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HTTPS Server with Expired Certificate
This section provides a tutorial example showing the behavior of HTTPS server and client programs that use an expired server certificate.
2024-03-11, 118🔥, 0💬

Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
Are you ready to select a wedding date, the most important date of your life? Here are some lucky wedding dates caculated based on the Chinese calendar in the near future: Lucky wedding dates for other years: Lucky Wedding Dates: 2008 to 2019 Lucky Wedding Dates: 2016 - Year of the Monkey Lucky Wedd...
2024-03-04, 14756🔥, 1💬

Web Server Log File Samples - IIS and Apache
This section provides a quick introduction of Web server log files with examples of IIS and Apache servers.
2024-03-02, 39172🔥, 41💬

Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format.
2024-02-29, 369🔥, 1💬

Chinese Character String with UTF-8 Encoding
This section providing information on handling Chinese character string literals in UTF-8 encoding.
2024-02-28, 12944🔥, 16💬

Declaring Empty Elements
This section describes a tutorial example on how to declare an empty element by defining a special complexType datatype.
2024-02-28, 459🔥, 1💬

What Is APK File Format?
This section describes the Android application package (APK) file, which is really a ZIP archive file that holds all binary codes, resources and other data required by the Android application.
2024-02-26, 3235🔥, 2💬

Installing JDK 1.8 on Windows System
This chapter provides tutorial notes on installing JDK (Java Development Kit) on Windows systems. Topics include downloading and installing Java SE Development Kit 8u45; compiling and executing Java programs; setting up JAVA_HOME environment variable.
2024-02-22, 6788🔥, 8💬

Archived: Downloading and Installing JDK 13 on Mac
This section describes how to download and install JDK 13 on a Mac computer
2024-02-22, 125🔥, 0💬

Downloading and Installing JDK on Linux
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install JDK on Linux systems. The best way to install JDK on CentOS system is to the 'yum' package management tool.
2024-02-22, 112🔥, 0💬

Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server - sqljdbc42.jar
This chapter provides tutorial notes on sqljdbc42.jar, JDBC Driver 4.2 produced by Microsoft for SQL Server 2014. Topics include downloading and installing Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.2; loading sqljdbc42.jar; creating a connection to SQL Server with port number, instance name and database name; closing...
2024-02-21, 167🔥, 31💬

Detecting Encoding from POST Request in PHP
'Basic Rules of Receiving Non-ASCII Characters from Input Forms' tutorial was cited in a csdn.net article in 2019.
2024-02-15, 128🔥, 1💬

Chinese Astrology
This section describes what is Chinese astrology.
2024-02-13, 2031🔥, 4💬

Deprecated: Get Free Ether from faucet.ropsten.be
This section describes how to get some free Ether from faucet.ropsten.be.
2024-02-07, 10090🔥, 100💬

Install OpenLDAP Server on CentOS 8
This section provides a tutorial example on how to build and install OpenLDAP server from source code. But release 2.4.9 seems to have problems on CentOS 8 systems.
2024-02-07, 6314🔥, 3💬

"Hello" Web Service
"Hello" is an XML document based Web service for testing purpose only. High level information about this "Hello" Web service: WSDL Document: Hello_WSDL_11_SOAP.wsdl . WSDL Version: 1.1 WSDL Binding Extension: SOAP 1.1 Transportation: SOAP 1.1 over HTTP Operation Name: Hello Operation Style: default ...
2024-02-06, 4938🔥, 2💬

Editing Unicode Characters in an Editor Pane
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use ALTER TABLE statements to add, delete, modify, columns and indexes.
2024-02-05, 290🔥, 2💬

"PUG SOAP" Web Service for PubChem Database
This chapter provides a quick introduction of free Web service 'PUG SOAP' provided by nih.gov for PubChem database. Topics include list of 30 operations and parameters; tutorial examples on using MFSearch(), GetOperationStatus(), GetIDList(), Download(), GetDownloadUrl() and InputListText() operatio...
2024-02-05, 161🔥, 1💬

Converting Secret Keys to and from Byte Arrays
This section provides a quick introduction of the SecretKeySpec class and the KeySpec interface. They can be used to convert secret keys into byte arrays to store them in external files.
2024-02-03, 408🔥, 1💬

本書開始部分介紹了大五碼 (Big5) 字元集和它的編碼,其餘部分列出了 Big5 編碼和 Unicode 編碼相互轉換的表格製作程式。本書也同時收錄了 Big5 編碼到 Unicode 編碼的轉換表,以及 Unicode 編碼到 Big5 編碼的轉換表。更新於二零二四年(版次:v3.14),作了少量 修改。
2024-02-03, 182🔥, 0💬

Unicode 到 Big5 轉換 - 13,461 全部字元
本章列出了 Unicode 到 Big5 轉換表,包括大五碼(Big5)字元集中 13,461 全部字元。
2024-02-03, 165🔥, 0💬

本節介紹了大五碼 (Big5) 的編碼方法,它是將大五碼三個區塊中的字元,依次排放到一個由兩 個字節組成的數字二維矩陣中形成的。
2024-02-03, 144🔥, 0💬

本章介紹了大五碼 (Big5) 字元集和它的編碼, 以及 Big5 和 Unicode 的關係。
2024-02-03, 140🔥, 0💬

Big5 到 Unicode 轉換:特殊符號 - 第 A1 行
本節列出了 Big5 到 Unicode 代碼轉換表中特殊符號 - 第 A1 行。
2024-02-03, 140🔥, 0💬

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