Web Page Generation with hyPub Perl Programs

This section describes how a Perl program is used in hyPub to control the Web page files generation process

Introduction to Perl

Perl is the most flexible scripting language that you can use for managing text files and executing other programs. If you want to try it, follow these steps:

1. Download ActivePerl from http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/.

2. Install it by following the installation instructions.

3. Try the hello.pl program:

   print "Hello world!\n";

3. Try the dir.pl program with executes another program through the system function:

   system("dir \\");

web.pl - hyPub Perl Program to Generate Web Pages

In order to perform the steps described in the previous section, I wrote a Perl program called web.pl as part of the hyPub. You can run web.pl with 3 command options:

1. "web.pl compile" - It does the following steps to generate Web page files:

2. "web.pl link" - It works on all Web page files to evaluate variables and build hyper links.

3. "web.pl finish" - It applies the final XSL transformation with some final touches.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Ideas on Publishing Books using XML

 Overview of hyPub - A Simple XML Publishing Tool

 Writing Book Contents in XHTML Source Files

 Transforming Book Source Files with XSL Technology

 Designing Web Page Layouts with Tables

 Controlling Web Page Appearance with CSS

 Sharing HTML Codes with JavaScript Files

Generating Web Pages with hyPub

 Requirements on Web Page Files

 Web Page Files Generation Steps

Web Page Generation with hyPub Perl Programs

 hyPub Sample Web Pages and Source Code

 Formatting Printable Documents with XSL-FO

 Generating PDF Documents with hyPub

 Areas of Future Improvements


 Full Version in PDF/ePUB