Archived: Installing Apache 2.2.4 on Windows Systems

This section describes how to install Apache 2.2.4 binary distribution on Windows systems.

After downloaded Apache HTTP Server 2.2.4, I continued to install it on my Windows system:

1. Down-click apache_2.2.4-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi. The installation wizard starts.

2. Follow the instruction given by the wizard until you see the "Server Information" setting screen. Since I will be using the Web server on my local machine only, I entered the following settings:

Network Domain: localhost
Server Name: localhost
Administrator's Email Address: herong@localhost

Apache 2.2 Installation Settings
Apache 2.2 Installation Settings

3. When the "Destination Folder" screen shows up, click the "Change" button to set "C:\local\apache\" as the destination folder.

4. When the installation is done. The Apache Web server should be running as a background process.

To verify the installation, open a Web browser with http://localhost. You should see the Apache server default home page saying: "It works!".

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 PHP Installation on Windows Systems

 Integrating PHP with Apache Web Server

 charset="*" - Encodings on Chinese Web Pages

 Chinese Characters in PHP String Literals

 Multibyte String Functions in UTF-8 Encoding

 Input Text Data from Web Forms

 Input Chinese Text Data from Web Forms

 MySQL - Installation on Windows

 MySQL - Connecting PHP to Database

 MySQL - Character Set and Encoding

 MySQL - Sending Non-ASCII Text to MySQL

 Retrieving Chinese Text from Database to Web Pages

 Input Chinese Text Data to MySQL Database

 Chinese Text Encoding Conversion and Corruptions

Archived Tutorials

 Archived: Download and Install PHP 5.2.2 on Windows

 Archived: Downloading Apache 2.2.4 Binary for Windows

Archived: Installing Apache 2.2.4 on Windows Systems

 Archived: MySQL 5.0 Download, Installation and Start

 Archived: php_mysql.dll - Configuring PHP to Use MySQL Extension

 Archived: Commonly Used php_mysql.dll Functions

 Archived: mysql_connect() - Creating MySQL Connections

 Archived: Character Set Variables on MySQL 5

 Archived: Non-ASCII Test Analysis on MySQL 5

 Archived: Fetching Non-ASCII Text from MySQL 5

 Archived: Sending Text in Latin1 Encoding to MySQL 5

 Archived: Sending Text in UTF8 Encoding to MySQL 5


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