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'jstat -gcutil' - Garbage Collection Statistics
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the 'jstat -gcutil' command to get garbage collection statistics against a specified JVM process ID.
2018-09-22, 2580🔥, 2💬

💬 2018-09-22 Herong: Jagan, "jstat" is for Windows system only. You need to use vmstat or iostat on Oracle Solaris or Linux operating system.

💬 2018-09-22 jagan: cd /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_172/bin/j jar jarsigner java javac java-rmi.cgi jcmd jdeps jjs jps jrunscript jstat is not there.. what we...

Archived: Downloading/Installing JDK 1.6.2 on Windows
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install JDK 1.6.2 (Java SE 1.6 Update 2) on a Windows XP system. A simple Java program was entered, compiled, and executed with the new JDK installation.
2018-08-11, 10717🔥, 15💬

💬 2018-08-11 mikw: thanks

💬 2017-02-27 sireesha: thanks

💬 2017-02-27 sireesha: Hi, I am admire to this site

💬 2017-01-29 hiiii: hi

💬 2016-10-17 Abhishek: Thanks

(More comments ...)

SSL Socket Communication Testing Programs
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on the SSL socket communication. Topics include SSL socket communication test requirements and programs; using trusted key store to fix self-signed certificates issue; using debug option to see SSL communication handshake details.
2018-08-01, 505🔥, 7💬

💬 2017-11-27 Herong: Sandeep, not sure. It uses TCP protocol, lower than HTTP post. But you can try it.

💬 2017-11-22 Sandeep: Can this also read post request from cleint

💬 2017-03-02 Herong: hemanth, you can follow SSL Client Authentication tutorials to see how to enable client authentication.

💬 2017-03-01 hemanth: How do i enable client authentication. I know that i have to set server to need client auth which i did but what about the clien...

💬 2016-06-10 Herong: Algérian, did you find what you were looking for here?

(More comments ...)

java.util.Locale - Localization and Internationalization
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use java.util.Locale class to verify the default locale and list all supported locales. A locale is an identification of a combination of human language and country.
2018-08-01, 9324🔥, 4💬

💬 2016-12-25 Herong: jfseb, thanks for pointing out this difference.

💬 2016-12-19 jfseb: Note that java locales do not correspond in all versions to ISO 639. e.g. hebrew is now he, not iw. https://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

💬 2016-05-06 Scrijna: P.S. It's also useful for Java, iOS and Windows localization, as it supports most popular localization formats.

💬 2016-05-06 Scrijna: For Android app localization, you could try using the localization tool https://poeditor.com It's useful for collaborative trans...

System.setProperty() - Setting Your Own Properties
This section provides a tutorial example on how to modify system properties provided by the JVM, and set your own properties into the system property map.
2018-05-15, 459🔥, 2💬

java.time.Duration - Time Durations
This section describes the java.time.Duration class that represents a duration of time measured in seconds with fractions in nanosecond resolution.
2018-01-03, 938🔥, 1💬

💬 2018-01-03 Nikhil Narayanan: Helpful man....but I already knew the stuff....the presentation is simple..nice! JAVA is great, right!

Installing Visual GC Plugin
This section provides a tutorial example on how to install the Visual GC plugin to Java VisualVM and monitor GC activities.
2017-10-25, 2928🔥, 4💬

Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format.
2017-09-29, 2472🔥, 5💬

💬 2017-09-29 gloax29: merci

💬 2015-11-20 sameer: good going

💬 2015-09-02 Herong: Dharshan, you can follow tutorials presented at JSSE - Java Implementation of SSL and TLS .

💬 2015-09-01 Dharshan: I want to learn JSSE

jstat - JVM Statistics Monitoring Tool
This chapter provides tutorial notes on JVM statistics monitoring tools. Topics include listing JVM processes with 'jps', the JVM remote monitoring server - 'jstatd', Java security policy file, connecting 'jps' and 'jstat' to a remote machine, RMI protocol and URL, getting garbage collection statist...
2017-08-10, 1568🔥, 1💬

💬 2017-08-10 abdel: genial very good !!!

💬 2017-04-01 Herong: Asdaq, Thanks for sharing your comment.

💬 2017-03-31 Asdaq: For IBM SDK WebSphere Application Server this tool is not available.

💬 2015-12-13 Herong: Tim, I thought that every Linux system comes with JDK preinstalled. Not true?

💬 2015-12-12 tim: @majumder.soumya@gmail.com seems like you need to install jdk

(More comments ...)

