Position of Sun - Longitude Angle

This section provides a tutorial example on how revise and run Keith's QBasic program to calculate the position of the Sun, including longitude angle, using a formula for years between 1950 and 2050.

In the previous tutorial, I said there is no easy ways to calculate Equinoxes and Solstices. But I actually found a simple QBasic program written by Keith Burnett "Position of the Sun" at http://www.stargazing.net/kepler/sun.html.

Keith's program is based on a formula published in "1996 Astronomical Almanac" that can calculates Sun's longitude angle and position to an accuracy of 0.01 degree between the years 1950 and 2050.

Here is Keith's program source code:

'   This program will calculate the position of the Sun
'   using a low precision method found on page C24 of the
'   1996 Astronomical Almanac.
'   The method is good to 0.01 degrees in the sky over the
'   period 1950 to 2050.
'   QBASIC program by Keith Burnett (kburnett@geocity.com)
'   Work in double precision and define some constants
pr1$ = "\         \#####.##"
pr2$ = "\         \#####.#####"
pr3$ = "\         \#####.###"
pi = 4 * ATN(1)
tpi = 2 * pi
twopi = tpi
degs = 180 / pi
rads = pi / 180
'   Get the days to J2000
'   h is UT in decimal hours
'   FNday only works between 1901 to 2099 - see Meeus chapter 7
DEF FNday (y, m, d, h) = 367 * y - 7 * (y + (m + 9) \ 12) \ 4 _
    + 275 * m \ 9 + d - 730531.5 + h / 24
'   define some arc cos and arc sin functions and a modified inverse
'   tangent function
DEF FNacos (x)
   s = SQR(1 - x * x)
   FNacos = ATN(s / x)
DEF FNasin (x)
   c = SQR(1 - x * x)
   FNasin = ATN(x / c)
'   the atn2 function below returns an angle in the range 0 to two pi
'   depending on the signs of x and y.
DEF FNatn2 (y, x)
   a = ATN(y / x)
   IF x < 0 THEN a = a + pi
   IF (y < 0) AND (x > 0) THEN a = a + tpi
   FNatn2 = a
'   the function below returns the true integer part,
'   even for negative numbers
DEF FNipart (x) = SGN(x) * INT(ABS(x))
'   the function below returns an angle in the range
'   0 to two pi
DEF FNrange (x)
   b = x / tpi
   a = tpi * (b - FNipart(b))
   IF a < 0 THEN a = tpi + a
   FNrange = a
'   Find the ecliptic longitude of the Sun
DEF FNsun (d)
'   mean longitude of the Sun
L = FNrange(280.461 * rads + .9856474# * rads * d)
'   mean anomaly of the Sun
g = FNrange(357.528 * rads + .9856003# * rads * d)
'   Ecliptic longitude of the Sun
FNsun = FNrange(L + 1.915 * rads * SIN(g) + .02 * rads * SIN(2 * g))
'   Ecliptic latitude is assumed to be zero by definition
'    get the date and time from the user
INPUT "  year  : ", y
INPUT "  month : ", m
INPUT "  day   : ", day
INPUT "hour UT : ", h
INPUT " minute : ", mins
h = h + mins / 60
d = FNday(y, m, day, h)
'   Use FNsun to find the ecliptic longitude of the
'   Sun
lambda = FNsun(d)
'   Obliquity of the ecliptic
obliq = 23.439 * rads - .0000004# * rads * d
'   Find the RA and DEC of the Sun
alpha = FNatn2(COS(obliq) * SIN(lambda), COS(lambda))
delta = FNasin(SIN(obliq) * SIN(lambda))
'   Find the Earth - Sun distance
r = 1.00014 - .01671 * COS(g) - .00014 * COS(2 * g)
'   Find the Equation of Time
equation = (L - alpha) * degs * 4
'   print results in decimal form
PRINT "Position of Sun"
PRINT "==============="
PRINT USING pr2$; "     days : "; d
PRINT USING pr1$; "longitude : "; lambda * degs
PRINT USING pr3$; "       RA : "; alpha * degs / 15
PRINT USING pr1$; "      DEC : "; delta * degs
PRINT USING pr2$; " distance : "; r
PRINT USING pr1$; "eq time   : "; equation

Since the above source code was written for a very old version of QBasic, I have to revise and run it with QB64 from https://www.qb64.org on my macOS computer.

