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Predefined Variables Related to HTTP Requests
This section describes predefined variables, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_REQUEST, and $_SERVER, that contains information included in the HTTP request received by the PHP engine from the Web server.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

What Is a Static Variable
This section describes what is a static variable - a special variable declared at the class level to be shared by all objects of the class.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Viewing Certificate Details in Apple Safari
This section provides a tutorial example on how to view certificate details when visiting an 'https' Website in Apple Safari.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

GetInteger() - Crash-Free Integer Conversion
This section provides a tutorial example of writing a crash-free code logic to convert a user entered string into a Long integer value. The built-in function CLng() will crash with a string like '3.3e200'.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Application Data Shared by Multiple Threads - Test Results
This section provides test results of a tutorial example on how to share application data by multiple threads. Data sharing allows multiple threads to work together on a single large task.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

"continue" Statements
This section describes non-labeled 'continue' statement, which is a branching statement that transfers the control to the end of the immediate enclosing loop block and continues the next iteration of the loop.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Benchmark Affected by Other Running Applications
This section provides a tutorial example showing how the benchmark test result is affected by other running applications on the operating system.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Code39 - Usage Description
This section describes the free Web service Code39 provided by WebserviceX.NET. Code39 allows you to generate bar code images in Code 39 (also called Code 3 of 9) format.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Pluto Sign and Horoscope
This section provides an quick introduction of Pluto sign in horoscope.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Goetz' Implementation of Base64 in JavaScript - Test
This section provides a test program for the JavaScript implementation of the Base64 encoding algorithm by Goetz Heller.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Table Column Types for Approximate Numbers
Describes 3 types of table columns to store approximate numbers: FLOAT, REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

MySQL Server File Locations on CentOS
This section provides a tutorial example on how to find and view MySQL Server file locations for MySQL 8.0 server on CentOS 8 systems.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Scopes of System Variables: Global and Session
This section describes global and session scopes of system variables. GLOBAL and SESSION keywords can be used to separate system variable scopes.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Steps and Components Involved
This section describes steps and application components involved in inputting Chinese characters through Web forms.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

PHP Mcrypt Extension for Blowfish
Tutorial notes and example codes on PHP Mcrypt Extension. Topics include introduction of PHP Mcrypt Extension; Running Blowfish a block cipher (ECB mode); Running Blowfish in block chaining cipher (CBC, CFB and OFB modes).
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Algebraic Solution for Symmetrical Points
This section provides an algebraic solution for calculating the addition operation of two symmetrical points on an elliptic curve.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Algebraic Solution for Distinct Points
This section provides an algebraic solution for calculating the addition operation of two distinct points on an elliptic curve.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

GC Log Message Examples of Serial Collector
This section provides an example of GC log messages generated from the Serial Collector.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Adaptive Size Policy for Best Throughput
This section provides a tutorial on how Adaptive Size Policy is used by the Parallel collector to our best Throughput goal.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

JDBC-ODBC - Creating DSN for Flat Test File
This section describes how to create a DSN that connected to a flat text file.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Common Errors with CallableStatement Parameters
This section provides some error conditions on CallableStatement place holder parameters.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Process Management
This chapter provides introductions and tutorial on managing processes on Linux systems. Topics include 'ps' to display processes; 'jobs' and other commands to manage background jobs; 'tmux' tool to manage multiple shells and keep them in background.
2022-10-01, 177🔥, 0💬

Introduction of Activity Lifecycle
This section describes the android.app.Activity class which represents an activity you allow the user to interact with on the screen. An activity has 4 states: Active, Paused, Stopped and Destroyed.
2022-10-01, 176🔥, 0💬

XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) - Implementation in JDK
This section provides a tutorial example on how to write a simple program, XSLClassChecker.java, to view implementation classes of XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) in JDK.
2022-10-01, 176🔥, 0💬

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