PFX to Java Keystore / Extract private key from Java Keystore

'Migrating Keys from keystore to OpenSSL Key Files' tutorial was cited in a helpdesk article in 2015.

The Migrating Keys from "keystore" to "OpenSSL" Key Files tutorial was cited in a helpdesk article in 2015.

Subject: PFX to Java Keystore / Extract private key from Java Keystore
Date: Feb 16, 2015

If you still want to try it yourself, then here is the information.
We have found that unless you do this on a regular basis some of the
steps can be confusing which is why we offer to perform this for you.

A lengthy article on this topic can be found here :

A PFX provides the same functionality for Microsoft IIS webserver as
the Java keystore provides to webNetwork. It holds the private and
public keys for SSL communication. To use a PFX with Stoneware
webNetwork it must be converted to JKS format. This process involves
properly exporting the PFX from the windows server and then using
3rd party tools to convert the format. Unless you have done this in
the past, it may be easier to contact Stoneware Support to have this
done for you. Support would need the customer to follow the
documentation below to export the PFX file. After that the PFX file,
and the users stonewareconfigstoneware.keystore file along with the
relayuser password would be sent to support for conversion. The
biggest hang up typically is getting the CA root and intermediate
certificates into the JAVA keystore because they are often not
included in the PFX. This is where inexperience in ssl certificates
manipulation causes frustration.

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 SSL/TLS Overview - Change Cipher Spec Protocol

PFX to Java Keystore / Extract private key from Java Keystore

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 Cpronto 2.5 Administration Guide


 Cryptographic Protocols - The Peruvian Coin Flip

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 Modifying and Recompiling Settings.APK

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