"Ethereum Wallet --network test" on Ropsten Testnet

This section describes how to run 'Ethereum Wallet --network test' on Ropsten testnet.

While "geth" is downloading the blockchain from the Ropsten Testnet, let's try to run "Ethereum Wallet" to connect to the running "geth --testnet" node.

Start "Ethereum Wallet" with the "--network test" option in another command line window:

C:\>"\local\win-ia32-unpacked\Ethereum Wallet" 
   --network test --logfile wallet-test.log --loglevel trace

[INFO] (ui: splashscreen) - Network is Testnet #3 (Ropsten)
[INFO] (ui: splashscreen) - Network is Testnet #3 (Ropsten)

Wait for few seconds. You will see the Ethereum Wallet screen coming up and display the block download status. The block count matches well with the "eth.syncing" output on "geth --testnet" console.

The Ethereum Wallet screen identifies the network as Ropsten on the top right corner.

Below is a picture showing "Ethereum Wallet" connected to "geth --testnet" running separately:

Ethereum Wallet Connects to geth Testnet
Ethereum Wallet Connects to geth Testnet

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of Ethereum

 Ethereum Blockchain

 Ethereum Mist Wallet

 geth - Go Ethereum

Testnet - Ropsten network

 What Is Ethereum Testnet: Ropsten Network

 ropsten.etherscan.io - Block Explorer

 "geth --testnet" - Ethereum Node on Ropsten Network

 Ropsten Testnet Data File Location

"Ethereum Wallet --network test" on Ropsten Testnet

 Private Ethereum Network

 64-Bit "geth" for Private Ethereum Network

 Private Network with Custom Genesis Block

 Transferring Funds between Ether Accounts

 MetaMask - Browser Based Ethereum Wallet

 Managing Ethereum Account

 ethereumfaucet.info - Mining Ether with Browser


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB