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Queue can not be created at runtime
'com.sun.management.jmxremote. port- JMX Agent for Remote Connection' tutorial was cited in a JBoss forum post in 2010.
2023-01-04, 105🔥, 0💬

handling unicode characters in jsp
'Localization / Internationalization - Non ASCII Characters in JSP Pages' tutorial was cited in a CodeRanch forum post in 2006.
2022-12-30, 105🔥, 0💬

Formating of SQL value for BLOB types (as hex vs ascii-bytes)
'Inserting BLOB Values with SQL INSERT Statements' tutorial was cited in a message in the H2 Database Google group posted in 2010.
2022-12-29, 105🔥, 0💬

Transfer of VHS tapes to DVD
'DVD Video (Movie) File Directory Structure' tutorial was cited in a Bleeding Edge Forum post in 2009.
2022-12-26, 105🔥, 0💬

Distributed Key System Broken Up Over Multiple Nodes
'Cryptography Tutorials – Herong’s Tutorial Examples' tutorial book was cited in a Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium (MICS 2013) paper in 2013.
2022-12-21, 105🔥, 0💬

Imaging Audio CDs using the command line
'CD-DVD Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples' tutorial book was cited in a medium.com article in 2019.
2022-12-20, 105🔥, 0💬

Hangul, Chinese characters to Unicode Conversion
'UTF-8 (Unicode Transformation Format - 8-Bit)' tutorial book was cited in a forum article in Korean language in 2005.
2022-12-20, 105🔥, 0💬

Optimized Hybrid Security Model using Base 64 Algorithm
'Base64 Encoding Algorithm' tutorial was cited in a 'IJCSNS (International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security)' paper in 2018.
2022-12-19, 105🔥, 0💬

Scripting file types
'WSF - Windows Script File XML Format' tutorial was cited in a Microsoft news group message in 2009.
2022-12-06, 105🔥, 0💬

Float vs Double
'Performance of float, double, and decimal' tutorial was cited in a .NET USENET news group article in 2004.
2022-12-05, 105🔥, 0💬

JHOVE2 XML module
'XML Schema (XSD) Validation using XMLReader' tutorial was cited in the JHOVE2 XML Module document in 2009.
2022-11-21, 105🔥, 0💬

Conexiones permanentes
'XML::Simple Module - XML Parser and Generator' tutorial was cited in a forum article in Spanish language in 2006.
2022-11-21, 105🔥, 0💬

Enhanced SHA-1 on Parsing Method and Message Digest Formula
'PKI Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples' tutorial was cited in an academia.edu paper in 2017.
2022-11-19, 105🔥, 0💬

QaTraq Pro API
'PHP SOAP Extension Client Programs' tutorial was cited in a QA application manual in 2008.
2022-11-08, 105🔥, 0💬

Softwaretechnik-Praktikum SS 2005
'ThreadGroup Class and system ThreadGroup Tree' tutorial was cited in a PDF document presenting a plugin for Protégé in German language 2005.
2022-11-05, 105🔥, 0💬

HashMap vs. HashTable vs. Baumstruktur
Java tutorial - 'HashSet, Vector, HashMap and Collection Classes' was cited in a Java USENET news group article in 2003.
2022-11-02, 105🔥, 0💬

Wweb dynpro application Localization in chinese
'java.util.Locale - Localization and Internationalization' tutorial was cited in a SAP forum post in 2009.
2022-10-31, 105🔥, 0💬

cliente soap java
'Validating wsse:Password Digest String' tutorial was cited in a Foros del Web forum post in 2016.
2022-10-30, 105🔥, 0💬

Hibernate Annotatins duvida
'Tables with Primary Key Column 'GENERATED ... AS IDENTITY' tutorial was cited in a JavaScript news group message in 2009.
2022-10-30, 105🔥, 0💬

Spring Download (in Korean)
'SocketClient.java - A Simple Client Socket Application' tutorial was cited in a blog post in 2013.
2022-10-25, 105🔥, 0💬

BodyTagSupport and JSP body-content
'JSP Custom Tag' tutorial was cited in a CodeRanch forum post in 2004.
2022-10-23, 105🔥, 0💬

Obróbka filmów VOB
'Demuxing (Demultiplexing) Data Streams in Movie VOB Files' tutorial was cited in a MozillaZine forum article in Polish in 2008.
2022-10-23, 105🔥, 0💬

HelloWeb Quick Start Guide
'Using JavaBean Classes' tutorial was cited in a MARK Mail article in 2004.
2022-10-21, 105🔥, 0💬

Second Life: Twitter OAuth Library
'SHA1 Mesasge Digest Algorithm' sample code was cited in Twitter OAuth Library source code produced by Linden Research, Inc. in 2010.
2022-10-19, 105🔥, 0💬

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