'jps' - JVM Process Status Tool
This section describes the JVM process status tool, 'jps' for listing JVM processes on local and remote machines.
2017-08-03, 1047🔥, 1💬

JSSE - Java Implementation of SSL and TLS
This section describes the JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension) package, which provides a Java implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols.
2017-07-18, 812🔥, 1💬

💬 2017-07-18 Srini: This is not complete

'jstatd' - JVM Remote Monitoring Server
This section describes the JVM remote monitoring server 'jstatd' and its options. 'jstatd' are used to allow JVM monitoring tools 'jps' and 'jstat' to access local JVM processes from a remote machine.
2017-04-01, 4491🔥, 6💬

javax.net.debug - Debugging SSL Socket Communication
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use JVM property, javax.net.debug, to turn on the SSL socket communication debug option. The debug output message can help you to know what exactly happens at the SSL layer.
2017-03-02, 6302🔥, 2💬

Using SO_LINGER Socket Option
A tutorial example is provided to show how to use the SO_LINGER socket option to prevent the server closing the socket too soon after writing the response to the socket.
2017-02-16, 1687🔥, 2💬

💬 2017-02-16 Herong: Gaurav, you can to follow "keytool -genkey" - Generating Keys and Self-Signed Certificates tutorial to generate herong.jks.

💬 2017-02-15 Gaurav Kumar: Where can i get this file herong.jks?

"jar -C" - Changing Input Directory
This section provides a tutorial example on how to 'jar --create -C ...' to change input directory when creating JAR files.
2017-02-04, 1370🔥, 3💬

💬 2017-02-04 Herong: Chris, Thanks for sharing the information.

💬 2017-02-03 Chris: For unix, on the last command, ".;" changes to ".:".

jstack - Stack Tracer to Generate Thread Dump
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the 'jstack' tool to generate a thread dump (print all running threads and their stack traces).
2017-01-23, 497🔥, 1💬

Operations on "byte" Data Type Values
This section provides a tutorial example on how 'byte' values are casted to 'int' values when they are involved in arithmetic, comparison and bitwise operations.
2017-01-21, 6213🔥, 2💬

💬 2017-01-21 Herong: Anonymous, Good question. But what do you expect an operation of byte+byte will do?

💬 2017-01-19 Anonymous: Reason for why byte doesn't holds good the + operator directly.

BankingThread.java - Synchronization Sample Program
This section provides a tutorial example on how to solve the banking synchronization issue with Java synchronized methods.
2017-01-21, 10531🔥, 5💬

💬 2017-01-21 Herong: Abhishek, I think this is the simplest example to demonstrate multi-threading and synchronization.

💬 2017-01-18 Abhishek: This is too complex for a beginner. Please write a simpler one.

💬 2016-09-17 Herong: dot.g, really? please give details.

💬 2016-09-15 dot.g: worst kind of programming

💬 2015-07-24 tintin: hi

Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the PDF version of this book for printing.
2016-12-28, 3124🔥, 5💬

💬 2016-12-28 liab: wrote a meaningful comment

💬 2016-08-23 ericens: it meaning a lot to me

💬 2015-11-09 yogesh: I need this for learning abount JDB

💬 2015-08-06 Akhilesh: Thanks

💬 2015-08-05 Vinay: good

LambdaCalculator.java - Lambda Expression Example
This section provides a tutorial example on using an lambda expression to define a class anonymously implementing a single abstract method interface. An anonymous class and a local class are used as comparisons.
2016-12-17, 3118🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-12-17 J.: Thanks.

Printing Histogram of Java Object Heap
This section provides a tutorial example on how to print the histogram of Java object heap, a list of different types of objects and their counts and total sizes.
2016-12-14, 6018🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-12-14 Herong: Erik, you can look at the Java Management Extensions (JMX) API.

💬 2016-12-11 Erik Ostermueller: is there a java api to access this histogram? Thanks, --Erik

java.util.PropertyResourceBundle - Resource Bundles as Properties Files
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create resource bundles (localization key names with their localized text messages) as properties file for the java.util.PropertyResourceBund leconcrete class.
2016-11-25, 488🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-11-25 Cos: If you need a tool to translate Java .properties file, I recommend you check out the app localization platform https://poeditor....

java.time.Instant - get(INSTANT_SECONDS) Error
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use getLong() to retrieve INSTANT_SECONDS value. Using get() will result an exception.
2016-08-03, 1703🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-08-03 Herong: G, Thanks for pointing out the root cause of the issue. I will correct it in the next update.

💬 2016-08-02 G: the valid values range is outside of int, use getLong() instead of get(),

showInternal*Dialog() - Displaying Internal Dialog Boxes
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the static methods, showInternal*Dialog(), to create and display internal dialog boxes inside an parent container.
2016-07-19, 5222🔥, 3💬

💬 2015-08-26 Herong: Airam, which part is not working? :-)

💬 2015-08-25 airam: this doesn't work dude

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