JVM Troubleshooting Tools in JDK

This section provides quick descriptions on JVM troubleshooting tools included in JDK.

Over the years, a number of Java troubleshooting tools has been introduced in JDK:

"jinfo": Prints configuration information for a given JVM process or a Java core file on the local machine or on a remote machine through a debug server.

"jhat" (discontinued since JDK 9) - Heap Dump Browser: Starts a Web server on a Java heap dump file (eg, produced by "jmap -dump"), allowing the heap to be browsed.

"jmap" - Memory Map: Prints shared object memory maps or heap memory details of a given JVM process or a Java core file on the local machine or on a remote machine through a debug server.

"jsadebugd" (replaced by "jhsdb debugd" since JDK 9) - Serviceability Agent Debug Daemon: Attaches to a JVM process or a Java core file and acts as a debug server for remote tools to connect.

"jstack" - Stack Trace: Prints a stack trace of threads for a given JVM process or a Java core file on the local machine or on a remote machine through a debug server.

"jhsdb" - Java HotSpot Debugger: Attaches to a JVM process for debugging. Or launches a postmortem debugger to analyze the content of a core dump from a crashed JVM.

All tools listed above are included in JDK installation. You can run them by typing in their names at the command prompt, if you have %java_home%\bin directory included in "path" the environment variable.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Java Tools Terminology

 Java Tools Included in JDK

 javac - The Java Program Compiler

 java - The Java Program Launcher

 jar - The JAR File Tool

 jlink - The JRE Linker

 jmod - The JMOD File Tool

 jimage - The JIMAGE File Tool

 jpackage - Binary Package Builder

 javadoc - The Java Document Generator

 jdeps - The Java Class Dependency Analyzer

 jdeprscan - The Java Deprecated API Scanner

 jdb - The Java Debugger

 jcmd - The JVM Diagnostic Tool

 jconsole - Java Monitoring and Management Console

 jstat - JVM Statistics Monitoring Tool

JVM Troubleshooting Tools

JVM Troubleshooting Tools in JDK

 jinfo - VM Option Value Checker

 jinfo - Changing HotSpot VM Option

 jstack - Stack Tracer to Generate Thread Dump

 What Is a Thread Dump?

 Java Thread Deadlock Demo Program

 jstack - Detecting Java Thread Deadlocks

 jmap - JVM Heap Dump Tool

 Printing Histogram of Java Object Heap

 jmap - Generating Heap Dump File

 jhat - Java Heap Analysis Tool

 jhat - Starting Web Server on a Heap Dump File

 Listing Instance Counts of All Classes

 Browsing Object Instance Values

 Object Query Language (OQL)

 Searching for Instances with OQL Statements

 jhsdb - The Java HotSpot Debugger

 jvisualvm (Java VisualVM) - JVM Visual Tool

 jmc - Java Mission Control

 javap - The Java Class File Disassembler

 keytool - Public Key Certificate Tool

 jarsigner - JAR File Signer

 jshell - Java Language Shell

 jrunscript - Script Code Shell

 Miscellaneous Tools

 native2ascii - Native-to-ASCII Encoding Converter

 JAB (Java Access Bridge) for Windows

 Archived Tutorials


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