Reference Citations - - v2.94, by Herong Yang
Reference Citations -
Copyright © 2003-2024 Herong Yang. All rights reserved.
This is a collection of reference citations to Herong's tutorial books on the Internet. Updated in 2024 (Version v2.94) with citations added.
Table of Contents
setup soap connector for comdata credit card services
Configure SOAP web services with Apache Camel
Hybrid Quantum Neural Network for Drug Response Prediction
PHP Soap request failed because of authentication error
Sonoma Safari Profile share passwords between profiles
Converting compressed WIF to uncompressed WIF
java之如何从 JEditorPane 获取正确的 Unicode 字符串
Cryptocurrency - The operational risks of holding crypto
serialVersionUID: Onde vive? Como funciona? Para que serve
A-bit Interference - JSON Web Token
رمزنگاری- روشهای متقارن (Cryptography - symmetric methods)
JVM 안에서는 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는가? - Runtime Data Area 편
umjetnih neuronskih mreža na snimkama magnetne rezonance mozga
Mysterious Company With Government Ties Plays Key Internet Role
Adding X509 Digital Signature to XML Document
Opción JVM -Xss: ¿Qué hace exactamente?
如何在windows下安装"The Eric Python IDE"
Button with hexagon shape not recognizing mouse click Option Behaviour
java net Chapter 3 Net Working
NOTES ON CYBER LAW - Digital Signature and Electronic Signature
Transport level information does not match
Deep analysis of GC logs - covering CMS, parallel GC, G1, ZGC, openj9
Hyperbolische Geometrie und Physik - Der Minkowski-Raum
Java casting resulting in run-time error instead of compilation error
Kafka Consumer throwing "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" Error on SSL
Character encoding for French Accents
Bitcoin Core wallet spends BTC 0.07!! USD 4000!! to make two small dust sendings
PHP on the fly flush xml to zipfile and push download
java - 访问被拒绝(“”“”“解决”)
Fragen und Antworten zum TYPO3 Content-Management-System
Sending log to (Garmin Oregon 750)
Validation of an xml file with production data
Crypto (Java Cryptographic Extension)
Resizing Java Internal Frame by its sides on MacOS
ClassNotFoundException com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Tehnologii Web - securitatea aplicațiilor Web
Option JVM -Xss - Que fait-elle exactement
BOM이없는 UTF-8과 UTF-8의 차이점은 무엇입니까?
From JDBC to Druid - Using DataSource in Druid
email – Exchange Server Configuration
Chinese Character Encodings (gb2312/Big5/GB2312)
Signing boot images for Android Verified Boot
Apache Activemq as a broker to communicate with esp32 via MQTT
BOM olmadan UTF-8 ve UTF-8 arasındaki fark nedir?
Java – Not Able to jinfo on Mac OS
Converting String using Float.parseFloat
How to call Http.GetStringAsync with parameter
Adding SVG Images in Rmarkdown
ClassNotFoundException com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Imaging Audio CDs using the command line
Help with plugins installation
java vm: how to log class unloading
Detecting Encoding from POST Request in PHP
Chinese Calendar for Linux Desktop
Connect to SPOP3 Server using Java (Sockets)
XML Schema - Multiple Root Elements
WSDL (วิสเด้าว์) เอกสารส่งข้อมูลของ Web Service (เว็บ เซอร์วิส)
Properly using .bind() in React...
Java Code Examples for java.sql.ResultSet.getAsciiStream()
Optimized Hybrid Security Model using Base 64 Algorithm
Algoritmat Kriptografike dhe Siguria
C# (CSharp) RSAPublicKey Examples
Google Play Games Services works...
FISCO-BCOS - client.keystore Generation
DARE Algorithm: A New Security Protocol
Labeless Part 5: Decrypt Strings in Boleto Banking Malware
Agregator internetskih radijskih postaja
openssl 설정 pem 생성 - 프로그래밍 방식으로 SSL 인증서 확인
security - https - java 서버가 tls 1.2 만 받아들이고
curl/openssl configuration for php under windows
13 Memories Everyone Who Made Mix CDs
System property javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory
Enhanced SHA-1 on Parsing Method and Message Digest Formula
DARE Algorithm: A New Security Protocol
WSDL คืออะไร WSDL คือ เอกสารข้อมูลของ web service
Tehnologii Web - securitatea aplicațiilor Web
Read UTF-8 encoded text content inside table cell
unicode - BOM이없는 UTF-8과 UTF-8의 차이점은 무엇입니까?
