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ChemSpider APIs - Usage Description
This section describes free Web services provided by RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) ChemSpider APIs that allows you to search and retrieve chemical compounds information.
2023-11-07, 301🔥, 1💬

MockService - Web Service Simulator
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create a Web service simulator, MockService, with SoapUI, to return a mock response.
2023-11-07, 777🔥, 2💬

UTF-32BE Encoding
This section provides a quick introduction of the UTF-32BE (Unicode Transformation Format - 32-bit Big Endian) encoding for Unicode character set.
2023-11-04, 727🔥, 7💬

Decode Bitcoin Raw Transaction Format
This section describes how to decode a Bitcoin raw transaction format.
2023-11-04, 4444🔥, 7💬

What Is Canonical SMILES
This section provides a quick introduction of Canonical SMILES, uniquely identifies each molecule structure with single unique SMILE string.
2023-11-02, 993🔥, 1💬

Downloading and Installing Visual C# 2010 Express
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express edition on Windows systems.
2023-10-28, 10270🔥, 38💬

Blowfish Test Vectors with 16-Byte Keys
A tutorial Perl example is provided to show how to build a table of test vectors with Crypt::Blowfish with 128-bit (16-byte) secret keys.
2023-10-28, 221🔥, 1💬

RDKit Substructure Search with SMARTS
This section provides a tutorial example on how to perform substructure search with a MARTS parttern using RDKit library.
2023-10-27, 1751🔥, 2💬

Blowfish - 8-Byte Block Cipher
This chapter provides tutorial examples and notes about Blowfish block cipher. Topics include Blowfish encryption and decryption algorithm; Blowfish sub-key generation schema, Blowfish algorithm implementation in Java.
2023-10-24, 912🔥, 4💬

How to know KeyManager given a keystore
'SslReverseEchoer.java - SSL Server Socket Example' tutorial was cited in a JavaRanch forum post in 2012.
2023-10-22, 117🔥, 0💬

"secp256r1" - For 256-Bit ECC Keys
This section describes 'secp256r1' elliptic curve domain parameters for generating 256-Bit ECC Keys as specified by secg.org.
2023-10-20, 3595🔥, 1💬

RSA Public Key Encryption Algorithm
This section describes the RSA public key encryption algorithm. Generating public and private keys used in RSA encryption requires two large prime numbers.
2023-10-16, 304🔥, 2💬

Block Hash Calculation Algorithm
This section describes the Block Hash Calculation Algorithm.
2023-10-13, 749🔥, 1💬

Geometric Introduction to Elliptic Curves
This chapter provides a geometric introduction of elliptic curves and the associated addition operation. Topics includes what is an elliptic curve and its geometric properties; geometric algorithm defining an addition operation; infinity point or identity element; commutativity and associativity of ...
2023-10-11, 776🔥, 2💬

Corrupted Chinese File Name with Un-ZIP
This section provides a tutorial example to demonstrate a real life example of Chinese text corruption when unzip ZIP archives generated from Chinese Windows systems.
2023-10-06, 1890🔥, 1💬

My First HTML Page - hello.html
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create the first Web page with HTML code to test the Tomcat Web server.
2023-09-29, 2341🔥, 2💬

View Account QR Code in MetaMask
This section describes how to view account QR code in MetaMask.
2023-09-26, 25737🔥, 2💬

Certificate X.509 Standard and DER/PEM Formats
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on certificate content standard and file formats. Topics include X.509 standard for certificate content; DER encoding for certificate binary file format; PEM encoding for certificate text file format; exchanging certificates in DER and PEM forma...
2023-09-26, 1189🔥, 2💬

本节介绍了中国农历计算 Java 程式,算法和数据取自 eleworld.com。
2023-09-23, 360🔥, 2💬

ReadParse() - Parsing Web Form Input Values
This section describes functions provided in the CGI library, cgi-bin.pl. It also provides a tutorial example on how to use the ReadParse() to parse Web form input values and other functions.
2023-09-21, 3722🔥, 12💬

content_type() method in the HTTP::Headers Class
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the content_type() method in the HTTP::Headers class to set the Content-Type header line with 'application/soap+xml'.
2023-09-20, 147🔥, 1💬

Archived: Get Bitcoin Block Data
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the Get Bitcoin Block Data operation provided by blockexplorer.com.
2023-09-17, 211🔥, 1💬

EC Key in PEM File Format
This section provides a tutorial example on the EC key PEM file format. EC domain parameters are stored together with the private key.
2023-09-17, 3903🔥, 1💬

Windows Command - "certutil -encode/-decode"
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use 'certutil -encode' command on a Windows system to perform Base64 encoding and decoding.
2023-09-13, 31303🔥, 8💬

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