Qiu Jie) falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It is an occasion for family members to get together over mooncakes, fruits and fine...
2021-08-26, 5736🔥, 0💬

Chinese Horoscopes - The Ox Personality
People born in the year of the ox are steady, plain and quiet. They arrange things system-atically and they are patient and tireless. They are usually ready to take other's advice and act with justice. But it is not easy to change their minds because they are stubborn and sometimes prejudice. Becaus...
2021-08-26, 3929🔥, 0💬

Lantern Festival - 15th Day of 1st Lunar Month
When is the Chinese Lantern Festival? How is it celebrated? What are the traditions? The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full...
2021-08-13, 9144🔥, 0💬

Chinese Horoscopes - The Rabbit Personality
People born in the year of the rabbit are the luckiest among "the twelve animals." The rabbit is a symbol for mercy, elegance, amiability and worship of beauty. People born in this year are kind, speak gently, peaceful, quiet and loving persons. They like to live easy lives. They are reserved person...
2021-08-13, 5057🔥, 0💬

Qingming Festival - 1st Day of 5th Solar Term
When is the Chinese Qingming Festival? How is it celebrated? What are the traditions? The 1st day of the 5th solar term is the Qingming (Chinese: 清明节, 清明節) for people to go outside and enjoy the greenery of springtime and to tend to the graves of departed ones. Qingming Festival is the 15th day af...
2021-08-13, 4906🔥, 0💬

Chinese Horoscopes - The Dragon Personality
People born in the year of the dragon are full of vitality and strength. To them, life is a colorful leaping flame. Though assuming airs of self-importance, being prejudiced, making arbitrary decisions, and indulging in some of the wildest fantasies, these people are always adored. They are proud, a...
2021-08-13, 3681🔥, 0💬

Chinese Horoscopes - The Snake Personality
People born in the year of the snake may become philosophers, theologians, politicians, or cunning financiers. The snake is the most enigmatic of the twelve zodiac animals. Such persons are elegant, and enjoy reading, listening to great music, tasting delicious food, and going to the theatre. They a...
2021-08-13, 2879🔥, 0💬

Chinese Horoscopes - The Horse Personality
People born in the year of the horse are sanguine, sharp-minded, dress fashionably, gifted with a silver tongue, and have acute insight. But they fall in the snares of love easily, and break away from them lightly. Most of the people born in the year of the horse leave their homes when they are youn...
2021-08-07, 2357🔥, 0💬

Chinese Horoscopes - The Sheep/Goat Personality
It is lucky that the sheep is ranked eighth in the series of Chinese zodiac animals, for the number "eight" in China is an auspicious one, symbolizing peace and prosperity. Generally speaking, people born in the year of sheep are generous, just and kind, and easily touched by other people's misfortu...
2021-08-07, 2247🔥, 0💬

Chinese Horoscopes - The Monkey Personality
People born in the year of the monkey can cope with almost any intricacy with a sober mind. Ambitious and knowledgeable as they are, they can achieve great success in whatever career they decide to embrace. However, they have their weak points, such as a strong sense of superiority, egoism and vanit...
2021-08-07, 2159🔥, 0💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2030 - Year of the Dog
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2030? Lucky Wedding Dates: 2030 - Year of the Dog   ⇒ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2031 - Year of the Boar ⇐ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2029 - Year of the Rooster ⇑ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2020 to 2031 ⇑⇑ Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
2021-07-27, 2804🔥, 0💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2032 to 2043
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2032 to 2043? Lucky wedding dates for year 2032 to 2043: Lucky Wedding Dates: 2032 - Year of the Rat Lucky Wedding Dates: 2033 - Year of the Ox Lucky Wedding Dates: 2034 - Year of the Tiger Lucky Wedding Dates: 2035 - Year of the Rabbit Lucky Wedding Dates:...
2021-07-27, 2541🔥, 0💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2031 - Year of the Boar
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2031? Lucky Wedding Dates: 2031 - Year of the Boar   ⇒ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2032 to 2043 ⇐ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2030 - Year of the Dog ⇑ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2020 to 2031 ⇑⇑ Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
2021-07-27, 2263🔥, 0💬

Double Ninth Festival - 9th Day of 9th Lunar Month
When is the Chinese Double Ninth Festival? How is it celebrated? What are the traditions? The ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese lunar calendar is the Chinese Double Ninth Festival (重阳节). According to the I Ching, nine is a yang number; the ninth day of the ninth lunar month (or double nin...
2021-05-26, 9831🔥, 0💬

Laba Festival - 8th Day of 12th Lunar Month
When is the Chinese Laba Festival? How is it celebrated? What are the traditions? The 8th day of the 12th lunar month is the Laba Festival (Chinese: 腊八节, 臘八節). The 12th lunar month is the last of month of the year and time for sending out the old year and preparing for the new year. So ancient Chi...
2021-05-26, 5006🔥, 0💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2020 to 2031
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2020 to 2031? Lucky wedding dates for year 2020 to 2031: Lucky Wedding Dates: 2020 - Year of the Rat Lucky Wedding Dates: 2021 - Year of the Ox Lucky Wedding Dates: 2022 - Year of the Tiger Lucky Wedding Dates: 2023 - Year of the Rabbit Lucky Wedding Dates:...
2021-05-26, 4199🔥, 0💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2008 to 2019
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2008 to 2019? Lucky wedding dates for year 2008 to 2019: Lucky Wedding Dates: 2016 - Year of the Monkey Lucky Wedding Dates: 2017 - Year of the Rooster Lucky Wedding Dates: 2018 - Year of the Dog Lucky Wedding Dates: 2019 - Year of the Boar   ⇒ Lucky Weddin...
2021-05-26, 2071🔥, 0💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2016 - Year of the Monkey
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2016? Lucky Wedding Dates: 2016 - Year of the Monkey   ⇒ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2017 - Year of the Rooster ⇐ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2008 to 2019 ⇑ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2008 to 2019 ⇑⇑ Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
2021-05-26, 1752🔥, 0💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2032 - Year of the Rat
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2032? Lucky Wedding Dates: 2032 - Year of the Rat   ⇒ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2033 - Year of the Ox ⇐ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2032 to 2043 ⇑ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2032 to 2043 ⇑⇑ Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
2021-05-04, 2824🔥, 0💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2017 - Year of the Rooster
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2017? Lucky Wedding Dates: 2017 - Year of the Rooster   ⇒ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2018 - Year of the Dog ⇐ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2016 - Year of the Monkey ⇑ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2008 to 2019 ⇑⇑ Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
2021-04-04, 1851🔥, 0💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2019 - Year of the Boar
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2019? Lucky Wedding Dates: 2019 - Year of the Boar   ⇒ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2020 to 2031 ⇐ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2018 - Year of the Dog ⇑ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2008 to 2019 ⇑⇑ Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
2021-04-04, 1692🔥, 0💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2018 - Year of the Dog
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2018? Lucky Wedding Dates: 2018 - Year of the Dog   ⇒ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2019 - Year of the Boar ⇐ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2017 - Year of the Rooster ⇑ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2008 to 2019 ⇑⇑ Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
2021-04-04, 1681🔥, 0💬

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