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Retrieving CLOB Values with getClob() Method
This section describes how to retrieve CLOB values with the ResultSet.getClob() method.
2022-07-25, 100🔥, 5💬

Using WSDL2Java to Generate Web Service Stub Classes
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on WSDL2Java. Topics include using the WSDL2Java tool included in Axis2; generating client side stub classes; using stub and data type classes; testing stub classes with XML document and RPC method based Web services.
2022-07-25, 14857🔥, 10💬

💬 2018-04-22 test name: thanks

💬 2017-01-20 Stephen: Hi , thanks for this tutorial

💬 2016-02-24 Herong: NfeDownloadNFStub, do you need any help on your WSDL document?

💬 2016-02-23 NfeDownloadNFStub: &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> &lt;wsdl:definitions xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLS chema"xmlns:soap12="...

💬 2015-12-18 prem: thanks

isoinfo - ISO 9660 Command Line Tools
This section describes a tutorial on how to get summary information of a CD-ROM with 'isoinfo' tool.
2022-07-25, 2529🔥, 5💬

💬 2017-01-14 Herong: Anonim and others, I don't have any computer that has a CD drive now. So I am not able to help with your questions. Sorry.

💬 2017-01-10 Anonymous: Anonim, yes the -l parameter do that, but will list all files, not only the ones that has multiple TOC index. I am also looking ...

💬 2017-01-10 Anonim: Is there a way to list the files position? I want to list what files are stored on the same position (ISOs created with link Dup...

💬 2017-01-10 Anonymous: Is there a way to list duplicated files inside the ISO? I mean for that ISOs that have multiple entries on the TOC that point to...

About This Book
This section provides some detailed information about this book - Java Tools Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples.
2022-07-23, 396🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-07-23 Richard O. Jarrett: public class VeCal {    static int a = 9;    static int b = 3;    static void  lt(int a, int b) {       System.out.printl...

Java Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Java himself. Topics covered in the book include: Java language basics; execution environment; generic classes and parameterized type; generic methods and type argument inferences; enum types and...
2022-07-22, 9690🔥, 9💬

💬 2022-07-22 Chris: This is an easy to read book on the Java language. I recommend this book to all beginners.

💬 2016-03-05 SOUMO BISWAS: YES

💬 2016-02-26 Herong: Maurice, Thanks for the positive feedback!

💬 2016-02-25 Maurice: It is a great JVM book

💬 2015-12-05 Herong: Yogesh, we need better examples than what you have suggested...

(More comments ...)

Horoscope Native and Ascendant (Rising Sign)
This section provides introduction of some basic horoscope elements: Native and Ascendant (Rising Sign).
2022-07-21, 1257🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-07-21 Krizia: Thanks

What Is "os" Module
This section describes the 'os' module, which provides you an interface to the operating system where the Python script in running.
2022-07-19, 309🔥, 0💬

Create Tables with CLOB Columns
This section describes how to create tables with CLOB (LONGTEXT) columns in MySQL server.
2022-07-19, 110🔥, 4💬

Create Tables with CLOB Columns
This section describes how to create tables with BLOB (VARBINARY(MAX)) columns in SQL Server server.
2022-07-18, 100🔥, 1💬

Playing Movie with FFmpeg "ffplay" Command
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the FFmpeg 'ffplay' command to play movie file stored in MPEG4 (*.mp4) format.
2022-07-13, 14297🔥, 2💬

💬 2022-07-13 Your Name: meaningful comment

💬 2017-07-17 Nishadi: thanks. it is works

EC Private and Public Key Pair
This section introduces what is EC (Elliptic Curve) key pair - a pair of private key and public key constructed from a given subgroup generator in a given elliptic curve group.
2022-07-11, 1241🔥, 2💬


💬 2020-11-07 abc: Ravana

Live Examples of Web Services
A collection of live Web service examples for WSDL 1.1, WSDL 2.0, SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, with XML document and RPC message styles: "Hello" Web Service "Hello_REST" - REST Web Service "UnitConversion_REST" - REST Web Service "Registration" Web Service - WSDL 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 "Reservation" Web Service - ...
2022-07-08, 10790🔥, 2💬

Using openConnection() Method in java.net.URL Class
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the openConnection() method in the java.net.URL class to perform a GET method on an HTTPS server. Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) works quietly behind the java.net.URL class to provide HTTPS support.
2022-07-08, 6248🔥, 3💬

💬 2015-08-05 ashkart: doesnt work indeed. Connection type got, connection object got too. But then there is an exception "java.net.ConnectException: C...

