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What Is URL/URI Encoding?
This section describes what is URL/URI encoding - an encoding schema used in URL/URI that encode data into a sequence of characters prefixed with a percenter sign (%).
2019-08-16, 869🔥, 1💬

Sun Implementation of UUEnccode in Java
This section provides a test program for the Java implementation of UUEncode by Sun. Tests of both encoder and decoder are provided.
2016-02-29, 2101🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-02-29 Herong: weller, thanks for pointing out the typo. It will be corrected in the next update.

💬 2016-02-28 weller: ren SunUUEncode.uu SunUUEncode.class should be ren SunUUEncode.cls SunUUEncode.class

Andre's Implementation of Base32 in PHP
This section provides a PHP implementation of the Base32 encoding algorithm by Andre DeMarre.
2016-02-11, 821🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-02-11 apple: thx

Sun Implementation of Base64 in Java
This section provides the source code for the Java implementation of Base64 by Sun.
2016-01-23, 3346🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-01-23 Herong: Ashish, Finally Base64 encoding is included in JDK now. Thanks for sharing the tutorials;

💬 2016-01-22 Ashish: Nice Article you can read more about base 64 encoding using Java 8 at Modern Pathshala

PHP - convert_uuencode() and convert_uudecode()
This section provides the source code of the PHP implementation of UUEncode by php.net.
2015-07-27, 392🔥, 1💬

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