Calculating Prime Numbers

This section provides a tutorial example on testing performance of an ASP script page doing prime number calculations.

The first area I want to test is integer arithmetic calculations. The following ASP page calculates prime number starting from number 3, and repeats the test many times.

<script language="vbscript" runat="server">
'  prime_numbers.asp
'  Copyright (c) 1999 by Dr. Herong Yang
'  This ASP page calculates prime numbers, and measures its performance.
   dim primes(1000)
   numberOfTests = 1
   numberOfPrimes = 1000
   t1 = now
   for nTest = 1 to numberOfTests
      ' Getting prime numbers
      nPrime = 0
      i = 2
      while nPrime < numberOfPrimes
         i = i + 1
         j = 2
         isPrime = true
         while j<i and isPrime
            isPrime = i mod j > 0
            j = j + 1
         if isPrime then
            nPrime = nPrime + 1
            primes(nPrime) = i
         end if
   t2 = now
   t = t2 - t1
   ' Displaying the results
   response.write("<b>Performance Information</b><br/>")
   response.write("Number of tests = " & numberOfTests & "<br/>")
   response.write("Time = " & _
      Hour(t)&":"&Minute(t)&":"&Second(t) & "<br/>")
   response.write("<b> " & numberOfPrimes & " prime numbers:</b><br/>")
   for n = 1 to numberOfPrimes
      response.write(primes(n) & ", ")

I run this page, and got the following result. It tells me that the page is working correctly.

Performance Information
Number of tests = 1
Time = 0:0:25
First 1000 Prime numbers:
3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, ...

I repeated the tests by changes the controlling parameters. The following table shows the results comparing with similar tests I did with other technologies:

        Number     Number      Debug   Time
Cases   of Tests   of Primes   Mode    (Sec)   Note

1.      1          1000        Yes     25      ASP with IIS 5.0
2.      1          1000        No      25      ASP with IIS 5.0
3.      1          1000        ?        0      JSP with Tomcat 4.1.18
4.      10         1000        ?        2      JSP with Tomcat 4.1.18
5.      100        1000        ?       22      JSP with Tomcat 4.1.18
6.      100        1000        ?       21      JVM HotSpot 1.3.1


Table of Contents

 About This Book

 ASP (Active Server Pages) Introduction

 IIS (Internet Information Services) 5.0

 MS Script Debugger

 VBScript Language

 ASP Built-in Run-time Objects

 ASP Session

 Creating and Managing Cookies

 Managing Sessions with and without Cookies

 scrrun.dll - Scripting Runtime DLL

 Managing Response Header Lines

Calculation Speed and Response Time

Calculating Prime Numbers

 Response Time of "Hello" Page

 ADO (ActiveX Data Object) DLL

 Working with MS Access Database

 Guest Book Application Example


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