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Thread Test on HotSpot JVM 10
This section provides a tutorial example to see how many running threads can be supported on HotSpot 1.7.0_45 Client and Server JVMs.
2022-10-01, 154🔥, 0💬

ClassChecker.java - Reports Class Locations
This section provides a tutorial example, ClassChecker.java, which reports class locations from the classpath of a given class.
2022-10-01, 153🔥, 0💬

Garbage Collection Performance Test Program
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on garbage collection performance test programs. Topics include throughput performance calculation; latency performance calculation; operating system interruptions; P99 (99th Percentile) performance; running JVM with highest priority.
2022-10-01, 153🔥, 0💬

Performance Tests on Parallel collector
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on performance impact of Parallel collector, Topics include heap footprint; heap size impact; running minor GC only, running more major GC.
2022-10-01, 153🔥, 0💬

Thread Test on HotSpot 1.7
This section provides a tutorial example to see how many running threads can be supported on HotSpot 1.7.0_45 Client and Server JVMs.
2022-10-01, 151🔥, 0💬

Memory Footprint of JRockit R28.2.7
This section provides a tutorial example on how to check memory footprint of JRockit 6 R28.2.7 on Windows systems. JRockit has a much higher footprint than HotSpot.
2022-10-01, 145🔥, 0💬

Thread Test on HotSpot 1.4 and JRockit 7.0
This section provides a tutorial example to see how many running threads can be supported on HotSpot 1.4.0_02 Client/Server and JRockit 7.0 JVMs.
2022-10-01, 145🔥, 0💬

General Suggestions for Better GC Performance
This section describes some general rules used by JVM to manage memory and get better GC performance.
2022-10-01, 145🔥, 0💬

GCPerfP99V2.java - Work Load Level
This section provides tutorials to find the work load level for the GCPerfP99V2.java program to the impact of execution environment interruptions to a very level. Work load of 1000 gives me a coefficient variation of 1.22% on my computer used in 2019.
2022-10-01, 143🔥, 0💬

"-XX:+PrintGCDetails" - Garbage Collection Logging
This section describes HotSpot JVM options to generate garbage collection logging messages. It also describes log message format to help us understand what the JVM is telling us.
2022-10-01, 100🔥, 0💬

What Is JVM Stack?
This section describes what are JVM stacks. One stack is created for each thread to hold frames which store local variables, partial results of currently executing nested methods.
2022-05-26, 1890🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-05-26 Abdurauf from Uzbekistan: good tutorial to learn thread area

forName() Method - Loading Classes
This section provides a tutorial example on how to load a given class explicitly using the forName() method and create a new object using the newInstance() method.
2022-03-24, 693🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-03-24 Catc: Very Good!!!

JRockit Management Console on HotSpot JVM
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use Oracle JRockit Management Console to monitor and manage HotSpot JVM instances.
2022-03-11, 221🔥, 2💬

💬 2022-03-11 Ian Martin: Are you looking for ways to hit the lottery jackpot? Search no more for Dr Amber can help you win the lottery you want with his ...


Download and Install JDK on Windows
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install the latest version JDK, which contains the HotSpot JVM, on a Windows system. A simple Java program was entered, compiled, and executed to verify the JDK installation.
2021-11-12, 3383🔥, 2💬

💬 2021-11-12 huj: kurwa huj

💬 2021-10-19 Bogo: thanks!

Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format.
2021-06-09, 3013🔥, 12💬

💬 2021-06-09 Umesh: Thanks

💬 2019-01-28 Luke: Thanks

💬 2016-12-05 Rahul: very good

💬 2016-11-07 bob: thanks.

💬 2016-09-29 Awanputih: Thanks a bunch

(More comments ...)

What Is JVM Specification
This section describes what is JVM Specification.
2020-01-11, 588🔥, 1💬

💬 2020-01-11 zengjialiang: thanks

"superclass access check failed" Class Load Error
This section provides a tutorial example of 'superclass access check failed' class load error.
2019-11-10, 2099🔥, 1💬

Java 8 GC Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This book is a collection of tutorial notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning JVM GC (Garbage Collection) processes. Topics include Java Garbage Collectors, STW (Stop-The-World), Serial Collector, Parallel Collector, Concurrent Collector, G1 Collector, GC Algorithms, Gener...
2019-09-07, 1759🔥, 1💬

💬 2019-09-07 Venmo: Very helpful. Thanks!

-Xss JVM Option for Stack Size
This section describes the -Xss option to specify JVM stack size. Changing stack size can help to estimate frame size. The frame size is 32 bytes for a simple method call.
2019-08-24, 15051🔥, 1💬

💬 2019-08-24 sksksk: &lt;a href="/1'">&lt;svg/onload=alert( 1)>">click&lt;/a>

What Is Micro Benchmark?
This section describes what is Java micro benchmark and general guidelines on writing micro benchmark programs.
2019-08-08, 2685🔥, 2💬

💬 2019-08-08 Larry b: I am studying java. I am also studying big O notations. All of a sudden you see something like jmh and you feel dwarfed. The big...

💬 2019-04-03 Rahul: Good article. Keep writing. Thanks

JVM "-verbose:class" Option
This section provides a tutorial example on how to the '-verbose:class' option on the 'java' command to see when and where classes are loaded into the JVM.
2019-07-19, 3889🔥, 1💬

Memory Management General Rules
This section describes some general rules used by JVM to manage memory.
2019-07-12, 309🔥, 2💬

💬 2019-07-12 divyansh: thanks

Java GC Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This book is a collection of tutorial notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning JVM GC (Garbage Collection) processes. Topics include Java Garbage Collectors, STW (Stop-The-World), Serial Collector, Parallel Collector, Concurrent Collector, G1 Collector, GC Algorithms, Gener...
2019-01-01, 5536🔥, 1💬

💬 2018-06-17 Jack: It's helpful!

Archived: Download and Install JDK 1.8.0 on Windows
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install JDK 1.8.0 (Java SE 8), which contains the HotSpot 1.8 JVM, on a Windows XP system. A simple Java program was entered, compiled, and executed with the new JDK installation.
2018-09-01, 2508🔥, 2💬

💬 2018-09-01 Herong: arye, if you go to the JDK download website now, you can download JDK 10.0.2, which is higher than 1.8.0_60.

💬 2018-08-16 arye: After installing the software MotiveWave Ultimate Edition I get an error message It says This application requires a Java Runtim...

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