Manage Security Certificates on Thunderbird

This section provides a tutorial example on how to access and use Mozilla Thunderbird Certificate Manager, which stores certificates for different application purposes.

Thunderbird has its own security certificate manager. It does not use the certificates stored in the operating system. Here is how to access and use Thunderbird certificate manager.

1. Click "Settings > Privacy and security > Manage certificate". You see the "Certificate Manager" window.

2. Review entries in each tab:

3. If you created or received a certificate, select the tab that matches the certificate type, and click "Import" to load the certificate into Thunderbird.

4. If you load a certificate into a wrong tab, you will receive an error message. For example,

This is not a certificate authority certificate, so it can't be
imported into the certificate authority list.

5. Select a certificate and click "View" to see details of the selected certificate.

6. Select a certificate and click "Export" to export the selected certificate into a certificate file.

7. Select a certificate and click "Edit Trust" to change the trust options.

Thunderbird - Security Certificate Manager
Thunderbird - Security Certificate Manager

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction to Email

 Postfix - Mail Transport Agent (MTA)

 SSL/TLS Secure Connections with Postfix Server

 Dovecot - IMAP and POP3 Server

 SSL/TLS Secure Connections with Dovecot Server

 Email Client Tools - Mail User Agents (MUA)

Mozilla Thunderbird - Mail User Agents (MUA)

 What Is Mozilla Thunderbird

 Thunderbird Installation on macOS and Windows

 Thunderbird Configuration for POP3S and SMTP

 Thunderbird to Accept POP3S Certificate Exception

 Thunderbird Configuration for IMAPS and SMTP

 Thunderbird Configuration for SMTPS Service

Manage Security Certificates on Thunderbird

 Send Message Errors on Thunderbird

 PHPMailer - PHP Package for Sending Emails

 Email Message Format and Headers


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB