Sagittarius - The Archer, The Ninth Zodiac Sign

This section describes the Ninth zodiac sign, Sagittarius, the Archer.

Sagittarius, the Archer, is the ninth zodiac sign in Western and Indian astrology, with the following properties:

Unicode Symbol: U+2651 ()
Name: Sagittarius
Symbol: The Archer
Tropical Sun Sign: November 23 - December 21
Sidereal Sun Sign: December 16 - January 14
Element: Fire
Ruling Body: Jupiter
Colors: Orange, Red, Teal 
Numbers: Two and Five
Day: Wednesday
Related Constellation: Sagittarius
Opposite Sign: Gemini, the Twins

Your sidereal zodiac sun sign is Sagittarius, the Archer, if you were born between December 16 - January 14. During this period, the Sun's apparent position is in the Taurus constellation area - the Sun and the Taurus constellation are in the same direction if you view them from the Earth. Sidereal zodiac sun sign is used in Indian astrology.

Your tropical zodiac sun sign is Sagittarius, the Archer, if you were born between November 23 - December 21. The period shifted, because tropical sun signs follow the equinoxes, which has been shifted for about 24 days because of the precession. Tropical zodiac sun sign is used in Western astrology.

If your sun sign is Sagittarius, the Archer, here is nice logo for you from

Sagittarius, the Archer, Zodiac Sign
Sagittarius, the Archer, Zodiac Sign

According to, Sagittarius is associated with travel and expansion. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a dynamic, intellectual, ethical, humorous, generous, open-hearted, compassionate, and energetic character, but one which is also prone to pridefulness, impulsiveness, impatience, impracticality, and blind optimism.

Many Web sites provide daily forecasts based on Western sun sign astrology. Here is an example for Sagittarius, the Archer, from Yahoo:

Quickie: You will be very irritated by crowds of people today. Seek solitude if possible.

Overview: Take yourself on an escapade, especially if you're in need of a change of pace. (Who knew that this much fun could require so much energy?) It's time to cool it down with a low-key activity.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Quick Introduction to Astrology

 Basics of Astrology and Astronomy



Introduction to Western Zodiac Signs

 What Is Western Zodiac

 Zodiac Signs and Zodiac Constellations

 Zodiac Coordinate Systems - Starting Points

 Aries, The Ram, The First Zodiac Sign

 Taurus - The Bull, The Second Zodiac Sign

 Gemini - The Twins, The Third Zodiac Sign

 Cancer - The Crab, The Fourth Zodiac Sign

 Leo - The Lion, The Fifth Zodiac Sign

 Virgo - The Virgin, The Sixth Zodiac Sign

 Libra - The Balance, The Seventh Zodiac Sign

 Scorpio - The Scorpion, The Eighth Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius - The Archer, The Ninth Zodiac Sign

 Capricorn - The Goat, The Tenth Zodiac Sign

 Aquarius - The Water Bearer, The Eleventh Zodiac Sign

 Pisces - The Fish, The Twelfth Zodiac Sign

 Horoscope and Horoscopic Astrology

 Horoscope and Planets

 Chinese Astrology and Horoscope

 Chinese Zodiac Animal Signs


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