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javax.crypto.KeyGenerator - Generating Secret Keys
This section provides a quick introduction of the secret key generation class, javax.crypto.KeyGenerator.
2022-10-16, 134🔥, 0💬

What Is Encryption?
This section describes what is encryption - A bijection function that uses a key, encryption key, to compute the image.
2022-10-16, 132🔥, 0💬

C# code for MySql Stored Procedures IN, OUT, and INOUT parameters
'MySQL - Stored Procedure Language' tutorial was cited in a CodeProject project article in 2009.
2022-10-16, 115🔥, 0💬

javax.net.ssl.trustStore Option Behaviour
'javax.net.ssl.trustStore System Property' tutorial was cited in howtodojo.com forum in 2021..
2022-10-16, 121🔥, 0💬

Including and using the MySql.Data.dll on your web host server
'Installing MySQL 5.5.15' tutorial was cited in an ASP.NET forum post in 2013.
2022-10-16, 117🔥, 0💬

XmlSimpleHash.pl - XML Hash Example
This section provides a tutorial example on how to work with hashes resulted from the XML::Simple parsing operation, XMLin().
2022-10-16, 100🔥, 0💬

CGI Error - HTTP Errors
'Perl Programs as IIS Server CGI Scripts' tutorial was cited in a YaBB Chat and Support Community article in 2009.
2022-10-15, 108🔥, 0💬

Use Case Diagram - Actor Notation
This section describes the Actor Notation used in a UML Use Case Diagram. An Actor Notation presents a role played by a user or any other object that are involved with the use case.
2022-10-15, 130🔥, 0💬

SSL: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown Problem
'SslReverseEchoer.java - SSL Server Socket Example' tutorial was cited in the 'Core &gt; Core APIs &gt; Networking' Oracle forum in 2010.
2022-10-15, 109🔥, 0💬

Archived: Visiting "https" Web Site with IE 7
This section describes how IE (Internet Explorer) 7 shows a lock icon when you visit an 'https' Web site to provide you more security related information.
2022-10-15, 142🔥, 0💬

Generating Private Keys
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the 'keytool -genkey' command to generate a pair of private key and public key. This command also generates a self-signed certificate from the key pair.
2022-10-15, 142🔥, 0💬

Certificates and Certificate Chains
This section describes what is a certificate and what is a certificate path. A certificate is a digitally signed statement from the issuer saying that the public key of the subject has some specific value.
2022-10-15, 117🔥, 0💬

Performance of Inserting Rows with a PreparedStatement
This section describes how to measure the performance of inserting rows using a PreparedStatement object.
2022-10-15, 121🔥, 0💬

"keytool" Generating Maria's CSR
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use 'keytool' to generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) containing a public key to ask a CA to sign it.
2022-10-15, 112🔥, 0💬

State Machine Diagram - Pseudostate Notations
This section describes Pseudostate Notations used in a UML State Machine Diagram. Pseudostate Notations presents some logic nodes to build a complex transition from one state to another state.
2022-10-14, 139🔥, 0💬

State Machine Diagram - Transition Sequence Notations
This section describes the Transition Sequence Notation used in a UML State Machine Diagram. A Transition Sequence Notation presents a sequence of triggers and actions that make up a transition from one state to another.
2022-10-14, 114🔥, 0💬

how to import x509.pem pk8 file into jks(keystore)
'Migrating Keys from OpenSSL Key Files to keystore' tutorial was cited in a CSDN.NET blog in 2016.
2022-10-14, 139🔥, 0💬

UML Diagrams
This section provides a list of 14 different types of UML diagrams. They are divided into 3 categories: Structure Diagrams, Behavior Diagrams, and Interaction Diagrams.
2022-10-14, 174🔥, 0💬

Redirecting Browser to a URI
This section provides a tutorial example on how to redirect the browser to go to a new URI with the redirect() method in the CGI.pm module.
2022-10-14, 101🔥, 0💬

SocketRequestResponse.pl - Socket Level Testing Program
This section provides a tutorial example on how to write a Perl program using socket interface to send a request and receive a response.
2022-10-14, 122🔥, 0💬

SocketClient.pl - A Simple Socket Client Program
This section provides a tutorial example on how to write a simple socket communication client program, SocketClient.pl, which creates a socket and makes a connection request to a remote socket communication server.
2022-10-14, 101🔥, 0💬

Reference Citations in 2019
This is a collection of reference citations to Herong's tutorials on the Internet in 2019.
2022-10-14, 112🔥, 0💬

Chinese Character Encodings (gb2312/Big5/GB2312)
'GB2312 Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples' tutorials were cited in a csdn.net article in 2019.
2022-10-14, 111🔥, 0💬

Using MySQL Database Server
This chapter provides tutorial examples and notes on MySQL database server access. Topics include installing the DBI module and DBD::mysql module; creating a database connection with the DBI-&gt;connect() function.
2022-10-14, 102🔥, 0💬

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