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"sc.exe" - A Command Line Tool to Manage Services
This section describes the Service Controller (SC) command line tool, sc.exe, which can be used to add new services, or to query, modify, start, stop and delete existing services.
2016-04-06, 9496🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-04-06 Ambadas: ya great full command ...

WSDL 2.0 Document Examples with SOAP Binding
This chapter provides WSDL 2.0 document examples with SOAP binding. Topics include Hello example; GetStockPrice, GetExchangeRate and Reservation examples with RPC, IRI and Multipart message styles.
2016-04-05, 258🔥, 1💬

Introduction to JavaScript
This chapter provides a quick introduction of JavaScript. Topics include what is JavaScript; writing JavaScript code inside HTML documents; running JavaScript code in Web browser; browser built-in JavaScript object 'document'.
2016-04-04, 726🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-04-04 Raymond Poston: Thanks for this opportunity

Installing ActivePerl v5.8.8 on Windows Systems
This section provides a tutorial example on how to install ActivePerl v5.8.8 on a Windows XP system.
2016-04-02, 4004🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-04-02 rimpi: perl

SessionPage*.php - Session Test Script Pages
This section provides a tutorial example on how to write multiple script pages and use the session concept to make them work together.
2016-03-30, 1876🔥, 3💬

💬 2016-03-30 Herong: Hello Rato, thanks for visiting my site ☺


ConvertTemp - Response Message Sample
This section provides a response message sample of ConvertTemp Web service.
2016-03-30, 333🔥, 1💬

Insertion Sort Algorithm and Java Implementation
This chapter provides tutorial notes and codes on the Insertion Sort algorithm. Topics include introduction of the Insertion Sort algorithm, Java implementation and performance of the Insertion Sort algorithm.
2016-03-30, 377🔥, 0💬

SSL Client Authentication
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on SSL client authentication. Topics include introduction to SSL client authentication; creating server and client certificates; writing server and client test programs; running SSL client authentication tests.
2016-03-30, 909🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-05-11 Herong: Roman, good point. We need to compile the Java code into a class file first. Thanks.

💬 2016-05-07 Roman: you have small mistake there, it should be: With SslReverseEchoerRevised.class and... instead of: With SslReverseEchoerRevised.j...

Retrieving Information from HTTP Requests
This chapter provides tutorial examples and notes about HTTP request. Topics include retrieving information from $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_REQUEST, $_SERVER; promoting and registering $_REQUEST keys and values as global variables.
2016-03-29, 181🔥, 1💬

First Example - Hello
This section provides a tutorial example on writing the very first WSDL 1.1 example that uses SOAP 1.1 over HTTP to send a hello message and receive a hello message back.
2016-03-28, 526🔥, 1💬

JSTL Example - Loop Tag on Map Objects
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use a c:forEach JSTL tag to loop through entries in a java.util.Map object.
2016-03-28, 551🔥, 1💬

piqpr8.c - Generating Hex Digits of PI
A C source code is provided to generate hexadecimal digits of the fractional part of PI (0.1415927...) using the BBP (Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe) formula.
2016-03-25, 1358🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-03-25 Mike: Testing answer

Testing OpenSSL with fopen()
This section provides a tutorial example on how to test the PHP OpenSSL module with the fopen() function to run a GET request on an HTTPS server.
2016-03-25, 428🔥, 1💬

JButton - Swing Button Class
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on JButton class. Topics include creating button components with the javax.swing.JButton class; creating buttons with image icons; adding button action handler at the component level and the frame level; adding mouse click handler to handle butt...
2016-03-25, 1095🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-03-25 chala: v good tutorial


Installing LG USB Device Driver on Windows
This section provides a tutorial example on how to install the LG USB device driver for LG-P925g Android phone on Windows system. This is needed to test your Android application developed on Windows on LG phones via a USB connection.
2016-03-24, 6175🔥, 7💬

💬 2016-03-24 vamshi: hi hi hi

💬 2015-08-27 Herong: Renee, did you double-click on the downloaded file to actually install the driver to your computer?

💬 2015-08-26 Renee' Flory: Even after I download the program, the Driver Software Installation box does not come up. Even as the phone receives a charge fr...

Selection Sort Algorithm and Java Implementation
This chapter provides tutorial notes and codes on the Selection Sort algorithm. Topics include introduction of the Selection Sort algorithm, Java implementation and performance of the Selection Sort algorithm.
2016-03-21, 562🔥, 2💬

💬 2015-10-06 Phani: Very good

💬 2015-10-05 اثمار ياسين: :)

Shell Sort - Implementation Improvements
This section provides a tutorial on how to improve the performance of the Shell Sort implementation by using different step sizes.
2016-03-21, 297🔥, 0💬

Introduction of Arithmetic Operations
This section provides a quick introduction of arithmetic operations supported by VBScript: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, remainder, and exponentiation.
2016-03-20, 809🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-03-20 Herong: Hi Saranyakumar, if you want to run VBScript code as standalone application, you can use WSH (Windows Script Host), which will a...

💬 2016-03-18 saranyakumar: the above example is OK but we need to get a input at runtime but it is useful......

VBScript Support in IE Web Browsers
This section provides a quick description of how IE browser execute VBScript code, provide DOM API for document interaction, and provide events to trigger VBScript code execution.
2016-03-19, 1838🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-02-15 hs: mein Test

Create Tables with CLOB Columns
This section describes how to create tables with CLOB (VARCHAR(MAX)) columns in SQL Server server.
2016-03-17, 101🔥, 2💬

Introduction of Sorting Algorithms
This chapter provides a quick introduction of sorting algorithms. Topics include what is sorting; why sorting is needed; most popular sorting algorithms.
2016-03-17, 856🔥, 2💬

💬 2015-11-26 Amy: Fully agree!

💬 2015-11-24 gosa: It is nice book

Viewing Components of RSA Keys
This section provides a tutorial example on how to view different components of a pair of RSA private key and public key using the OpenSSL command line tool.
2016-03-14, 4465🔥, 2💬

💬 2015-10-02 Herong: Looks like someone is testing Base64 encoding here :-)

💬 2015-10-01 1: CSENry/M1h2AhxGSxQluy4b1ynzBGWeO320C AwEAAQJAbQQn... IQCoo0AdFXm789FfHuB+mVIKNtBLTAQNaMuX z6lXl7Ib7Q==

Free Web Services - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was testing free Web services available on the Internet. Topics include Introduction of SOAP and REST Web services; Zeep Python library as SOAP client; SoapUI Web Service Testing Tool; Web service examples: M...
2016-03-14, 2406🔥, 0💬

JFrame - Main Frame Class
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on JFrame class. Topics include creating frames with sizes and locations; terminating program with its frame is closed; Listing AWT threads; displaying Chinese character on frames; drawing graphics on frames.
2016-03-13, 337🔥, 1💬

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