UUEnccode Algorithm

This section describes the UUEncode algorithm with some simple encoding examples.

UUEncode (Unix-to-Unix Encoding) was designed to address the problem of sending binary data file by email. It converts any data file to a text file with only printable characters.

UUEncode was very useful for email users in the early days, when email attachment (MIME protocol) was not available yet. For example, if I want to send a text message in Chinese GB coding to a friend, I can not include the GB codes directly in the email body. I need to uuencode (UUEncode encoding command) the GB codes into printable characters. Then copy those characters into the email body. When my friend receives this email, he/she need to uudecode (UUEncode decoding command) the printable characters back to the original GB codes to read the text message in Chinese.

The encoding process is to:

The printable characters used by UUEncode encoding are listed in the following table:

  32     33 !   34 "   35 #   36 $   37 %   38 &   39 '
  40 (   41 )   42 *   43 +   44 ,   45 -   46 .   47 /
  48 0   49 1   50 2   51 3   52 4   53 5   54 6   55 7
  56 8   57 9   58 :   59 ;   60 <   61 =   62 >   63 ?
  64 @   65 A   66 B   67 C   68 D   69 E   70 F   71 G
  72 H   73 I   74 J   75 K   76 L   77 M   78 N   79 O
  80 P   81 Q   82 R   83 S   84 T   85 U   86 V   87 W
  88 X   89 Y   90 Z   91 [   92 \   93 ]   94 ^   95 _

Example 1: Input data, 1 byte, "A". Encoded output, 4 characters, "00$!"

Input Data          A
Input Bits   01000001
Padding      01000001 00000001 00000001
                   \      \      \
Bit Groups   010000 010000 000100 000001
Adding 32    100000 100000 100000 100001
             110000 110000 100100 100001
Output            0      0      $      !

Example 2: Input data, 2 bytes, "AB". Encoded output, 4 characters, "04(!"

Input Data          A        B
Input Bits   01000001 01000010
Padding      01000001 01000010 00000001
                   \      \      \
Bit Groups   010000 010100 001000 000000
Adding 32    100000 100000 100000 100000
             110000 110100 101000 100001
Output            0      4      (      !

Example 3: Input data, 3 bytes, "ABC". Encoded output, 4 characters, "04)#"

Input Data          A        B        C
Input Bits   01000001 01000010 01000011
                   \      \      \
Bit Groups   010000 010100 001001 000011
Adding 32    100000 100000 100000 100000
             110000 110100 101001 100011
Output            0      4      )      #

Encoding output file formatting rules:

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Base64 Encoding

 Base64 Encoding and Decoding Tools

 Base64URL - URL Safe Base64 Encoding

 Base32 Encoding

 URL Encoding, URI Encoding, or Percent Encoding

UUEncode Encoding

UUEnccode Algorithm

 Sun Implementation of UUEnccode in Java

 Correction to Sun Implementation of UUEnccode

 PHP - convert_uuencode() and convert_uudecode()


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB