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What Is WSDL Document
This section describes WSDL Documents, which are XML files that uses WSDL (Web Services Definition Language) to define Web services.
2017-01-08, 579🔥, 2💬

Year 1977 Chinese Calendar - Year of the Snake
2017-01-05, 936🔥, 2💬

RsaKeyGenerator.java for RSA Key Generation
This section describes the initial draft of a RSA public key and private key generation implementation using the java.math.BigInteger class.
2017-01-05, 4286🔥, 2💬

Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the PDF version of this book for printing.
2016-12-28, 3166🔥, 5💬

SOAPAction - Not Needed, But No Way to Remove It
This section describes why the SOAPAction header line is not needed in SOAP 1.2 - SOAPAction is replaced by the 'action' parameter of the application/soap-xml media type in SOAP 1.2.
2016-12-24, 2632🔥, 2💬

JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver - MS Access
This chapter provides tutorial notes on using the JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver with MS Access database. Topics include creating MS Access database file; creating DSN for MS Access database files; inserting rows to and retrieving rows from Access database.
2016-12-22, 100🔥, 11💬

Calculation Speed and Response Time
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on ASP script page performance. Topics include measuring execution speed of ASP script calculating prime numbers; measuring response time of a simple 'Hello' ASP script page.
2016-12-21, 452🔥, 1💬

LambdaCalculator.java - Lambda Expression Example
This section provides a tutorial example on using an lambda expression to define a class anonymously implementing a single abstract method interface. An anonymous class and a local class are used as comparisons.
2016-12-17, 3147🔥, 1💬

Printing Histogram of Java Object Heap
This section provides a tutorial example on how to print the histogram of Java object heap, a list of different types of objects and their counts and total sizes.
2016-12-14, 6045🔥, 2💬

JSP (JavaServer Pages) Overview
This chapter provides an overview of JSP (JavaServer Pages). Topics include what is JSP; main features of JSP 2.1; how JSP pages are processed; popular JSP enabled Web servers.
2016-12-09, 260🔥, 1💬

Variant Data Type, Subtypes, and Literals
This chapter provides tutorial examples and notes about VBScript data type and literal. Topics include what is a Variant; what are data subtypes; data literals for Integer, Long, Single, Double, String, Boolean, and Date.
2016-12-06, 1014🔥, 1💬

MP3 Encoding and File Format
This section describes MP3 encoding and file format for audio recording.
2016-12-06, 2496🔥, 4💬

Using the Processes Tab
This section provides a quick description of the processes tab that lists all running processes on the system with CPU and memory usage information.
2016-12-04, 1499🔥, 1💬

JMenuTest.java - Menu Test Program
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the javax.swing.JMenu class to create multiple menus and how to add them to the menu bar. Sub menus and menu items added to a menu will be listed vertically when the menu is selected.
2016-12-03, 1158🔥, 1💬

encodingStyle="uri" for use="encoded"
This section provides a tutorial example on how to write a WSDL 1.1 example that uses SOAP 1.1 over HTTP with style='rpc', use='encoded' and encodingStyle='http://schemas. xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/'
2016-11-30, 1475🔥, 2💬

Instance Name Better than Port Number
This section describes how SQL Server support JDBC client applications to use instance name instead of port number to connect to a specific instance.
2016-11-26, 113🔥, 1💬

java.util.PropertyResourceBundle - Resource Bundles as Properties Files
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create resource bundles (localization key names with their localized text messages) as properties file for the java.util.PropertyResourceBund leconcrete class.
2016-11-25, 494🔥, 1💬

JMenuItemTest.java - Menu Item Test Program
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the javax.swing.JMenuItem class to create menu items and add them to different menus, sub menus, or the menu bar. Sub menus and menu items added to a menu will be listed vertically when the menu is selected.
2016-11-22, 1073🔥, 2💬

Assigning XML Schema Location with Namespaces
This section describes a tutorial example on how to assign schema location to a namespace used in the schema and the XML document.
2016-11-21, 1704🔥, 1💬

"return" Statement and Return Value
This section provides a quick description on 'return' statements and return values. A tutorial example on how return values are passed back to calling expressions is provided.
2016-11-19, 212🔥, 1💬

JLabel - Swing Label Class
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on JLabel class. Topics include creating label components with the javax.swing.JLabel class; creating labels with Chinese characters.
2016-11-14, 245🔥, 1💬

Perl Crypt::Blowfish Module
Tutorial notes and example codes on Crypt::Blowfish Perl Module. Topics include introduction of Crypt::Blowfish; Download and installation; Behavior tests; Test vector verification; Building 128-bit key test vectors.
2016-11-14, 509🔥, 1💬

DES Encryption Operation Modes
This chapter provides tutorial examples and notes about DES encryption operation modes. Topics include how different blocks of plaintext can be coupled together to improve the strength of the DES encryption algorithm; ECB (Electronic CodeBook), CBC (Cipher Block Chaining), CFB (Cipher FeedBack), and...
2016-11-12, 1067🔥, 1💬

JSP Java Tag Interface
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on JSP Java tag interface. Topics include the javax.servlet.jsp.tagext package; JspTag, SimpleTag and IterationTag interfaces; SimpleSupport and TagSupport classes; implementing IterationTag interface.
2016-11-10, 207🔥, 1💬

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