JVM Troubleshooting Tools in JDK 1.5

This section provides quick descriptions on JVM troubleshooting tools newly introduced in JDK 1.5.

If you look at Java tools section of the JDK documentation page, you will see a group of tools called "Troubleshooting Tools":

"jinfo": Prints configuration information for a given JVM process or a Java core file on the local machine or on a remote machine through a debug server.

"jhat" - Heap Dump Browser: Starts a Web server on a Java heap dump file (eg, produced by "jmap -dump"), allowing the heap to be browsed.

"jmap" - Memory Map: Prints shared object memory maps or heap memory details of a given JVM process or a Java core file on the local machine or on a remote machine through a debug server.

"jsadebugd" - Serviceability Agent Debug Daemon: Attaches to a JVM process or a Java core file and acts as a debug server for remote tools to connect.

"jstack" - Stack Trace: Prints a stack trace of threads for a given JVM process or a Java core file on the local machine or on a remote machine through a debug server.

Note that not all functions described above are available on Windows systems. See next sections on how to use those tools provided in JDK on a Windows system.

Last update: 2015.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Java Tools Terminology

 Installing Java 8 on Windows

 'javac' - The Java Program Compiler

 'java' - The Java Program Launcher

 'jdb' - The Java Debugger

 'jconsole' - Java Monitoring and Management Console

 'jstat' - JVM Statistics Monitoring Tool

JVM Troubleshooting Tools

JVM Troubleshooting Tools in JDK 1.5

 'jinfo' - VM Option Value Checker

 Changing HotSpot VM Option using 'jinfo'

 'jstack' - Stack Tracer to Generate Thread Dump

 What Is a Thread Dump?

 Java Thread Deadlock Demo Program

 Detecting Java Thread Deadlocks with 'jstack'

 'jmap' - JVM Heap Dump Tool

 Printing Histogram of Java Object Heap

 Generating Heap Dump File with 'jmap'

 'jhat' - Java Heap Analysis Tool

 Starting 'jhat' Web Server on a Heap Dump File

 Listing Instance Counts of All Classes

 Browsing Object Instance Values

 Object Query Language (OQL)

 Searching for Instances with OQL Statements

 jvisualvm (Java VisualVM) - JVM Visual Tool

 'jar' - The JAR File Tool

 'javap' - The Java Class File Disassembler

 'keytool' - Public Key Certificate Tool

 'native2ascii' - Native-to-ASCII Encoding Converter

 Outdated Tutorials


 PDF Printing Version