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康希诺新冠疫苗 - 保护效力
康希诺新冠疫苗的保护效力是多少? 2021年2月24日,康希诺生物股份公司布公,康希诺疫苗在巴 基斯坦、墨西哥、俄罗斯、智利及阿根廷5个国家开展了全球多中心Ⅲ期临床 研究,已完成4万余受试者的接种及期中数据分析。 疫苗Ⅲ期临床试验期中分析数据结果显示:在单针接种疫苗28天后 ,疫苗对所有症状的总体保护效力为65.28%;在单针接种疫苗1 4天后,疫苗对所有症状总体...
2021-05-04, 3104🔥, 0💬

康希诺新冠疫苗 - 深度解答
康希诺新冠疫苗究竟是怎样研发出来的?有效吗?够用吗? 下面我们对这些问题进行深入的解答: 康希诺新冠疫苗 - 研发时刻表 康希诺新冠疫苗 - 保护效力 参考文献: 陈薇团队新冠疫苗三期临床试验结果:总体保护效力为74.8% https://news.163.com/21/0209/0 7/G2CKCN480001899O.html  ⇒ 康希诺新冠疫苗 - 研发时刻表 ⇐ 莫德纳新冠疫苗 ⇑⇑ 新冠病毒(SARS-CoV-...
2021-05-04, 2767🔥, 0💬

全世界有哪些新冠疫苗? 到2021年1月为止,全世界有5款新冠疫苗获得不同国家批准上 市。下面是全世界新冠疫苗一览表: 代号 种类 公司 阶段 获批国家 Ad26.COV2.5 载体 强生(杨森)-美国 III期 欧盟,美国 Ad5-nCoV 载体 康希诺-中国 III期 中国,巴基斯坦,墨西哥 AZD1222 载体 阿斯利康-英国 III期 印度,阿根廷,墨西哥,英国,欧盟,… BBIBP-CorV 灭活 中国生物-中国...
2021-05-04, 30053🔥, 0💬

什么是蛋白疫苗? 它的工作机制是什么? 蛋白疫苗又可以细分成两个小类:重组蛋白疫苗,病毒外壳疫苗(V irus-LikeParticle,VLP)。 1. 重组蛋白疫苗 - 重组蛋白疫苗是根据新冠病毒的S和M蛋白基因,人工组合而成的S 和M蛋白。重组蛋白疫苗的工作机制如下: 先根据新冠病毒的S和M蛋白基因,人工合成S和M蛋白。 然后将这些S和M蛋白混合体,输入人体。 人体内的这些S和M...
2021-05-04, 11375🔥, 0💬

什么是核酸疫苗? 它的工作机制是什么? 核酸疫苗又可以细分成两个小类:DNA疫苗,mRNA疫苗。 1. DNA疫苗 - DNA疫苗是用新冠病毒的S蛋白基因制成的DNA链条。 DNA疫苗的工作机制如下: 先将新冠病毒的S蛋白基因制成DNA链条。 然后将这些DNA链条,输入人体。 接着使用电穿孔(Electroporation)技术,瞬时提 高细胞膜的通透性,帮助DNA链条融入人体细胞,并进入细胞...
2021-05-04, 4985🔥, 0💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2032 - Year of the Rat
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2032? Lucky Wedding Dates: 2032 - Year of the Rat   ⇒ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2033 - Year of the Ox ⇐ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2032 to 2043 ⇑ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2032 to 2043 ⇑⇑ Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
2021-05-04, 2826🔥, 0💬

What Is Cryptography?
This section describes what is cryptography - The study of techniques related to all aspects of data security.
2021-04-25, 3247🔥, 6💬

AES Standard Decryption Algorithm
The standard decryption algorithm of the AES-128 encryption is provided. It is a straightforward reverse of the encryption algorithm.
2021-04-25, 1324🔥, 1💬

Merge Sort - Implementation in PHP
This section provides a tutorial on how to implement the Merge Sort algorithm in PHP.
2021-04-24, 773🔥, 2💬

"keytool" and "keystore" from JDK
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on 'keytool' and 'keystore'. Topics include introduction of 'keytool' and 'keystore'; using 'keytool' to generate private keys, generate self-signed certificates, export and import certificates.
2021-04-23, 757🔥, 1💬

"regedit.exe" - Changing Registry Values
This section provides a tutorial example on how to change registry values for the FreeCell game program, like increase the total number of games won.
2021-04-22, 1933🔥, 5💬

Looping through ResultSet with res.next()
This section describes how to loop through ResultSet objects with the res.next() method.
2021-04-18, 169🔥, 1💬

Item Listener on Radio Button Menu Items
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use java.awt.event.ItemListener, radio button and check box item listener interface, to catch state changed item vents on radio button menu item objects.
2021-04-13, 426🔥, 1💬

Calculate Double-SHA256 Hash with Python
This section describes how to calculate Double-SHA256 hash with Python.
2021-04-11, 2874🔥, 2💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2017 - Year of the Rooster
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2017? Lucky Wedding Dates: 2017 - Year of the Rooster   ⇒ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2018 - Year of the Dog ⇐ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2016 - Year of the Monkey ⇑ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2008 to 2019 ⇑⇑ Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
2021-04-04, 1851🔥, 0💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2019 - Year of the Boar
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2019? Lucky Wedding Dates: 2019 - Year of the Boar   ⇒ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2020 to 2031 ⇐ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2018 - Year of the Dog ⇑ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2008 to 2019 ⇑⇑ Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
2021-04-04, 1692🔥, 0💬

Lucky Wedding Dates: 2018 - Year of the Dog
Where to find lucky wedding dates for year 2018? Lucky Wedding Dates: 2018 - Year of the Dog   ⇒ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2019 - Year of the Boar ⇐ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2017 - Year of the Rooster ⇑ Lucky Wedding Dates: 2008 to 2019 ⇑⇑ Wedding Date - The Most Important Date of Your Life
2021-04-04, 1681🔥, 0💬

"WinZip" - ZIP File Compression Tool
This chapter provides an introduction of WinZip. Topics include installing WinZip 10.0, adding files and sub directories to ZIP files, extracting files from ZIP files, setting passwords to ZIP files, setting Windows Explorer context menu for WinZip.
2021-03-26, 420🔥, 1💬

Windows Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This free book is a tutorial book for regular users of Windows systems. It is a collection of tutorial notes written by the author while he was learning and using Microsoft Windows systems. Key words include FTP, Network, Graphics, HijackThis, Internet Explorer, WinZIP, WinRAR, Process, Service, Spy...
2021-03-26, 1444🔥, 1💬

Introduction to Microsoft Windows
This chapter provides a quick introduction of Microsoft Windows operating systems. Topics include Windows versions and history, top features of Windows 7, end user components of Windows.
2021-03-26, 297🔥, 2💬

Installed Services in System Registry
This section describes installed services stored in the system registry. A tutorial example is provided on how to use 'regedit.exe' to view the registry area where services are stored - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Curr entControlSet\Services\.
2021-03-26, 5819🔥, 5💬

Introduction to Windows Explorer
This chapter provides a quick introduction of Windows Explorer. Topics include viewing file properties; turning off file Preview Pane; file listing options; showing file icons instead of thumbnails; best settings of folder options; applying options to all folders.
2021-03-26, 395🔥, 1💬

"FileZilla" - Free FTP Client and Server
This chapter provides a quick introduction of the free FTP client and server solution: FileZilla. Topics include introducing features supported by FileZilla; downloading and installing FileZilla 3.1.5; creating a FTP connection site; downloading files from remote FTP sites.
2021-03-26, 316🔥, 1💬

"Paint" Program and Computer Graphics
This chapter provides a quick introduction of computer graphics and the Windows Paint program. Topics include listing of Paint features, graphics pixels and colors, reducing picture size, converting graphics file formats.
2021-03-26, 336🔥, 1💬

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