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What Is SoapUI
This section describes a Web service testing tool, SoapUI, which can be used to inspect WSDL documents, invoke SOAP Web service, and simulate SOAP Web service.
2017-04-01, 244🔥, 1💬

About This Book
This section provides some detailed information about this book - __title__.
2017-04-01, 401🔥, 1💬

Space Explorer v.4 - Space Car Stabilized
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use ActionScript 3 statement blocks in SWFC script file to build my Space Explorer - Version 3: the space car is wondering between walls with a stable speed!
2017-04-01, 1192🔥, 1💬

1EE00: Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols', which contains 256 code points to represent Arabic mathematical alphabetic symbols.
2017-04-01, 100🔥, 2💬

Windows 8: Modify UEFI Boot Order in BIOS
This section provides a tutorial example on how to modify UEFI boot order in BIOS in order to boot from Windows 8 repair disc directly.
2017-03-24, 8212🔥, 2💬

About This Book
This section provides some detailed information about this book - Java Swing Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples.
2017-03-23, 1053🔥, 3💬

ob_start() - Output Buffering Function
This section describes how to use the ob_start() function to turn on output buffering, which allows HTTP response header lines to be added after response body has been added.
2017-03-23, 1479🔥, 1💬

Introduction to Logical Operations
This section provides a quick introduction of logical operations supported by VBScript: logical negation - Not, conjunction - And, disjunction - Or, exclusion - Xor, equivalence - Eqv, implication - Imp.
2017-03-18, 575🔥, 2💬

Retrieving CLOB Values with getCharacterStream() Method
This section describes how to retrieve CLOB values with the ResultSet.getCharacterStream() method.
2017-03-18, 991🔥, 2💬

JDBC-ODBC - Inserting Data Rows to MS Access Database
This section describes how to insert new data rows into MS Access database through the JDBC-ODBC driver.
2017-03-17, 102🔥, 5💬

552 BC - Yang Chun Bai Xue (阳春白雪) - White Snow in Early Spring
Yang Chun Bai Xue (阳春白雪) - White Snow in Early Spring, lute music (琵琶曲), was composed by Shi Kuang (师旷), 572 BC - 532 BC.
2017-03-14, 2593🔥, 1💬

DsaSignatureGenerator.java - Generating DSA Digital Signature
This section provides tutorial example on how to generate a digital signature for a message file with a DSA private key using the SHA1withDSA algorithm.
2017-03-13, 6134🔥, 5💬

Multiplart Style Example - Reservation
This section provides a tutorial example on writing a WSDL 2.0 example that uses SOAP 1.2 over HTTP with Multipart as the message style.
2017-03-13, 245🔥, 1💬

XML Files with Linked External XSD Files
This section provides a tutorial example on how to store XSD statements in an external file, which can be then linked to XML files. The external XSD file should also be a well-formed XML document.
2017-03-11, 5337🔥, 1💬

Loading JDBC Driver Class - ojdbc16.jar
This section describes how to load the Oracle JDBC driver class - ojdbc14.jar.
2017-03-07, 100🔥, 3💬

Free Chinese Calendar 2017 - Year of the Rooster
Want to know when is the 2017 Chinese New Year day? Look for free Chinese calendars for 2017? Chinese New Year Date for Year 2017 The Rooster 2017 January 28 Saturday Chinese New Year   ⇒ Free Chinese Calendar 2018 - Year of the Dog ⇐ Free Chinese Calendar 2016 - Year of the Monkey ⇑ Free Chinese C...
2017-03-02, 34438🔥, 2💬

javax.net.debug - Debugging SSL Socket Communication
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use JVM property, javax.net.debug, to turn on the SSL socket communication debug option. The debug output message can help you to know what exactly happens at the SSL layer.
2017-03-02, 6384🔥, 2💬

Downloading and Installing SoapUI
This section provides a tutorial example on downloading and installing SoapUI on Windows system.
2017-02-23, 5986🔥, 3💬

Loading WADL Documents into SoapUI
This section provides a tutorial example on loading a WADL document for a REST Web service into SoapUI to create a REST project and populated the service, resource, and method from the WADL document.
2017-02-22, 2629🔥, 3💬

DOMBrowser.java - DOM Interface Java Example
This section provides a tutorial example on how to parse an XML file and print it back in a tree format using DOM interface in Java - JDK 1.8.
2017-02-22, 500🔥, 1💬

AC00: Hangul Syllables
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'Hangul Syllables', which contains 11184 code points to represent Hangul syllables used in the Korean language.
2017-02-21, 101🔥, 2💬

Downloading and Installing from "Play Store"
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install applications from Google's 'Play Store'. Read permissions requested by the application carefully before using the application.
2017-02-21, 551🔥, 2💬

Static, Client-Side and Server-Side Scripting Pages
This section describes differences of static content, client-side scripting code, and server-side scripting code.
2017-02-17, 256🔥, 1💬

Using SO_LINGER Socket Option
A tutorial example is provided to show how to use the SO_LINGER socket option to prevent the server closing the socket too soon after writing the response to the socket.
2017-02-16, 1703🔥, 2💬

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