Java Tools Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v6.24, by Herong Yang
Java Tools Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
Copyright © 2005-2024 Herong Yang. All rights reserved.
This tutorial book based on notes and sample codes collected by the author while he was learning Java tools himself. Topics includes: 'java/javaw' Launcher, 'javac' Compiler, 'javadoc' Document Generator, 'javap' Class File Disassembler, 'jar/jarsigner' Archive Tool, 'jconsole' Console, 'jdb' Debugger, 'jdeps' Dependency Analyzer, 'jdeprscan' Deprecated API Scanner, 'jhat' Heap Analysis Tool, 'jlink' JRE Linker, 'jhsdb' HotSpot Debugger, 'jmap' Memory Dumper, 'jmc' Mission Control, 'jpackage' Binary Package Builder, 'jrunscript' Script Shell, 'jstack' Stack Dumper, 'jstat' Statistics, 'jstatd' Statistics Daemon, 'jvisualvm' Visual VM, 'jwebserver' Web Server, 'keytool' Keystore Tool, 'serialver' serialVersionUID generator. Updated in 2024 (Version v6.24) with minor updates.
Table of Contents
Installing Latest JDK on macOS
Installing Latest JDK on Windows
Adding JDK "bin" Direcotry to Path Setting
javac - The Java Program Compiler
javac - Java Compilation Command and Options
Compiling - My First Java Program
"javac -classpath" - Specifying Class Path
"javac -verbose" - Printing Compilation Details
"javac -sourcepath" - Specifying Source Path
"javac -d" - Specifying Output Directory
Two Types of "import" Statements
"import" Statements Processed by "javac"
"javac -g" - Controlling Debugging Information
"javac --module" - Compiling Entire Module
"javac -X" - Specifying Non-Standard Options
java - The Java Program Launcher
java - Program Launching Command and Options
Launching - My First Java Program
"java -classpath" - Specifying Class Path
"java -jar" - Specifying Executable JAR File
"java -X" - Specifying Non-Standard Options
"java --list-modules" - Listing Modules in JDK
"java --describe-module" - Printing Module Definition
"java --module" - Launching Program from Module
"java --module" - Launching Program from Module JAR
javaw - Launching Java Programs without Console
JAR - Java Archive File Format
jar - JAR File Tool Command and Options
"jar --create" - Creating New JAR File
"jar --list" - Listing Files in JAR File
"jar --extract" - Extracting Files from JAR File
Managing JAR Files with WinZIP
"jar -C" - Changing Input Directory
Using JAR Files in Java Class Paths
"jar --update" - Updating Class Files in JAR
"jar --main-class" - Making JAR File Executable
"jar --module-version" - Updating Module Version in JAR
JIMAGE - Java Image File Format
jimage - JIMAGE File Tool Command
"jimage info|list" - Listing JIMAGE Entries
"jimage extract" - Extracting JIMAGE File Entries
Java File Types and Related Tools
jpackage - Binary Package Builder
"jpackage -t dmg" - Package for macOS
"jpackage -t pkg" - Package for macOS
"jpackage -t msi" - Package for Windows
javadoc - The Java Document Generator
javadoc - Document Generator Command and Options - javadoc-Style Comments
Generate API Document for Java Package
jdeps - The Java Class Dependency Analyzer
jdeps - Class Dependency Analyzer Command
"jdeps class_file" - Dependencies of Class File
"jdeps -verbose" - Class Level Dependencies of Class File
"jdeps jar_file" - Dependencies of JAR File
"jdeps --inverse --require ..." - Reverse Dependencies
jdeprscan - The Java Deprecated API Scanner
jdeprscan - Deprecated API Scanner Command
"jdeprscan jar_file" - Deprecated API of Class File
"jdeprscan jar_file" - Deprecated API of JAR File
"jdeprscan --release X" - Deprecated API as of Release X
"jdeprscan --list" - List All Deprecated APIs
jcmd - The JVM Diagnostic Tool
jcmd - JVM Diagnostic Tool Command
"jcmd 0 help" - Listing JVM Diagnostic Commands
"jcmd 0 VM.*" - Running VM Diagnostic Commands
"jcmd 0 GC.*" - Running GC Diagnostic Commands
"jcmd 0 Thread.print" - Generating Thread Dump
jconsole - Java Monitoring and Management Console
JMX Technology and jconsole Tool
jconsole - Command Options and Connection Window - JMX Agent for Local Connection
jconsole - Connecting to a Local JMX Agent - JMX Agent for Remote Connection
jconsole - Connecting to a Remote JMX Agent
jstat - JVM Statistics Monitoring Tool
JVM Troubleshooting Tools in JDK
jinfo - VM Option Value Checker
jinfo - Changing HotSpot VM Option
jstack - Stack Tracer to Generate Thread Dump
Java Thread Deadlock Demo Program
jstack - Detecting Java Thread Deadlocks
Printing Histogram of Java Object Heap
jmap - Generating Heap Dump File
jhat - Java Heap Analysis Tool
jhat - Starting Web Server on a Heap Dump File
Listing Instance Counts of All Classes
Browsing Object Instance Values
Searching for Instances with OQL Statements
jhsdb - The Java HotSpot Debugger
jvisualvm (Java VisualVM) - JVM Visual Tool
jmc (Java Mission Control) - What Is It
Launching jmc (Java Mission Control)
jmc - JMX Console via MBean Server
MBean Browser on jmc JMX Console
Monitoring Trigers on jmc JMX Console
javap - The Java Class File Disassembler
javap - Java Disassembler Command and Options
javap - Listing Public Variables and Methods
"javap -private" - Listing Private Variables and Methods
"javap -c -private" - Disassembling Java Bytecode Class
Looking Up Method Signature with javap Command
keytool - Public Key Certificate Tool
jshell - Entering Expressions and Statements
"jshell> /save" - Saving Code Snippet
"jshell> /edit" - Editing Code Snippet
jrunscript - Script Code Shell
"jrunscript" - Run JavaScript Interactively
"jrunscript -f" - Run JavaScript in Batch Mode
serialver - serialVersionUID Generator
jaotc - Java Ahead-Of-Time Compiler
native2ascii - Native-to-ASCII Encoding Converter
native2ascii - Encoding Converter Command and Options
javac - Using CP1252 to Process Source File
"native2ascii -encoding" - UTF-8 to uXXXX Conversion
Setting UTF-8 Encoding in PrintStream
Converting uXXXX Sequences Back with "-reverse" Option
JAB (Java Access Bridge) for Windows
What Is JAB (Java Access Bridge)
"jaccesswalker" - GUI Component Tree Browser
"jaccessinspector" - Accessible Information Examiner
Archived: Installing JDK 12 on Windows
Archived: Installing JDK 10 on Windows
Archived: Downloading and Installing Java 8
Archived: Downloading and Installing J2SE 1.6.0 on Windows
Archived: JDK 1.6 keytool - keystore File Tool
Archived: Downloading and Installing J2SE 1.5.0 on Windows
Keywords: Java, Tools, Compiler, Debugger, Monitor