"bitcoin-cli getclock" Command

This section describes how to use 'bitcoin-cli getclock' command.

If you want to learn the structure of Bitcoin blocks, you can play with the "bitcoin-cli getclock" Command as shown below.

1. Get the number of blocks that have been synchronized on my local Bitcoin Core Daemon so far.

C:\>\local\bitcoin-0.15.1\bin\bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockcount

2. Get the hash of the block at a given height.

C:\>\local\bitcoin-0.15.1\bin\bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockhash 100000

3. Get the summary of a given block hash.

C:\>\local\bitcoin-0.15.1\bin\bitcoin-cli -testnet
   getblock 00000000009e2958c15ff9290d571bf9459e93b19765c6801ddeccadbb160a1e

  "hash": "00000000009e2958c15ff9290d571bf9459e93b19765c6801ddeccadbb160a1e",
  "confirmations": 51096,
  "strippedsize": 221,
  "size": 221,
  "weight": 884,
  "height": 100000,
  "version": 2,
  "versionHex": "00000002",
  "tx": [
  "time": 1376123972,
  "mediantime": 1376122060,
  "nonce": 1005240617,
  "bits": "1c00f127",
  "difficulty": 271.7576739288896,

4. Get the hex dump of a given block hash.

C:\>\local\bitcoin-0.15.1\bin\bitcoin-cli -testnet getblock
   00000000009e2958c15ff9290d571bf9459e93b19765c6801ddeccadbb160a1e 0


Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of Bitcoin

 Bitcoin Blockchain

 Bitcoin Wallet

Bitcoin Core

 Bitcoin Core Programs

 Bitcoin Core Daemon

 Bitcoin Core CLI

 Bitcoin Core CLI Commands

 Access Bitcoin Test Network "-testnet"

 bitcoin-cli Network Commands

"bitcoin-cli getclock" Command

 bitcoin-cli Transaction Commands

 bitcoin-cli Wallet Commands

 "bitcoin-cli encryptwallet" - Set Wallet Password

 "bitcoin-cli walletpassphrase" - Unlock Wallet

 "bitcoin-cli backupwallet" - Backup Wallet

 Bitcoin Transaction

 Bitcoin-Qt - Bitcoin Core GUI

 Bitcoin Mining

 Bitcoin Consensus Rules

 Bitcoin Block Data Structure

 Bitcoin Transaction Data Structure

 Bitcoin Blockchain APIs

 Copay - Bitcoin Wallet

 Archived Tutorials


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB