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Chinese Horoscopes - The Rat
The Rat
Being born a Rat is nothing to be ashamed
of. In China, the Rat is respected and considered a courageous, enterprising
person. It is deemed an honor to be born in the Year of the Rat and it is
considered a privilege to be associated with a Rat. Rats know exactly where to
find solutions and can take care of themselves and others without problems. They
use their instinctive sense of observation to help others in times of need and
are among the most fit of all the Animal signs to survive most any
Years of the Rat
First in the cycle, Rat Years begin
the sequence and recur every twelfth year. The Chinese New Year does not fall on
a specific date, so it is essential to check the calendar to find the exact date
on which each Rat year actually begins.
The Sign of the
Being born under this sign determines many talents, as well as other
characteristics that may not be so commendable. Rats are very lively and need a
lot of mental and physical stimulation. They can be calm and perceptive, but
sometimes their brains can cause a mental restlessness, tempting them to take on
too much, only to discover they are unable to meet their commitments. Rats are
blessed with one of the best intellects going. Add to their intelligence a
curiosity and a bright imagination, and they seem as sharp as a
The sign of the Rat is the first sign in the cycle giving Rat
people exude great leadership qualities and are good at taking the lead. They
don't mind a lot of responsibility and they demonstrate a strong presence that
other people respect. For those with the Rat nature, status and monetary
satisfaction are the greatest motivation.
born in the Year of the Rat share certain characteristics. The Rat sign is an
abbreviated way of characterizing that individual's personality. Following are
features associated with the sign of the Rat. First in order, Chinese name-SHU,
sign of charm
Hour-11pm-12:59am Month-December
Smart, Magnetic,
Well-liked, Affable, Quick-witted, Surreptitious, Selfish, Protective,
The characteristics of the Rat
Sign are tempered by one of the five Chinese elements of Metal, Water, Wood,
Fire and Earth overlaying a 5-year cycle of characteristics on the original
12-year cycle.
Of all the Rats,
these are the toughest and most resolute. They are visionary and possess an
emotional intensity that can lead to feelings of rage, envy, or possessiveness.
They like to be in charge, and can act selfishly to get what they want. In
relationships, business or personal, they can be obstinate. Metal rats have to
bear in mind that meeting their partner halfway would help their relationships
tremendously. They take great pride in their homes and enjoy decorating them in
their impressively good taste.
Being guided by the Water element means these Rats have a knack for
influencing people. With their strong intellectual powers and great insight,
they are also great puzzle solvers. They are quick to understand others and are
incredibly practical people. Rats apply their talents to their everyday lives,
making them obliging, generous and compassionate to other people. Generally,
they are liked and respected by everyone. Like all Rats, however, they can be
determined to seek their own gain, and will not mind using these talents to
achieve it - though generally without losing anyone's respect in doing
THE WOOD RAT 1924 AND 1984
Despite having a remarkable
facade of self-confidence, deep down, Wood Rats are the least sure of themselves
compared to other Rats. However, they wouldn't dream of showing this side of
themselves to anyone. Only close companions of a Wood Rat would ever suspect
that he or she had such self-doubt. In fact Wood Rats are often worried about
downfall, despite their ability to find success. Well-liked, proficient, and
good leaders at work, Wood Rats seem to function best when they are surrounded
by family and friends. Cordial and delicate, they are usually well loved by
family, friends and peers.
THE FIRE RAT 1936 AND 1996
Fire adds a
bit of spontaneity and vigor to the already spirited Rat. These Rats like change
and travel and are eager to start new projects or to take trips to exotic
places. Fire Rats are likely to change their occupations and residences more
often than most, and essentially shun any kind of routine. They can be anxious
and impulsive, but their zest for life is quite irresistible, and they have the
Rat's ability to along so well with others. Compared to other Rats, Fire Rats
are likely to be more charitable, autonomous, and energetic and the least
The Earth adds
solidity to the Rat's personality. An Earth Rat is conventional and a good
achiever who likes to establish roots early in order to make a secure future for
himself and his family. These Rats have the typical Rat ingenuity and mental
capacity, but a strong sense of reality often alludes them preventing them from
going after anything that could be impromptu. Earth Rats are honorable and love
to be stabilized. Slowly and steadily acquiring wealth gives them a sense of
inner peace. Although they are capable of being stingy with their finances, they
do possess warm feelings for their family and friends.
Health and home
The affect of the sign of
the Rat is energetic, and demonstrates enough endurance to fight most any
sickness. Yet, all Rats tend to be tense, full of nervous energy, petulant and
prone to stress. Rats also harbor a bit of aggression; yet, they are usually
able to control it. Yoga would benefit Rats by calming their aggressive natures
and helping them manage stress.
make good homemakers who are always willing to do household chores. Rats are not
usually interested in keeping up with the times, and it doesn't matter to them
whether or not their furnishings are in style. What does matter is that their
home is a refuge expressing warmth, comfort and vogue. Light blue is their color
of choice for home decor. Because this is a sign of acquisition, the Rat
person's house is presumably bursting with various knick-knacks collected over
the years. Most Rats are cheerful, domesticated individuals who find happiness
at home with their family.
Career and
The Chinese say others should
always listen to the advice of the Rat. Because of their intellect and
observatory powers, Rat people possess prudence and perception. They can
anticipate problems, and are always able to see the big picture. They can hone
in on issues at hand and make measurable judgments. These skills, combined with
their sense of aspiration also make them clever operators. Status, money, title,
and recognition are important to the Rat. They have keen senses of observation
that allow them to foresee upcoming business opportunities as well as potential
occupational problems. The Rat makes a better boss than an employee and,
although motivated, they can be pinned down by routines. Rats work better in
flexible situations where they can be freely creative.
Cunning and thrifty, Rats have a knack with money and are apt to save
for rainy days. When capable, the Rat is a great money saver, and in strapped
times he knows how to make something out of nothing or how to turn make things
advantageous for himself. Although few Rats suffer financially, the Chinese have
a proverb: They who pile up grain hoards have much to lose.
Those born in the Year of the Rat also share the same kinds of
goals and objectives in life. The occupations best suited for the Rat are listed
Writers, Broadcasters, Actors,
Advisors, Counselors, Lawyers, Politicians, Designers, Engineers, Managers,
Directors, Administrators, Entrepreneurs, Musicians, Stand-up Comedians,
Researchers, Historians, Race Car Drivers
Whether Rats are compatible with their business partners depends
on whether their signs are harmonious or antagonistic to those of their
partners. Considering the congruity of their own characters and the characters
of their business colleagues can also be very useful.
Rats Ruled By | Benefit From | Are Antagonistic to |
Metal | Earth Dragons | Fire Sheep |
Water | Metal Rabbits | Earth Horses |
Wood | Water Monkeys | Metal Snakes |
Fire | Wood Oxen | Water Rats |
Earth | Fire Pigs | Wood Roosters |
⇐ Chinese Horoscopes: Health, Carrer and Love
✍: Lovegevity
2021-09-30, 4848🔥, 0💬
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