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JVM "-ea" and "-da" Options
This section describes '-ea' and '-da' JVM option, which are used to enable or disable assertion on application classes.
2022-10-01, 2177🔥, 0💬

\uxxxx - Entering Unicode Data in Java Programs
This section provides a tutorial example on how to enter Unicode characters using \uxxxx escape sequences in a Java program, and same them to any giving character set encoding.
2022-10-01, 2112🔥, 0💬

"native2ascii -encoding" - UTF-8 to uXXXX Conversion
This section provides a tutorial example on how to convert UTF-8 character strings to \uXXXX Unicode code sequences with the 'native2ascii -encoding' command.
2022-10-01, 2051🔥, 4💬

💬 2022-10-01 DEMO: DEMO

💬 2020-05-08 دد: سلام

💬 2019-03-25 gg: É=-~-~[],ó=-~É,Ë=É<<É,þ=Ë+~[]; Ì=(ó-ó)[Û=(''+{})[É+ó]+(''+{})[ó-É]+ ([].ó+'')[ó-É]+(!!''+'')[ó]+({}+'')[ ó+ó]+(!''...

💬 2019-02-18 What: &lt;script>alert("hii")&lt;/ script>

Supertype and Subtype
This section describes the supertype-subtype relationships: a supertype corresponds a class or interface that is extended or implemented directly or indirectly by the class or interface of the subtype.
2022-10-01, 2051🔥, 0💬

JDK Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This book is a collection of tutorial notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning JDK (Java Development Kit) core libraries himself. Topics include Time and Calendar, Internationalization, Unnamed Packages, Collections, Character Set and Encoding, Logging, XML related technolo...
2015-07-18, 2041🔥, 0💬

Setting UTF-8 Encoding in PrintStream
This section provides a tutorial example on how to set UTF-8 encoding an output PrintStream to correctly print non-ASCII characters.
2022-08-22, 2014🔥, 1💬

Java Thread Deadlock Demo Program
This section provides a tutorial example of simple deadlock demo program, SimpleDeadLock.java, with 2 threads waiting for each other.
2016-02-20, 2009🔥, 2💬

💬 2015-11-27 Herong: Rahul, I think your dump file is a correct thread dump. It provides you a list of threads in a text format. You can use any text...

💬 2015-11-26 Rahul: Hi, Thanks for nice article. when we use jstack or kill -QUIT / kill -3 to get thread dump , we always get the dump file which s...

Archived: Downloading and Installing J2SE 1.5.0 on Windows
This section provides tutorial example on how to download and install J2SE (JDK - Java Development Kit) 1.5.0.
2023-11-13, 1935🔥, 1💬

💬 2023-11-13 Hi: Hi

JIMAGE - Java Image File Format
This section describes the Java image, JIMAGE, a special file format used to store class and resource files of multiple Java modules to support custom JRE.
2023-03-18, 1834🔥, 2💬

💬 2023-03-18 -: nice

Installing Latest JDK on Windows
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install the latest version JDK, which includes some nice Java tools, on a Windows system.
2016-02-26, 1813🔥, 2💬

💬 2015-07-29 Herong: Sophie, I am so glad that my tutorial is helpful to you.

💬 2015-07-29 Sophie: Thank you. I have successfully installed Java jdk 1.8 using the instructions on this web page.

jar - The JAR File Tool
This chapter provides notes and tutorials on JAR file tool, 'jar'. Topics include Java Archive (JAR) file forma, 'jar' command options, creating JAR files, managing JAR files with WinZIP, using manifest file, creating executable JAR files.
2016-02-27, 1792🔥, 3💬

💬 2015-06-06 svdude: Love your clear explanation of creating and using JARs. Thank you!

💬 2010-12-25 Herong: Eka, No, you can not use client's public key to sign a .jar file. Digital signature needs to be generated using your own private...

💬 2010-12-22 Eka: If i have a client's public key... can i sign a .jar using his public key to later be used only by him?

"java -classpath" - Specifying Class Path
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the '-classpath' option to specify the class path for the 'java' tool to load any classes required during the execution.
2022-10-01, 1750🔥, 0💬

java.time.Instant - get(INSTANT_SECONDS) Error
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use getLong() to retrieve INSTANT_SECONDS value. Using get() will result an exception.
2016-08-03, 1724🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-08-03 Herong: G, Thanks for pointing out the root cause of the issue. I will correct it in the next update.

💬 2016-08-02 G: the valid values range is outside of int, use getLong() instead of get(),

"javac --module" - Compiling Entire Module
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use 'javac --module' command to compile all Java source code in an entire module.
2022-10-01, 1713🔥, 0💬

Initializing SSLContext with PKCS12 File
This section provides a tutorial example on how to write a simple program to test the java.net.ssl.SSLContext class with a PKCS12 keystore file.
2022-10-01, 1708🔥, 0💬

Using SO_LINGER Socket Option
A tutorial example is provided to show how to use the SO_LINGER socket option to prevent the server closing the socket too soon after writing the response to the socket.
2017-02-16, 1703🔥, 2💬

💬 2017-02-16 Herong: Gaurav, you can to follow "keytool -genkey" - Generating Keys and Self-Signed Certificates tutorial to generate herong.jks.

💬 2017-02-15 Gaurav Kumar: Where can i get this file herong.jks?

SslReverseEchoer.java - SSL Server Socket Example
This section provides a tutorial example on how to write a sample program to create a SSL server socket to listen for incoming SSL socket connection requests from client machines.
2022-05-06, 1610🔥, 3💬

"jar --main-class" - Making JAR File Executable
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use 'jar --main-class ...' command option to specify the application main class to make a JAR file executable.
2022-10-01, 1605🔥, 0💬

jstat - JVM Statistics Monitoring Tool
This chapter provides tutorial notes on JVM statistics monitoring tools. Topics include listing JVM processes with 'jps', the JVM remote monitoring server - 'jstatd', Java security policy file, connecting 'jps' and 'jstat' to a remote machine, RMI protocol and URL, getting garbage collection statist...
2017-08-10, 1590🔥, 1💬

💬 2017-08-10 abdel: genial very good !!!

💬 2017-04-01 Herong: Asdaq, Thanks for sharing your comment.

💬 2017-03-31 Asdaq: For IBM SDK WebSphere Application Server this tool is not available.

💬 2015-12-13 Herong: Tim, I thought that every Linux system comes with JDK preinstalled. Not true?

💬 2015-12-12 tim: @majumder.soumya@gmail.com seems like you need to install jdk

(More comments ...)

Creating Module JAR File
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use 'jar --create' command to create a module JAR file to store all class files of a Java module.
2023-04-24, 1558🔥, 2💬

💬 2023-04-24 Jeff: Append my comments. It actually worked. Didn't realize C in -C is a capital letter and there's a dot in the end.

💬 2023-04-24 Jeff: when I tried --describe-module option, command prompt said no module descriptor found. Derived automatic module. Also, the --lis...

Managing Bit Strings in Byte Arrays
This chapter provides tutorial notes and tutorial examples on managing bit strings in byte arrays. Topics include setting a bit value into a byte array; getting a bit value back from a byte array; rotating all bits in a byte array.
2016-02-27, 1471🔥, 4💬

💬 2015-10-10 Brian: Excellent tutorials. Thanks!

💬 2006-11-19 Herong: Hi Naren, I added a section, Managing Bit Strings in Byte Arrays , to explain the getBit() and setBit() used in the DES implemen...

💬 2006-11-10 Naren: can u help me how the getbit() and setbit() implementation is done ...y ur are taken the hexadecimal no for the processing This ...

💬 2006-11-10 A visitor: hi, Your program for des is superb ......but can u help me how the getbit() and setbit() implementation is done ...y ur are take...

"jar --extract" - Extracting Files from JAR File
This section provides a tutorial example on how to extract files out of a JAR file with the 'jar --extract' command.
2022-10-01, 1460🔥, 0💬

Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format.
2016-07-09, 1450🔥, 3💬

💬 2016-07-09 vetal: good

💬 2015-12-01 Michael Collins: Thanks

"jar -C" - Changing Input Directory
This section provides a tutorial example on how to 'jar --create -C ...' to change input directory when creating JAR files.
2017-02-04, 1393🔥, 3💬

💬 2017-02-04 Herong: Chris, Thanks for sharing the information.

💬 2017-02-03 Chris: For unix, on the last command, ".;" changes to ".:".

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