Thread Test on JRockit 28.7

This section provides a tutorial example to see how many running threads can be supported on JRockit R28.2.7 JVMs.

The next test of is done with JRockit R28.2.7 on my Windows 7 system.

herong> \Progra~1\java\jrockit-jdk1.6.0_45-R28.2.7-4.1.0\bin\java \

herong> \Progra~1\java\jrockit-jdk1.6.0_45-R28.2.7-4.1.0\bin\java \
   -Xmx16m CrashThread2 64

Time   Threads   T.Memory   F.Memory
8:54:12 PM   1   16384   14773
8:54:12 PM   2   16384   14773
8:54:12 PM   3   16384   14773

8:54:36 PM   60   16384   14773
8:54:37 PM   61   16384   14773
8:54:39 PM   62   16384   14773
8:54:40 PM   63   16384   14773
8:54:41 PM   64   16384   14773

Obviously there is no problem for JRockit JVM to support for 64 running threads. But I noticed that JRockit a little bit longer to launch all 64 threads comparing to HotSpot.

Then I increased # of threads to higher values, I observed the following on system Task Manager:

JRockit JVM R28.2.7
Threads   CPU    Memory   Time
     64   99%   18,500K   0.5 minutes to launch slow
    128   99%   19,552K     4 minutes to launch very slow
    256   99%   21,712K    12 minutes to launch very slow
    512   99%   22,392K    39 minutes to launch extremely slow
   1024   99%   30 672K    63 minutes to launch extremely slow

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 JVM (Java Virtual Machine) Specification

 Java HotSpot VM - JVM by Oracle/Sun

 java.lang.Runtime Class - The JVM Instance

 java.lang.System Class - The Operating System

 ClassLoader Class - Class Loaders

 Class Class - Class Reflections

 JVM Runtime Data Areas

 JVM Stack, Frame and Stack Overflow

Thread Testing Program and Result - Thread Testing Program

 Thread Test on HotSpot JVM 10

 Thread Test on HotSpot 1.7

Thread Test on JRockit 28.7

 Thread Test on HotSpot 1.4 and JRockit 7.0

 Thread Test on HotSpot 1.6

 CPU Impact of Multi-Thread Applications

 I/O Impact of Multi-Thread Applications

 CDS (Class Data Sharing)

 Micro Benchmark Runner and JVM Options

 Micro Benchmark Tests on "int" Operations

 Micro Benchmark Tests on "long" Operations

 Micro Benchmark Tests in JIT Compilation Mode

 Micro Benchmark Tests on "float" and "double" Operations

 OpenJ9 by Eclipse Foundation

 JRockit JVM 28.2.7 by Oracle Corporation

 Archived Tutorials


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB