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"javac -classpath" - Specifying Class Path
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the '-classpath' option to specify the class path for the 'javac' tool to load any classes required during the compilation.
2022-03-03, 2569🔥, 1💬

Abelian Group on Elliptic Curve
This section demonstrates that an Abelian Group can be defined with all points on an elliptic curve with the 'rule of chord' operation.
2022-03-02, 369🔥, 1💬

Installing Android Platform 4.0.3 and Libraries
This section provides a tutorial example on how to install Android platform libraries and tools using Android SDK Manager.
2022-02-28, 278🔥, 0💬

3400: CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
This section provides a quick summary of the Unicode code point block: 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A', which contains 6592 code points to represent additional Chinese characters used in CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) languages.
2022-02-28, 100🔥, 1💬

x86 Emulation Requires Hardware Acceleration
This section provides a tutorial example showing the error of 'x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!' when starting an Android emulator, if the AVD is created to simulate Intel x86 CPU.
2022-02-28, 235🔥, 0💬

Accessing Array Elements with Indexes
This section provides a tutorial example on how to access array elements with element indexes.
2022-02-27, 5514🔥, 2💬

Android Emulator Starting Screens
This section provides a tutorial example on how to unlock the starting screen of an Android emulator by 'Swipe' up the lock icon.
2022-02-27, 346🔥, 0💬

Android Emulator Built-in Apps and Widgets
This section describes the built-in apps and widgets provided in an Android emulator generated from Android SDK R24.
2022-02-26, 340🔥, 0💬

Running Android SDK Manager R24
This section provides a tutorial example on how to run Android SDK Manager R24 to see what additional tools and libraries that are available from the Android developer center.
2022-02-25, 328🔥, 0💬

Verifying Android Platform Installation
This section provides a tutorial example on how to verify Android platform installation using the 'android' tool provided in the Android SDK starter package.
2022-02-24, 228🔥, 0💬

Android Emulator for Google Watch
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create and run an Android Emulator for Google watches.
2022-02-24, 412🔥, 0💬

Creating Android Virtual Device (AVD)
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create an Android Virtual Device (AVD), which is an emulator configuration that lets you to model an actual Android device.
2022-02-22, 268🔥, 0💬

"Body" Region Margin and "Side" Region Extent
This section provides tutorial example to demonstrate how the region-before extent overlaps with the top margin of the region-body. It can also be extended into and hidden behind the content area of the region-body.
2022-02-19, 602🔥, 2💬

blockchain.com - View Address
This section describes how to view a bitcoin account address on blockchain.com.
2022-01-31, 418🔥, 2💬

Functionalities of Bitcoin Wallet
This section describes functionalities of a Bitcoin Wallet.
2022-01-31, 179🔥, 1💬

List of Cryptocurrencies
This section describes the market price value of Bitcoin.
2022-01-31, 151🔥, 1💬

Bitcoin Units
This section describes units of Bitcoin.
2022-01-30, 338🔥, 2💬

Exporting Root Certificate to File from macOS
This section provides a tutorial example on how to export a trusted root CA certificate pre-installed on macOS computer into a certificate file in binary .cer format.
2022-01-30, 2351🔥, 2💬

"sc.exe query/start/stop" - Query, Start or Stop Services
This section provides a tutorial example on how to query, start, or stop a service with 'sc.exe' Service Controller command tool.
2022-01-30, 1272🔥, 2💬

FORTRAN 77 - Example Program Code
This section provides a simple example program code of FORTRAN 77 language.
2022-01-30, 2346🔥, 7💬

Bitpedia Implementation of Base32 in Java
This section provides a Java implementation of the Base32 encoding algorithm by the Bitcollider project.
2022-01-27, 2714🔥, 3💬

File_Input_Output_Test.php - File Input/Output Examples
This section provides a tutorial example script on how to use file input and output functions like fopen(), fread(), fwrite(), and fclose(). The example script copies any file in binary mode.
2022-01-26, 543🔥, 4💬

Create ZIP Archive for Download
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create a ZIP archive in a temporary file with dymanic data and send it to Web browser as a download using the ZipArchive class.
2022-01-25, 100🔥, 1💬

Controlled Supply Rule - Total of 21M BTC
This section describes what is the Bitcoin Controlled Supply Rule - There will be only 21M BTC in total.
2022-01-25, 205🔥, 1💬

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