What Is Notepad

This section provides a quick introduction of the default text editor, Notepad, included in Windows system. Notepad does support Unicode text files.

What Is Notepad? Notepad is text file editor included in Windows systems. The Help > Help Topics menu of the Notepad version on my Windows system gives me the following overview of Notepad:

Notepad is a basic text editor that you can use to create simple documents. The most common use for Notepad is to view or edit text (.txt) files, but many users find Notepad a simple tool for creating Web pages.

Because Notepad supports only very basic formatting, you cannot accidentally save special formatting in documents that need to remain pure text. This is especially useful when creating HTML documents for a Web page because special characters or other formatting may not appear in your published Web page or may even cause errors.

You can save your Notepad files as Unicode, ANSI, UTF-8, or big-endian Unicode. These formats provide you greater flexibility when working with documents that use different character sets.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Character Sets and Encodings

 ASCII Character Set and Encoding

 GB2312 Character Set and Encoding

 GB18030 Character Set and Encoding

 JIS X0208 Character Set and Encodings

 Unicode Character Set

 UTF-8 (Unicode Transformation Format - 8-Bit)

 UTF-16, UTF-16BE and UTF-16LE Encodings

 UTF-32, UTF-32BE and UTF-32LE Encodings

 Python Language and Unicode Characters

 Java Language and Unicode Characters

 Character Encoding in Java

 Character Set Encoding Maps

 Encoding Conversion Programs for Encoded Text Files

Using Notepad as a Unicode Text Editor

What Is Notepad

 Opening UTF-8 Text Files

 Opening UTF-16BE Text Files

 Opening UTF-16LE Text Files

 Saving Files in UTF-8 Option

 Byte Order Mark (BOM) - FEFF - EFBBBF

 Saving Files in "Unicode Big Endian" Option

 Saving Files in "Unicode" Option

 Supported Save and Open File Formats

 Using Microsoft Word as a Unicode Text Editor

 Using Microsoft Excel as a Unicode Text Editor

 Unicode Fonts

 Archived Tutorials


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