τεχνολογιών NFC και QR-code σε πλατφόρμες Android
Java Server Accepts TLS 1.2 Only
[Tutorial] - Play HD Videos with ffplay
Comment ouvrir les fichiers XML
Deploying Embarcadero Delphi XE7 and C++ Builder XE7 Applications
Change XSD root namespace in BizTalk
Заставить пример java + ssl работать
General Relativity for Laypeople – A First Primer
XML Dynamic Key Encryption Approach
Подключение к MS SQL Server из NetBeans
Tạo cửa sổ con nằm trong cửa sổ tab chính trong Java
How does PHP determine the character encoding in browser POST request data?
Implementing the Information Security using Modified RSA
Recording Video of an Android Device
Getting error for SOAP request "InvalidSecurity: ..."
Finding JNDI/LDAP Connection Security Protocol
how to import x509.pem pk8 file into jks(keystore)
SSL/TLS Overview - Change Cipher Spec Protocol
PFX to Java Keystore / Extract private key from Java Keystore
Android talks #08 decompiling android applications
Cpronto 2.5 Administration Guide
Cryptographic Protocols - The Peruvian Coin Flip
Bug 378637 - Add support for connecting to HTTP proxy over HTTPS
an information literacy technology for chemistry documents
org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: stack level too deep
Another function that helps programmers calculate
Application of the Enhanced SHA-1
Apex Soap call authentication problem
Recording Video of an Android Device
Java HTTPS server code failing
How to Capture Logcat Files Using ADB
Modifying and Recompiling Settings.APK .ReversedLines FileReader
Rpc Encoded requires encodingStyle on body #12
Java Programming (Course Notes)
How to use nusoap to consume an online webservice?
Wireless Spontaneous Network Creation ...
MySQL prepared statement in Java not returning a value
All chocolatey commands come back as "/c: ..."
Hack Go – generate non-FIPS DSA key parameters...
How to take adb logcat, and store it in system?
Loose Coupling and Substitution Principle ...
Ruby Driver 1.0 for Apache Cassandra Documentation
(Android) Getting Current Date and Time
Deatil View with other language
Web-palveluiden koostaminen: web- ja RESTful-palvelut
Corso di Architetture Orientate ai Servizi
Hardening a SAS Installation on a multi tier installation on Linux
[scala-user] for-loops still not optimized in 2.10?
.bin/.cue - the purpose of .cue?
(horror movie) com.hellogood.eCalendar
Using keytool to convert bks file to p12
Error while using LWP::Socket to send XML Data
Distributed Key System Broken Up Over Multiple Nodes
Cant receive MMS with wifi turned on
Including and using the MySql.Data.dll on your web host server
Distributed Key Systems: Enhancing Security...
WP Spreadplugin Basket not shown
How do you get multiple resultset from a single CallableStatement?
Blowfish Cipher Algorithm in Java
Harmonics Systems for Time Mining
bikin website dalam bahasa cina dengan php
nsIConverterOutputStream handling GB2312 characters
AbstractMethodError while calling PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream()
how to invoke web service without generating a client
Sample program to test SSL Connection with certicates
How to know KeyManager given a keystore
once again: classpath and ojdbc14.jar
12c... webtier up, Oracle managment server down
Problems with class not found exception
Spring Projects > Roo > Issue with Chinese characters
Monkey Programming/Unsigned Shift Right
Unable to get issuer certificate
How to convert keystore (from native android project) to .p12 to use with AIR project?
Installing JDBC drivers ojdbc14.jar
Quickly view the threads of your blocked Ruby application with JStack
android verify signature of file with .der public key
Unable to install updates KB2770917 and KB2779768
Simplified Chinese Unicode table
How to Edit a Mobile Registry With Commander
Utilisation de la JVisualVM en remote via jstatd Newsletter - April 2011
AES Encryption / Decryption with Java 1.5 and ActionScript as3crypto
problem in insert into database
Implement statement batch for Connector C++
How to connect Oracle data base
SET IDENTITY_INSERT for table fails
Winsock TCP buffering behaviour
made a mistake and deleted USBSTOR service
How to use HtmlEncode w/Ext controls
LONG RAW + ORA-00984 - Column not allowed here?