'   Position-Of-Sun-QB64.bas
'   This program will calculate the position of the Sun
'   using a low precision method found on page C24 of the
'   1996 Astronomical Almanac.
'   The method is good to 0.01 degrees in the sky over the
'   period 1950 to 2050.
'   QBASIC program by Keith Burnett (kburnett@geocity.com)
'   HY: Revised for QB64 by Herong Yang (herong_yang@yahoo.com)
'   Work in double precision and define some constants

'   HY: Need to declare global variables to be SHARED

pr1$ = "\         \#####.##"
pr2$ = "\         \#####.#####"
pr3$ = "\         \#####.###"
pi = 4 * ATN(1)
tpi = 2 * pi
twopi = tpi
degs = 180 / pi
rads = pi / 180

'   HY: Need to generate some junk lines first, since the QB64 only 
'   HY: show the lower half of the screen
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 660, 256)
FOR x = 1 TO 21
    PRINT "..."
'    get the date and time from the user
INPUT "  year  : ", y
INPUT "  month : ", m
INPUT "  day   : ", day
INPUT "hour UT : ", h
INPUT " minute : ", mins
h = h + mins / 60
d = FNday(y, m, day, h)
'   Use FNsun to find the ecliptic longitude of the
'   Sun
lambda = FNsun(d)
'   Obliquity of the ecliptic
obliq = 23.439 * rads - .0000004# * rads * d
'   Find the RA and DEC of the Sun
alpha = FNatn2(COS(obliq) * SIN(lambda), COS(lambda))
delta = FNasin(SIN(obliq) * SIN(lambda))
'   Find the Earth - Sun distance
'   HY: Need to recalculate g instead of borrow it from FNsun()
g = FNrange(357.528 * rads + .9856003# * rads * d)
r = 1.00014 - .01671 * COS(g) - .00014 * COS(2 * g)
'   Find the Equation of Time
'   HY: Need to recalculate L instead of borrow it from FNsun()
L = FNrange(280.461 * rads + .9856474# * rads * d)
equation = (L - alpha) * degs * 4
'   print results in decimal form
PRINT "Position of Sun"
PRINT "==============="
PRINT USING pr2$; "     days : "; d
PRINT USING pr1$; "longitude : "; lambda * degs
PRINT USING pr3$; "       RA : "; alpha * degs / 15
PRINT USING pr1$; "      DEC : "; delta * degs
PRINT USING pr2$; " distance : "; r
PRINT USING pr1$; "eq time   : "; equation

'   HY: Need to move all custom functions to the end
'   HY: Need to change DEF statements in to FUNCTION statements 
'   Get the days to J2000
'   h is UT in decimal hours
'   FNday only works between 1901 to 2099 - see Meeus chapter 7
'DEF FNday (y, m, d, h) = 367 * y - 7 * (y + (m + 9) \ 12) \ 4 _
'    + 275 * m \ 9 + d - 730531.5 + h / 24
FUNCTION FNday (y, m, d, h)
    FNday = 367 * y - 7 * (y + (m + 9) \ 12) \ 4 _
      + 275 * m \ 9 + d - 730531.5 + h / 24
'   define some arc cos and arc sin functions and a modified inverse
'   tangent function
    s = SQR(1 - x * x)
    FNacos = ATN(s / x)
    c = SQR(1 - x * x)
    FNasin = ATN(x / c)
'   the atn2 function below returns an angle in the range 0 to two pi
'   depending on the signs of x and y.
FUNCTION FNatn2 (y, x)
    a = ATN(y / x)
    IF x < 0 THEN a = a + pi
    IF (y < 0) AND (x > 0) THEN a = a + tpi
    FNatn2 = a
'   the function below returns the true integer part,
'   even for negative numbers
FUNCTION FNipart (x)
    FNipart = SGN(x) * INT(ABS(x))
'   the function below returns an angle in the range
'   0 to two pi
FUNCTION FNrange (x)
    b = x / tpi
    a = tpi * (b - FNipart(b))
    IF a < 0 THEN a = tpi + a
    FNrange = a
'   Find the ecliptic longitude of the Sun
'   mean longitude of the Sun
    L = FNrange(280.461 * rads + .9856474# * rads * d)
'   mean anomaly of the Sun
    g = FNrange(357.528 * rads + .9856003# * rads * d)
'   Ecliptic longitude of the Sun
    FNsun = FNrange(L + 1.915 * rads * SIN(g) + .02 * rads * SIN(2 * g))
'   Ecliptic latitude is assumed to be zero by definition

Here is the first test session of Position-Of-Sun-QB64.bas:

herong$ cd qb64
herong$ ./qb64 -x Position-Of-Sun-QB64.bas 
QB64 Compiler V1.4

Beginning C++ output from QB64 code... first pass finished.
Translating code... 
[..................................................] 100%

Compiling C++ code into executable...
Output: Position-Of-Sun-QB64

herong$ ./Position-Of-Sun-QB64 
          Display Type: Built-In Retina LCD
          Resolution: 2880 x 1800 Retina

(You see a new QB64 screen)
(Enter input data as prompted on the new screen)

  year  : 1997
  month : 8
  day   : 7
hour UT : 11
 minute : 0

Position of Sun

     days : -877.04167
longitude :  134.98
       RA :    9.163
      DEC :   16.34
 distance :    1.01408
eq time   :   -5.75

The output matches exactly the example provided by Keith.

Now we can validate Keith's program with some examples from Fred's Equinoxes and Solstices data.

Example 1 - Spring Equinox in 2001, the first date/time of "2001= 20 13:31, 21 07:38, 22 23:05, 21 19:22". The output show that the Sun is at longitude of 0.01 degrees, within the expected error range.

  year  : 2001
  month : 3
  day   : 20
hour UT : 13
 minute : 31

Position of Sun

     days :  444.06319
longitude :    0.01
       RA :    0.001
      DEC :    0.00
 distance :    0.99599
eq time   : 1432.56

Example 2 - Summer Solstice in 2021, the second date/time of "2021= 20 09:37, 21 03:32, 22 19:21, 21 15:59". The output show that the Sun is at longitude of 90.01 degrees, within the expected error range.

  year  : 2021
  month : 6
  day   : 21
hour UT : 3
 minute : 32

Position of Sun

     days : 7841.64722
longitude :   90.01
       RA :    6.00
      DEC :   23.44
 distance :    1.01625
eq time   :   -1.78

Example 3 - Fall Equinox in 2060, the third date/time of "2060= 19 20:37, 20 13:44, 22 05:47, 21 03:00". The output show that the Sun is perfectly at longitude of 180.00 degrees.

  year  : 2060
  month : 9
  day   : 22
hour UT : 5
 minute : 47

Position of Sun

     days :22179.74097
longitude :  180.00
       RA :   12.00
      DEC :   -0.00
 distance :    1.00377
eq time   :    7.46

Example 4 - Winter Solstice in 2100, the fourth date/time of "2100= 20 13:04, 21 05:32, 22 22:00, 21 19:51". The output show that the Sun is at longitude of 270.85 degrees, with an error of 0.15 degrees. This is expected, since Keith's program only is valid only between the years 1950 and 2050.

  year  : 2100
  month : 12
  day   : 21
hour UT : 15
 minute : 59

Position of Sun

     days :36880.16597
longitude :  270.85
       RA :   18.062
      DEC :  -23.42
 distance :    0.98376
eq time   :    1.50

If you want to see the formula provided in "1996 Astronomical Almanac", you can visit its PDF image at https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015036953076.

Here is a picture of the formula:

Formula for Position of Sun
Formula for Position of Sun

Table of Contents

 About This Book

Chinese Calendar Background Information

 Astronomical Bases of Calendars

 The Gregorian Calendar

 Equinoxes, Solstices and Seasons

Position of Sun - Longitude Angle

 The Chinese Calendar

 Chinese Calendar Algorithm and Program

 Chinese Calendars: Year 1901 to 1910

 Chinese Calendars: Year 1911 to 1920

 Chinese Calendars: Year 1921 to 1930

 Chinese Calendars: Year 1931 to 1940

 Chinese Calendars: Year 1941 to 1950

 Chinese Calendars: Year 1951 to 1960

 Chinese Calendars: Year 1961 to 1970

 Chinese Calendars: Year 1971 to 1980

 Chinese Calendars: Year 1981 to 1990

 Chinese Calendars: Year 1991 to 2000

 Chinese Calendars: Year 2001 to 2010

 Chinese Calendars: Year 2011 to 2020

 Chinese Calendars: Year 2021 to 2030

 Chinese Calendars: Year 2031 to 2040

 Chinese Calendars: Year 2041 to 2050

 Chinese Calendars: Year 2051 to 2060

 Chinese Calendars: Year 2061 to 2070

 Chinese Calendars: Year 2071 to 2080

 Chinese Calendars: Year 2081 to 2090

 Chinese Calendars: Year 2091 to 2100


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB