Impact of Training Set Size

This section provides a tutorial example to demonstrate the impact of the training set size. The training must be large enough to represent the pattern of the entire sample set in order to get an accurate solution.

In the previous tutorial, we learned that a neural network with 2 hidden layers of 8 neurons in each layer is able to problem a good solution to the complex classification problem with the Deep Playground. The solution was obtained using 90% of samples as the training set.

In this tutorial, let's find out what will happen if we reduce the size of the training set.

1. Continue with the previous tutorial.

2. Reduce the neural network to 2 hidden layers with 8 neurons in each layer.

3. Keep "Ratio of training to test data" to 90%. Only 10% of the data is left for testing.

4. Play the model again. You should see a good solution after about 100 epochs.

Deep Playground - Complex Model with 90% Training Set
Deep Playground - Complex Model with 90% Training Set

5. Reduce "Ratio of training to test data" to 50%. So we are using half of the samples for training. Play the model again. The model can still reach a good solution. But it takes a little bit longer, more than 500 epochs.

Deep Playground - Complex Model with 50% Training Set
Deep Playground - Complex Model with 50% Training Set

6. Reduce "Ratio of training to test data" to 30%. Play the model again. The model can still reach a solution according to the training set, with a training loss of 0.131. But the solution accuracy on the test set is dropped significantly with a test loss of 0.336. This drop in accuracy is caused by the reduce size of training set. A smaller training set is not able to provide a good pattern to cover the test set.

Deep Playground - Complex Model with 30% Training Set
Deep Playground - Complex Model with 30% Training Set

6. Reduce "Ratio of training to test data" to 10%. Play the model again. The model can still reach a solution according to the training set, with a training loss of 0.131. But it failed completely on the test set with a test loss of 0.473. Remember any dummy solution can give a test of loss of 0.5. So 10% of samples fails to represent the pattern of the entire sample set completely.

Deep Playground - Complex Model with 10% Training Set
Deep Playground - Complex Model with 10% Training Set

Conclusion, for a complex problem, the training must be large enough to represent the pattern of the entire sample set in order to get an accurate solution from a neural network.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

Deep Playground for Classical Neural Networks

 What Is Deep Playground

 Simple Model in Playground

 Impact of Extra Input Features

 Impact of Additional Hidden Layers and Neurons

 Complex Model in Playground

Impact of Training Set Size

 Impact of Neural Network Configuration

 Impact of Learning Rate

 Impact of Activation Functions

 Building Neural Networks with Python

 Simple Example of Neural Networks

 TensorFlow - Machine Learning Platform

 PyTorch - Machine Learning Platform

 Gradio - ML Demo Platform

 CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)

 RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)

 GNN (Graph Neural Network)

 GAN (Generative Adversarial Network)

 Performance Evaluation Metrics


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