💬 2015-08-05 ashkart: sorry, works fine, i forgot i'm behind the proxy...

"keytool -export/import" - Exporting and Importing Certificates
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the 'keytool -export' command to export certificates out of a 'keystore' file. The 'keytool -import' command can be used to import certificates into a 'keystore' file.
2022-07-08, 36042🔥, 2💬

💬 2015-08-14 Jay: This is exactly what i was looking for... thank you...

OpenSSL "enc -bf-cbc" for Blowfish/CBC Encryption
Tutorial notes and example codes are provided OpenSSL 'enc -bf-cbc' command for Blowfish encryption in CBC mode. Topics include introduction of CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) cipher operation mode; Literal Key options to specify secret key and IV directly; Salted Key and Random Salt options to specify ...
2022-07-08, 4006🔥, 2💬

💬 2020-09-24 ajmal: 123

Discontinued: GetCitiesByCountry - Get Cities by Country
This chapter provides a quick introduction of the free Web service, GetCitiesByCountry, returning a list of all cities of a given country. Topics include usage description of GetCitiesByCountry; request message sample; response message sample.
2022-07-08, 5313🔥, 5💬

💬 2017-01-21 Herong: Faisal, do you know how to make Web service calls in C#?

💬 2017-01-19 Faisal: how to use this web service in web forms ASP.Net Using C#

HTTPS Communication Data Encryption
This section describes the HTTPS communication data encryption process - Browser generates an encryption key, encrypts it using server public key and sends it to the server; Browser encrypts data with the encryption key; Server encrypts return data with the same encryption key.
2022-07-05, 539🔥, 3💬

💬 2022-07-05 you: Very Helpful information it is, in the above you mentioned that The browser encrypts data to be sent to the server with the encr...

Retrieving BLOB Values with getBinaryStream() Method
This section describes how to retrieve BLOB values with the ResultSet.getBinaryStream() method.
2022-07-01, 378🔥, 2💬

Private Network ID Must Match "chainId"
This section describes the requirement on private network - the network ID must match the 'chainId' given in the genesis block configuration.
2022-06-28, 605🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-06-28 Jenny: Thank

Chinese Web Pages with UTF-8 Encoding
This section describes how to create a Chinese HTML document in UTF-8 encoding and publish it on the Apache server.
2022-06-28, 29408🔥, 7💬

💬 2022-06-28 Daniel Ijeh: I looking for tutorial of like how can I make it Chinese when I write English. Making writing the 'lang="zh"' And all I write in...

💬 2020-02-25 Herong: Hope your project can help detecting the infection earlier and easier. Thanks!

💬 2020-02-24 beiswenger.com: Hi, I entered Chinese characters captured from Google Translate, and as you said, placed them in Notepad, named the file "index....

💬 2019-09-03 -连衣裙: -连衣裙

💬 2015-11-17 Herong: James, display sizes of Chinese characters in Chrome are controlled by CSS font-size properties associated with each HTML elemen...

(More comments ...)

Exporting a List of Root CA Certificates
This section provides a tutorial example on how to export a list of trusted root CA certificates with the certificates console on a Windows system.
2022-06-28, 3495🔥, 3💬

💬 2022-06-28 confused: ?????????????????

💬 2018-03-13 Michael Knoy: Finally someone who knows their shit! Over 20 years on the net and you have some of the best straight forward info. Thank You Ve...

💬 2017-03-28 Josh: Just what I needed. Thank you!

First 8336 Hex Digits of PI
This section provides first 8336 hex digits of constant PI, 3.1415927..., needed for Blowfish encryption algorithm.
2022-06-26, 7605🔥, 11💬

💬 2019-04-28 Herong: 8336 Hex Digits. Thanks.

💬 2019-04-26 Harry: Do you mean 8336 digits

💬 2016-10-31 Andres: cool

💬 2016-04-07 Tamas Losonczi: This is great

💬 2016-03-15 Bogdan: Thanks!

(More comments ...)

My First JSP Page on macOS
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create the first JSP page with JSP code to test the JSP support of the Tomcat Web server on macOS systems.
2022-06-24, 1042🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-06-24 Chris: Thank you. Because of you I could run my first JSP file :)

Creating Class Type Objects
This section describes how class type objects can be created using the 'new' operator and special methods.
2022-06-24, 220🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-06-24 waryam: ok

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