What Is Go Ethereum (Geth)

This section describes what is Go Ethereum (Geth).

Go Ethereum (Geth) is a command line interface for running a full Ethereum node implemented in the Go language. By installing and running Go Ethereum, you can join the Ethereum network to transfer funds between addresses, develop smart contracts, or even mine ethers.

You can download and install Go Ethereum (Geth) directly from Download Geth page at https://geth.ethereum.org/downloads/.

But if you have installed Ethereum Mist Wallet on your computer, you already have a copy of Geth installed in your profile folder. Try the following command to verify:

C:\>"\users\herong\appdata\Roaming\Ethereum Wallet\binaries
   \Geth\unpacked\geth.exe" version

Version: 1.8.1-stable
Git Commit: 1e67410e88d2685bc54611a7c9f75c327b553ccc
Architecture: 386
Protocol Versions: [63 62]
Network Id: 1
Go Version: go1.9.2
Operating System: windows

The default path name for Geth is too long. You can copy it to a better location:

C:\>copy "\users\herong\appdata\Roaming\Ethereum Wallet\binaries
   \Geth\unpacked\geth.exe" \herong\bin

C:\> \herong\bin\geth version

Version: 1.8.1-stable

Now I am ready to run Geth to join the Ethereum network with a command line interface.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of Ethereum

 Ethereum Blockchain

 Ethereum Mist Wallet

geth - Go Ethereum

What Is Go Ethereum (Geth)

 Go Ethereum (Geth) Commands

 "geth" - Start Ethereum Node

 "geth console" - Ethereum Node Console

 "geth --light" - Ethereum Node Light Mode

 "geth attach" - Geth Client Console

 Run "geth" and "Ethereum Wallet" Separately

 Stop "geth" Ethereum Node

 Deprecated: Testnet - Ropsten Network

 Private Ethereum Network

 64-Bit "geth" for Private Ethereum Network

 Private Network with Custom Genesis Block

 Transferring Funds between Ether Accounts

 MetaMask - Browser Based Ethereum Wallet

 Using MetaMask Wallet

 Getting Free Ether on Test Networks

 Managing Ethereum Account

 Mining Ether with Your Computer

 Archived Tutorials


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