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TempConvert Web Service for Temperature Conversion
This chapter provides a quick introduction of free Web services 'TempConvert' provided by w3schools.com with 2 operations: CelsiusToFahrenheit and FahrenheitToCelsius.
2024-01-21, 137🔥, 0💬

Hello_WSDL_11_SOAP - The Simplest Mock Service
This section describes the free Web service 'Hello' provided by herongyang.com. It's the simplest Web service based on SOAP 1.1 and described in WSDL 1.1
2024-01-21, 136🔥, 0💬

TempConvert - "FahrenheitToCelsius" Operation
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the 'ListOfCountryNamesByName' operation of the free Web service 'DataFlex' provided by oorsprong.org.
2024-01-21, 136🔥, 0💬

"Calculator" for 4 Integer Operations
This chapter provides a quick introduction of free Web services 'Calculator' provided by dneonline.com with 4 integer operations.
2024-01-21, 135🔥, 0💬

Mock Registration - SOAP 1.2 with Document Style in WSDL_1.1
This section describes the free Web service 'Registration' provided by herongyang.com. It' mocks a registration service based on SOAP 1.2 and described in WSDL 1.1
2024-01-21, 134🔥, 0💬

Invoking WSDL Services with Zeep Library
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create a Zeep client object with a WSDL URL, access a given service, and invoke a given operation.
2024-01-21, 133🔥, 0💬

Mock Web Services - herongyang.com/Service
This chapter provides a quick introduction of free mock Web services provided by herongyang.com. Topics include usage description of the simplest Hello Web service; mock Web services with SOAP 1.1/1.2 standards using Document and RPC styles described in WSDL 1.1 documents.
2024-01-21, 132🔥, 0💬

"SoapResponder" and Web Service Test Tool
This chapter provides a quick introduction of free mock Web services 'SoapResponder' and online test tool provided by soapclient.com.
2024-01-21, 131🔥, 0💬

Operations Provided by DataFlex Web Service
This section describes the free Web service 'DataFlex' provided by oorsprong.org. It supports 21 operations to retrieve country information, including names, capitals, languages, currencies, flags, phone codes, etc..
2024-01-21, 131🔥, 0💬

SoapResponder - Echo 2 Parameters
This section describes the free Web service 'SoapResponder' provided by soapclient.com. It echos back 2 parameters from the request.
2024-01-21, 129🔥, 0💬

Installing Zeep Library
This section describes a tutorial on how to check and install the Zeep Python library.
2024-01-21, 128🔥, 0💬

Invoking WSDL Default Service
This section provides a tutorial example on how to access the default service of a given WSDL document and invoke a given operation using quick access syntax.
2024-01-21, 128🔥, 0💬

WSDL 2.0 Not Supported by Zeep Library
This section provides a tutorial example to confirm that the Zeep library does not support WSDL 2.0 document.
2024-01-21, 128🔥, 0💬

Mock Registration - SOAP 1.1 with Document Style Described in WSDL_1.1
This section describes the free Web service 'Registration' provided by herongyang.com. It' mocks a registration service based on SOAP 1.1 and described in WSDL 1.1
2024-01-21, 128🔥, 0💬

What Is Zeep Python Library
This section describes the Zeep Python library a fast and modern Python SOAP client.
2024-01-21, 127🔥, 0💬

Mock GetExchangeRate - SOAP 1.2 with RPC Style in WSDL_1.1
This section describes the free Web service 'GetExchangeRate' provided by herongyang.com. It' mocks a reservation service based on SOAP 1.2 and described in WSDL 1.1
2024-01-21, 127🔥, 0💬

Test DataFlex with Zeep Python Library
This section provides a tutorial example on how to test the free Web service 'DataFlex' provided by oorsprong.org using the Zeep Python library.
2024-01-21, 127🔥, 0💬

Installing Python Engine on macOS
This section provides a tutorial example on installing latest version of Python engine on a macOS computer.
2024-01-21, 126🔥, 0💬

Mock Reservation - SOAP 1.2 with Document Style in WSDL_1.1
This section describes the free Web service 'Reservation' provided by herongyang.com. It' mocks a reservation service based on SOAP 1.2 and described in WSDL 1.1
2024-01-21, 125🔥, 0💬

Mock GetStockPrice - SOAP 1.2 with RPC Style in WSDL_1.1
This section describes the free Web service 'GetStockPrice' provided by herongyang.com. It' mocks a reservation service based on SOAP 1.2 and described in WSDL 1.1
2024-01-21, 124🔥, 0💬

Mock Reservation - SOAP 1.1 with Document Style in WSDL_1.1
This section describes the free Web service 'Reservation' provided by herongyang.com. It' mocks a reservation service based on SOAP 1.1 and described in WSDL 1.1
2024-01-21, 124🔥, 0💬

DataFlex - "ListOfCountryNamesByName" Operation
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the 'ListOfCountryNamesByName' operation of the free Web service 'DataFlex' provided by oorsprong.org.
2024-01-21, 123🔥, 0💬

Operations Provided by TempConvert Web Service
This section describes the free Web service 'TempConvert' provided by w3schools.com. It supports 2 operations: CelsiusToFahrenheit and FahrenheitToCelsius.
2024-01-21, 122🔥, 0💬

Mock RefillOrder - SOAP 1.2 with Document Style in WSDL_1.1
This section describes the free Web service 'RefillOrder' provided by herongyang.com. It' mocks a reservation service based on SOAP 1.2 and described in WSDL 1.1
2024-01-21, 120🔥, 0💬

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