How to change default character encoding for Cyrillic
2 ways ssl not working: bad certificate
[windows_internals]Services, Part I: service overview
SSL: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown Problem
Queue can not be created at runtime
Getting Up and Running with OpenMoco Slim
Second Life: Twitter OAuth Library
Formating of SQL value for BLOB types (as hex vs ascii-bytes)
Bug #51165: Using XSD_ANYTYPE removes method response tags...
WLS : JDBC : oracle.sql.CLOB type
How to Get Rid of the NetZero Task Bar
How can I use a pfx keystore with stoneware?
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Overview
getting database connection in netbeans
Delphi 2010 "£" sign issues and Parameters
Scambio cedrtificati Server/Client
BSOD with win 7 64 bit when playing games
Win7: SYSTEM IGMP connection
Public key in reply and keystore don't match
How do I get rid of SDHelper.dll errors?
Not Another Damn Password! Its the 21st Century After All
insert a photo document in to the oracle database through JDBC
COMS 6998 Search Engine Technology
Using RSA encryption with Java
Setting up SOAP in PHP, why am I getting these errors?
how to insert a value in a column with another value
Inserir ficheiro numa base de dados MySql com
Connection String - SQL Server 2005
QLAuthenticator password encryption/decryption
Wweb dynpro application Localization in chinese
C# code for MySql Stored Procedures IN, OUT, and INOUT parameters
What are Scoping Rules in Javascript?
connect two ubuntu computers together using a cable
can not establish a connection with SQL
Conectar Java Con SQL Server 2005 Express
Use of undefined constant SOAP_1_2
Help forming a SOAP client call with PHP
Automatisch einen Benutzer anlegen
Android Developers - SSL client authentication
Insert and reterive the image into BLOB type
Compile error... what's wrong?
PHP 5.2.6 coming soon to Firmware 2.1
Service Oriented Computing for Dynamic Virtual Learning Environments
Migrating files to new computer
mswsock.dll!WSPStartup +0x102b
Put icons on bookmarks sidebar folders
Blob Storage via REST from Java?
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
SSLHandshakeException unable to find valid certification...
Using response.setContentType to switch HTML to Word
Automatic Creation of Different Types of Test Subjects
ISM 6121 Information Systems Implementation
Time out bei Aufruf von WebService (php-Script)
Store and retrieve Chinese characters using Coldfusion MX7 and MySQL5.0
converting VCD player to DVD player
Using ASP.Net c# To add/edit/delete data (ms access)
A UML/SPT Model Analysis Methodology
Creation d'un nouvel utilisateur sous SQL Server 2000
No Suitable Driver connecting jdk1.5 with javaDB derby
Acessar MSAccess com Hibernate
SiLu – Riktlinjer för spelmotor
JDBC help needed; java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
CSV export of tickets has wrong encoding
MapGuide Manual - Active selections
PHP 5 Soap Client - Format of Request
IllegalBlockSizeException thrown from .NET dll: msg#00024
How can I view the Chinese data in my database?
Hvor "sikker" er adgangskontrol med htaccess?
How to add DTD syntax line into XML using java code
how to update garbled characters
"Out-of-left-field" question for any ASP/VBScript Gurus
Trying SOAP and PHP with no luck?
handling unicode characters in jsp
A Tutorial for New Axis2 Users
Dovecot SSL Warning (Not Error)
Rpc::xml, examples and docs "for Dummies"
Conversion of Single and Double in Binary
Looking for JS Code for Chinese Calendar, XML database dump
Japanese Chinese Tea Web Sites
Softwaretechnik-Praktikum SS 2005
How to develop a scanner/disinfector
Encoding a C String/Buffer with ASCII Char
mysql 5alpha stored procedures vs mssql
Hangul, Chinese characters to Unicode Conversion
Dovecot SSL Warning (Not Error)
Cipher, byte[]s and Strings; oh my!
BodyTagSupport and JSP body-content
Invoking Remote Webservices from a Perl Client
IP Protection and Encryption Donation
Validate XML Documents in Java
GB2312 and Unicode Mapping Table
CST 365/465 - Web Programming I
HashMap vs. HashTable vs. Baumstruktur
Form English Char, Single Byte, to Double Byte, Japanese Char
Keywords: Reference, Citation, Herong, Tutorial