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Ethereum Public Key and Private Key Example
This section describes examples of public key and private key of an Ethereum account. 2024-10-11, 28835🔥, 97💬
💬 2024-10-11 Dennis A.: Если не жалко положить, что то: 0xc6DCB12A516B6f4C23A90E5B5853E3a656 b58eD3
💬 2024-03-15 ION: 0x202498852B0937319d54e26798eec30F76 f44b86
What Is GB2312 Character Set
GB2312 Character Set is a set of 7445 commonly used Chinese characters established by the government of People's Republic of China in 1980. 2024-09-23, 1887🔥, 2💬
Loading JDBC Driver for MySQL Server
This section describes how to load the MySQL JDBC driver class - mysql-connector-java-xxx-bin.j ar. 2024-08-29, 14895🔥, 1💬
💬 2019-04-28 M1001101: Meaningful comments. Thanks!
💬 2018-09-20 raj: hatt budbak aisa kuch nahin hota bakwas hai ye program
💬 2017-09-16 vivek sharma: good
Archived: Downloading and Installing JDK 1.6
This section describes how to download and install Java SE (JDK) 1.6 Update 2 on a Windows XP system. 2024-08-17, 336🔥, 2💬
smem - Process Memory Usage Report
This section provides a tutorial on how to install 'smem' and use it to report memory usage of each running process. 2024-08-17, 126🔥, 0💬
pmap - Process Memory Map
This section provides a tutorial on how to install 'smem' and use it to report memory usage of each running process. 2024-08-17, 123🔥, 0💬
List CPU Caches and Their Sizes
This section describes how to use 'lscpu', 'lshw' and 'dmidecode' commands to list CPU caches and their sizes. 2024-08-17, 121🔥, 0💬
Layers of Memory and Access Speed
This section describes layers of memory: CPU Register, CPU Caches, RAM and hard disk. 2024-08-17, 119🔥, 0💬
What Is Swap Space
This section describes swap space, reserved area on the hard disk that extends RAM to form a larger physical memory. 2024-08-17, 119🔥, 0💬
Virtual Memory vs. Physical Memory
This section describes virtual memory, which is mapped to physical memory through MMU (Memory Management Unit). 2024-08-17, 117🔥, 0💬
Verify Cache Memory with "cp" Command
This section provides a tutorial example to verify the cache memory usage in the RAM free space using a single 'cp' command. 2024-08-17, 116🔥, 0💬
"ps -o rss,drs,trs,vsz,sz" - Process Status Options
This section provides a tutorial on how to 'ps -o rss,drs,trs,vsz,sz' command to report memory usage of each running process. 2024-08-17, 114🔥, 0💬
Virtual Memory Mapping and Page Table
This section describes virtual memory page, physical memory frame, and page table that maps a page to a frame. 2024-08-17, 113🔥, 0💬
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