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What Is GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit)
This section provides a quick introduction of GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit), which is a simplified version of the LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) recurrent neural network model. GRU uses only one state vector and two gate vectors, reset gate and update gate.
2023-04-14, 156🔥, 1💬

how to update garbled characters
'Managing Non-ASCII Character Strings with MySQL Servers' tutorial was cited in a DaniWeb forum post in 2007.
2023-04-12, 110🔥, 0💬

Relationship between Servlet and JSP
This section describes the relationship between of Servlet and JSP. Most JSP servers (containers) are implemented to support the JSP technology as an extension of the Servlet technology.
2023-04-10, 1219🔥, 2💬

UTF-16 Encoding
This section provides a quick introduction of the UTF-16 (Unicode Transformation Format - 16-bit) encoding for Unicode character set. Paired surrogates are used for characters in the U+10000...0x10FFFF range.
2023-04-10, 4490🔥, 4💬

Install MetaMask Extension for Chrome
This section describes how to install MetaMask extension for Chrome.
2023-04-10, 774🔥, 1💬

Conjunto de resultados
'What Is ResultSet' tutorial was cited in a wikipedia.org article in Spanish in 2014.
2023-04-09, 105🔥, 0💬

.ISO File Name Extension - ISO Files
This section describes what is .iso file name extension or ISO files.
2023-04-08, 339🔥, 1💬

Create Tables with CLOB Columns
This section describes how to create tables with BLOB (LONGBLOB) columns in MySQL server.
2023-04-05, 545🔥, 1💬

XML Tools Plugin for Notepad++
This chapter provides notes and tutorial examples on XML Tools Plugin for Notepad++. Topics include downloading and installing Notepad++ and XML Tools Plugin; generating pretty print XML format; XSD validation; XSLT transformation.
2023-04-05, 170723🔥, 69💬

GB2312 to Unicode - Row 25: 0xB9A1 to 0xB9FE
GB2312 to Unicode code mapping is provided for GB2312 character set - Row 25: Level 1 Hanzi Characters 0xB9A1 to 0xB9FE.
2023-04-05, 415🔥, 1💬

"RefillOrder" Web Service - WSDL 1.1 and SOAP 1.1
"RefillOrder" is an XML document based Web service for testing purpose only. High level information about this "Reservation" Web service: WSDL Document: RefillOrder_WSDL_11_SOAP_11_Do cument.wsdl. WSDL Version: 1.1 WSDL Binding Extension: SOAP 1.1 Transportation: SOAP 1.1 over HTTP Operation Name: R...
2023-04-04, 3549🔥, 1💬

How to add DTD syntax line into XML using java code
'Validating an XML Document against the Specified DTD Document Type' tutorial was cited in a Sun forum article in 2007.
2023-04-02, 112🔥, 0💬

Spring Projects &gt; Roo &gt; Issue with Chinese characters
'Inputting Chinese Text to MySQL Database in UTF-8' tutorial was cited in a Spring Community Forum post in 2012
2023-04-02, 111🔥, 0💬

"g++ -I..." and CPATH Environment Variable
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use 'g++ -I...' option and/or CPATH environment variable to specify paths of include header files for GCC compiler.
2023-04-01, 3475🔥, 1💬

Storing Non-ASCII Characters in Database
This section describes how to store non-ASCII characters in MySQL database using different character set settings set column, table or database level.
2023-03-31, 630🔥, 1💬

ASP Search Function
'Using MS Access Databases' tutorial was cited in a DigitalPoint forum post in 2008.
2023-03-27, 111🔥, 0💬

Automatisch einen Benutzer anlegen
'Create a New User in SQL Server' tutorial was cited in a Microsoft new group message in German language in 2009.
2023-03-27, 113🔥, 0💬

11D00: Masaram Gondi
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Masaram Gondi', which contains 76 code points to represent the Masaram Gondi script which was created in 1918 by Munshi Mangal Singh Masaram of Madhya Pradesh, India to write the Gondi language, a Dravidian language spoken in ce...
2023-03-27, 100🔥, 1💬

16800: Bamum Supplement
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Bamum Supplement', which contains 576 code points to represent additional Bamum alphabets used in the Bamum language.
2023-03-26, 100🔥, 2💬

GB2312 Encoding for GB2312 Character Set
This section provides a quick introduction of the GB2312 encoding for the GB2312 character set. GB2312 is a 2-byte (8 bits per bytes) encoding.
2023-03-24, 1048🔥, 2💬

JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver - sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
This chapter provides tutorial notes on the JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver produced by Sun and DataDirect. Topics include loading JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver; creating a DSN (Data Source Name) with a ODBC driver; Connecting to SQL Server with JDBC-ODBC Bridge.
2023-03-23, 100🔥, 29💬

open() - Opening File Handles for Input and Output
This section describes various ways to use the open() function to open file handles to input data from files or output data to files, input data from another process or output data to another process.
2023-03-23, 392🔥, 1💬

EC (Elliptic Curve) Key Pair
This chapter provides tutorial notes on EC (Elliptic Curve) key pair. Topics include definition of EC private and public key pair; example of elliptic curve and subgroup used to generate good EC key pair; using OpenSSL command line tool to generate EC key pairs.
2023-03-23, 1148🔥, 1💬

Falling Ball in Earth Frame of Reference
This section provides an example of a falling ball in the Earth frame of reference, where we need to add the gravitational force to make Newton's First and Second Laws of Motion valid.
2023-03-18, 220🔥, 1💬

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