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Certificate Wrapped in PKCS12 Formats
This section provides a quick introduction of the certificate PKCS12 file format, which wraps one or more certificates with/without associated key pairs under a single ASN.1 structure.
2024-12-14, ∼122🔥, 0💬

Certificate File Format Summary
This section provides a summary of 5 commonly used file formats of PKI certificates: DER, PEM, PKCS7 Binary, PKCS7 Text, and PKCS12.
2024-12-14, ∼112🔥, 0💬

Certificate Wrapped in PKCS7 Formats
This section provides a quick introduction of the certificate PKCS7 file format, which wraps one or more certificates under a single ASN.1 structure.
2024-12-14, ∼109🔥, 0💬

PKI Certificate Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning PKI certificate related technologies. Topics include PKI architecture and CA (Certificate Authorities); PKI certificate types and DER/PEM file formats; Certificate tools: OpenSSL and 'keytool'; C...
2024-11-27, ∼137🔥, 0💬

"openssl.cnf" Example and Usages
This section describes OpenSSL CA database files, including the primary database file 'index.txt' and the serial number file 'serial'.
2024-11-27, ∼167🔥, 0💬

Add "keyUsage" into Root CA
This section provides a tutorial example on how to add 'keyUsage' and other X509v3 extensions to a self-signed root CA certificate.
2024-11-27, ∼151🔥, 0💬

Usage Examples of Public Key Infrastructure
This section provides some usage examples of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), like HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) protocol, digital signature, encryption of documents, digital identification.
2024-11-27, ∼150🔥, 0💬

What Is ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One)
This section introduces ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One), which is a language that allows you to define your own constructed data types.
2024-11-27, ∼147🔥, 0💬

"openssl pkcs12 -export" - Certificate Chain and Key Bundle
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create a PKCS12 bundle to store an end certificate, its private/public key pair, and the signing certificate, using the 'openssl pkcs12 -export' command.
2024-11-27, ∼139🔥, 0💬

OIDs Used in PKI Certificate
This section introduces OIDs (Object IDentifiers) used in PKI certificates to represent attribute names and predefined reference values.
2024-11-27, ∼129🔥, 0💬

Certificate Data Fields and X.509 Standard
This section describes the structure and data fields of PKI certificates, which are specified in RFC 5280 based on the X.509 standard.
2024-11-27, ∼126🔥, 0💬

What Is BER (Basic Encoding Rules)
This section introduces the BER (Basic Encoding Rules) defined in the ASN.1 standard. It uses the TLV (Tag-Length-Value) format to encode a value of a given data type.
2024-11-27, ∼122🔥, 0💬

Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format.
2024-11-27, ∼121🔥, 0💬

"keytool -export/import" - Export and Import Certificates
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the 'keytool -export' command to export certificates out of a 'keystore' file. The 'keytool -import' command can be used to import certificates into a 'keystore' file.
2024-11-27, ∼120🔥, 0💬

PKI Certificate File ASN.1 Parser
This section provides a quick introduction on ASN.1 parsers, which can be used to parse PKI certificates back to ASN.1 data structure.
2024-11-27, ∼118🔥, 0💬

"openssl req -x509" - Generate Self-Signed Certificate
This section describes the 'openssl req -x509' command, which allows you to generate self-signed certificate from a CSR, an existing key pair, or an internally generated key pair.
2024-11-27, ∼117🔥, 0💬

Most Popular Certificate Authorities
This section provides a list of most popular certificate authorities.
2024-11-27, ∼116🔥, 0💬

"openssl pkcs12 -export" - Certificate and Key Bundle
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create a PKCS12 bundle to store a self-signed certificate and its private/public key pair using the 'openssl pkcs12 -export' command.
2024-11-27, ∼115🔥, 0💬

"keytool -storetype pkcs12" - Limitations and Errors
This section provides tutorial examples showing limitations and errors of the 'keytool -storetype pkcs12' command.
2024-11-27, ∼115🔥, 0💬

What Is Java KeyStore File?
This section provides a quick introduction of 'keystore' - a database file used to store private keys and public key certificates. 'keystore' file can be managed by the KeyStore class or the 'keytool' command.
2024-11-27, ∼115🔥, 0💬

Java "keytool" Commands and KeyStore Files
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on the Java 'keytool' command. Topics include introduction of KeyStore file and 'keytool' command; generating and managing keys and self-signed certificates; exporting and importing certificates; generating CSR (Certificate Signing Request); sig...
2024-11-27, ∼114🔥, 0💬

Export Key Pair using "keytool -importkeystore"
This section provides a tutorial example on how to export a private/public key pair from a KeyStore file using the 'keytool -importkeystore'.
2024-11-27, ∼114🔥, 0💬

Introduction of PKI Certificate
This chapter provides a quick introduction of PKI certificate. Topics certificate structure and data fields; examples root CA, intermediate CA and end entity certificates; OID (Object IDentifiers) used in certificates.
2024-11-27, ∼113🔥, 0💬

"openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl" - PKCS7 Certificate File
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create a PKCS7 file with a single certificate using the 'openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl' command.
2024-11-27, ∼113🔥, 0💬

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